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I almost don't know where to begin.

I had a session on Friday where I began talking about an issue involving my husband T took it in a completely different direction than I was prepared for. I figured the session would be relatively light; instead, it touched off something so deeply painful that, by the end, I had pretty much shut down.

Basically, my T brought up the transference dynamic going on between us, which he's never done before in such a direct manner. He said, "I think you're struggling with your feelings. You see them as inappropriate, which, by the way, I do not." I think I about stopped breathing at that point. We went on discussing how I view myself and attitudes I project onto other people and how that's isolating me. The whole time he's talking, I keep imagining myself crawling into his arms. I had this crazy hemorrhaging feeling in my chest like I was bleeding out on the floor.

Then I mentioned my inner child and the state in which she is now. At this point, my T asked if there was anything in his office that would represent her to me so that we could talk to her. His voice when he asked was so tender and gentle that it shocked me. I told him I would have to think about it because I couldn't decide on the right object then. (Honestly, I don't think there is one.)

After that, I couldn't find words anymore, so I just sat and listened to him talk. But this powerful yearning for him kept washing over me until I could feel my heart beating in my throat. What unsettled me about this so bad is that this is the first time I've experienced this feeling while present with him in session. Usually, it only arises when I'm away from him. Before, the thought of touching him terrified me; on Friday, I almost touched his hand on purpose as I was preparing to leave.

Now I'm just a giant mess. I keep trying to convince myself that my feelings aren't real, that I'm just under some sort of crazy illusion, because I don't really know him - that everything I think about him is just stuff I've projected out of my head, and how can any of that be real? And even if it is, our relationship is only temporary and I just need to get over it now so "goodbye" won't hurt so much. I'm absolutely terrified to discuss touch with him because I just know he'll say that it would be bad for me, and it's his job to protect me, and that he doesn't really touch clients anyway...yada, yada, yada. All I will hear is pity and rejection. And I'm just about as terrified at the thought of either him or me actually talking to my inner child who, incidentally, hasn't been coherent in...God knows how long. It will be really intense and painful, and the deeper the pain, the stronger I will yearn for my T and the less I will be able to reason those feelings away or keep them out of the room. Gah!

I just don't know why I can't get over this humiliation.
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(((Affinity))) I just wanted to say that you are doing some really good, tough but good, work in your therapy. These are really hard things to discuss with your T. And I love that your T is so tender and gentle when dealing with your inside kid. You're attaching, and it's normal to seek an attachment figure in the face of fear and pain. It's a sign of health, I think, though it doesn't feel so great. If you haven't been able to do that much before, it's going to be terrifying.

Do you know what your T will say regarding touch for sure? It's really hard not knowing their policy at all and having these yearnings, and being ashamed of them, and alone in that shame, because you don't feel like you can talk about it. For what it's worth, after a lot of journaling and sharing of articles, I actually found out my T was willing to incorporate touch, and it has turned out very positively in our case, but if he had said no, I know it would have been out of a sense that it was for my own good, and not from a place of judgment of those very normal, human needs (which I still regularly feel ashamed about and apologize for, so I really do get it!).

Anyway, I'm not feeling super great right now, but I read your post and wanted to at least say you're not alone in these feelings and don't have to be ashamed. Part of it might be transference related to other major figures in your life. But, part of it is just being human, finding someone who has been safe with you, and sorting out some really confusing developmental/attachment stuff that you might not be used to if you have avoided closeness with others before due to projections about your unworthiness. But, you're not unworthy. You're valuable and loved!
(((AFFINITY)))It is understandable why you are so confused and afraid right now. I've been going through a lot of these same feelings with my T, and I would skip sessions a month or more at a time because I was afraid to trust him and to become more attached to him as you are. Like you, I figured its easier to get over the attachment now then later. But our T's really do represent and give what we need fulfilled and never received. Please don't be humiliated because you need these things, your T is the one who can give it to you. I'm going through this as well, and it is very hard, and it does make for very confusing mixed feelings. I feel embarrassed at times, but I'm beginning to understand that I would not feel this way but my inner child needs this nurturing, and my adult figure at times takes over and fights to make me not want to trust and to feel embarrassed. You have to know that you are important, and you deserve to give yourself the opportunity to heal. To do this you need to keep going in the positive direction that you are, and fight hard to allow yourself to trust your T and "trust-in" your T and what he is doing to help you. He's sound wonderful and so in-tune to your needs, just let it happen, because you are "worth it".
Thank you, eme and Yaku, for your kind words.

I'm not really sure what my T's policy is on touch. I'm basing my assumption on what he would say on other conversations we've had. When I first started therapy and began experiencing transference, I asked him to promise not to touch me because the thought creeped me out and I didn't think I could handle it. Now, my feelings have changed.

I'd love to give a more in-depth response than this, but I'm massively tired and struggling to get out even this little bit. I'm supposed to see T tomorrow, so we'll see what happens. I'm hoping I'll find the courage to speak.

You guys are the best. Hug two
(((Affinity))) I know this is really painful, confusing and overwhelming right now but I think you're doing really good work.

I think as you move closer to your T, I think it is triggering memories of what relationships felt like for you as a young child and wholly dependent. It truly was life and death then, our need to stay close and we are biologically wired to move closer to get our needs met. But when we do that and get hurt, it can truly warp our perceptions of relationships and how they should work. Our needs and instincts drive us closer, but our experience says we should flee.

I had really surpressed a sense of my own needs, so much so that I actually had a panic attack once when my T asked me what I wanted. I hated my needs because they were what keep driving me to go back to my father and be betrayed and hurt over and over again. So I decided my needs were the problems. But those needs weren't the problem. The problem was how my father exploited them.

I think that you are starting to trust your T enough that those unmet needs for care, attunement, acceptance and compassion are asserting themselves. They are SO intense because that's how it felt when we were kids.

All of that talk to yourself about the relationship not being real or its just going to end, and you not knowing him? These are attempts to devalue the relationship so you do not continue on the "dangerous" path of moving closer. I don't want to lie, it is painful because as we move closer, the feelings and losses emerge, but it's worth it I think.

And wow, I have also struggled with feeling like this is just constant humiliation. But I want to ask you something. I know the feelings of humiliation are very real, but has your T ever acted in any way to deliberately humiliate you?

I realized for the first time in a recent session that I was actually ashamed of the relationship with my father. I knew I felt ashamed of what happened and what I did, but had never quite thought of it that way. My T said I was ashamed of the relationship and it shot through me. And I finally realized that I had let that sense of shame spill over on to my relationship with him. I have always felt like my love and need for my T was something illicit, that I should be embarrassed to feel. I have been trying to take in the radical thought that my early relationships tainted all of my attachment behaviors with shame and that actually, my feelings for my T, having needs, reaching out to other people are all behaviors that are GOOD things and nothing to be ashamed of. Such a completely foreign concept.

Your T sounds like a very solid one and I think you are in good hands, which I know doesn't really help the terror. And don't be too scared of hearing "no." Some of my best work has been done around no. And you are talking about a pretty complicated dynamic around touch for you so I think its important for you to examine it.

Hang in there, it will get better.

Affinity, I totally agree with AG. STAY with this. I have felt exactly what you are feeling and it will try to overpower us. This is some of the transforming work that will slowly unfold and heal us.Plow through it!! Just had a similar session on Friday and will return today to continue. This is very hard on us. My T was so gentle and calm and told me he has to be cautious with me because of past boundary violations with significant others. I bet your T knows just what you're trying to work through. Sometimes they just don't say it. And....they do know how scary and painful this is. Let him help you. My T did touch me on the shoulder three times in the past and he does not remember...I do. It was pivitol for me but he is drawing the line at hugging. I want to hug him, not for him to hug me, just out of genuine gratitude. Hey, I hear California therapists hug! I've been trying to put myself in Ts position and thinking how would I deal with me. It's been very thought provoking and he thought it was a good technique.
(((AG))) My T has never deliberately humiliated me, but he did once say something on the phone near the beginning of our relationship that sounded belittling in my ears. (I can't even repeat it because of the amount of shame it provokes.) I know he probably said it to try to lighten the mood at the time, but I took it in a bad way. Every time I think about contacting him outside of session, I hear these words in my head and stop. I haven't talked to him about this because it feels like the shame might literally kill me.

(((Very Hopeful))) I don't think I could hug my T, but a handshake would be ok. I have session in just a couple of hours and I already feel like hell. This one is going to be tough.
(((Affinity))) You know what I'm going to say right? You need to talk to your T about what he said on the phone. One of the things I most definitely learned about myself in therapy (both individual and marital) was how often I assumed what the other person is feeling or thinking, without ever checking in. If this bothered you enough that you still cannot speak of it, that is indicative of a very deep wound, more than likely not one of your T's making, but evoked by his wording. And I would bet a large sum of money he did not mean it the way you heard it. Therapy provides us a safe way to look at these reactions and why we are having them.

I think this is really important because it is interfering in your therapy and your ability to use your T as a resource. I know the shame feels like it will kill you, please trust me I know. But unfortunately, it doesn't actually kill you. But I will tell you in all the times I have gone to my T with a deep sense of shame (which seriously I have lost track of at this point), unfailingly I have felt better.

Not sure if you've ever read this particular post but it might help: The Paradox of Shame - Part I (and sorry, there is a part 2 Smiler)

The only way through shame is to speak of it. What a sucky system, but its the only one we have.

I hope the session, though hard, leaves you in a better place.

Affinity I am SO sorry you are feeling devastated. I really do understand.

I think it's important to clarify (with your T) if the feelings you feel for your T are that of a child needing attachment or some type of erotic transference or eroticized transference (yes, there is a difference). If you have attachment wounds, then I believe it's your inner child that is longing for the nurturing touch/contact with T. Most people with attachment injury do not tend to eroticize the transference. I ask this because I think T's are more apt to touch or feel comfortable with the use of touch if it's nurturing the inner child.

So let me ask you... do you feel like you want to crawl into T's lap and you feel small like a child? Do you long to sit as his feet as he reads you a story? Or maybe you want to color or play games or do puzzles? These are very much inner child longings.

As for the touch conversation. Oh wow do I know how badly that can go. I was seeing my T for almost a year when I brought that up (seemingly to him out of the blue) and it did not go well AT ALL. I know there are posts about it on here somewhere. It was just about a deal-breaker for me. Let me explain that my T does shake hands coming and going. He may also pat my arm once in awhile. But I wanted to explore more touch usage. I felt that I really craved it while at the same time being terrified of getting close to him. Can you say whiplash?

I approached him about firstly about hugs. He said NO ONE ON THAT SIDE OF THE ROOM TOUCHES ME. Yikes... I thought I would die on the spot. He went on to elaborate a bit and it just got worse and worse and he dug himself in deeper and deeper. He admitted to me later on that he gave me a "piss-poor" response and apologized. We have discussed the topic gingerly on and off through the years. He told me that only 2 clients ever hugged him and they were both leaving therapy and one was a GUY LOL. He is just not personally comfortable with hugging. Okay fine. I learned to accept that because, frankly, he is such a wonderful T and he means alot to me.

Fast forward... I was about to go into the hospital for a procedure and was pretty scared and anxious. He was trying to calm me and I decided to ask him if he would hold my hand for a minute so I could remember that and take it with me into the OR. I joked that he was just like shaking hands without the up and down motion LOL. He smiled and moved closer to me and held out his hand. I took his hand nervously and could not even bear to look at him. I pulled away like my hand was burning. I was scared that I held it too long. He didn't say anything but offered it again and I took it and tried to look at him. His eyes were kind and understanding and that was the most powerful moment I ever shared with him in 3.5 years. I took that feeling with me into the hospital and it did me so much good. It was way better than a hug.

I asked for his hand one other time. I was struggling with the attachment... fearful of it but yearning for the closeness of him. He willingly gave me his hand again and it was so connecting for me.

We discussed both instances and he told me that he knew me well enough to understand the child needed this contact and reassurance and he knew my needs were not sexualized in any way and he felt comfortable with the touch.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I was so devasted after our first conversation but we kept talking about it and kept working together and found another way to get through this. It was really hard at times but it was well worth it and I am SO glad I didn't allow that first "no" to destroy our relationship.

Sending hugs,
(((TAS))) Hug two

(((TN))) Thanks for sharing your experience. It has helped.

I've been seeing my T for about three months now. Yeah, I know, I'm a real newbie to be in this deep. As far as the transference goes, the majority of it is little girl stuff. That was my feeling when I imagined him holding me. However, when both my pain and my warmth toward him are at their peak, it can turn erotic. So far, that only happens outside of session.

As I've said before, I'm not asking my T to hug me. I do think that would be too much touch for me. And today, my T gave perfectly valid, rational reasons for withholding touch. What is just so hurtful to me is that he does touch other clients, and while I know he's trying to protect me, his refusal to even shake my hand just reinforces my belief that I am too damaged for human contact - that no touch is safe for me. And now I'm kicking myself for being so honest and vulnerable and letting him see my wounded self, because maybe if I hadn't he'd treat me like a "normal" client.
Affinity please don't beat yourself up about being honest or open with your T. I don't know a lot about your background and your T may have his reasons. I also think that maybe he feels he just does not know you well enough. Some T's have an across the board policy which is probably better if they don't want to offer touch. I can totally understand his reaction making you feel "untouchable". I just think at this point you are not with him long enough and you may have to wait a bit before bringing up the conversation again. And yes, I know that you are saying "hell no never again" but it's important and deserves more discussion. I would definitely ask him why he feels that a businesslike handshake would be dangerous or harmful. Allow him to explain his views. Tell him it makes you feel untouchable.

All of what this topic evokes is worth discussing because you will access past feelings that need to be explored and processed. Oh and BTW, with my oldT I would verge on those erotic feelings when I was away from him but when I was with him I would just want to crawl into his lap or sit at his feet. With my current T I just have the child urges and not the erotic type ones... and that could be because I was so badly hurt by my oldT that those feelings have been suppressed as too dangerous. Jury is still out on that.

(((Affinity))) I am sorry as I also heard a "no" (but to anything but a handshake). My T has an across the board rule about no hugs. It is really painful to hear this no, but its important to keep talking about how you're feeling. I totally understand it evoking that feeling that you are untouchable, but that is NOT why your T is withholding touch. His witholding is about caring for you and doing what he believes is best for you. FWIW, a couple of years after my T told me no about hugs, and after spending a number of sessions discussing touch, I had a breakthrough session dealing with how I experienced touch outside of therapy and felt in a very deep visceral way how very important for me it was that my T did not hold me. It would have really confused me and messed with my head. That doesn't mean that I don''t ever feel longings to be held (and it can be painful to read about other people getting that from their therapist's) but I actually agree with my therapist about that boundary.

It has helped me to keep clear about what I can get out of therapy and what I can't. Even if my T had held me, it would not have made the loss of safe touch from my father disappear. But it might have covered it over. Not getting the hug from my T helped me go past him to the source of the pain and deal with my loss.

And this is so painful because it is evoking your losses, and when you did not have disruptions repaired nor were you attended to when disappointed and in pain this can feel so threatening to the relationship. But the reparative part here is that although the answer is a painful no, you are not alone in that pain. Your T can walk through it with you and allow you to express it and help comfort you through it. You did the right thing to allow him to see your wounded self, it is how you will heal. Just keep talking about all these feelings. It will get better.

And I just want to be clear that while I understand your T's answer, there is NOTHING wrong with you wanting to be held or touched. That is normal and healthy for a human being. Nor was there anything wrong with you asking; actually it was very courageous of you to do. I know that this feels like you risked opening up and just got hurt again but hang in there, this is different but it takes a while to see it. I am sorry though, I know it feels like your heart is breaking.

Thank you all for the wonderful advice. I appreciate it. Really. But today it's falling on deaf ears. I'm just so hurt and angry right now. Every wound in my soul is raw and aching. I don't know how I'm going to talk to him on Friday. I may just sit and stare at the floor again. I want to cry, but my stupid body won't let me, so I've got this mountain of pain sitting hot and heavy on my chest that refuses to budge. I'm so tempted to crawl back into the dark and seal the exits so he can't see me.

Would it help to talk to us here about how angry and hurt you are feeling and why? Maybe you need to process it somewhere you feel safe before going back to see your T. Maybe it will help you go back to see him.

I know anything we say right now will just not get through because you are so hurt and that is fine. Be kind to yourself and stay out here in the light.

I will talk about it since I have come to know this as a helpful place.

This has required some thought and there are a couple of different dynamics playing out for me in this situation, but here's at least part of my angst:

Pretty much all of my life, people have said to me, "Oh, Affinity, you are so smart and wise and special." But then they have turned around and said, "You're a little naïve, though, so I'm keeping you from X to protect you." In many cases, these things were purely innocent and things I wanted very much. A few times I resisted this 'protection,' but many times I just went along with their reasoning because their reasons seemed good.

But then I often discovered later on that this 'protection' was merely a form of control. Many of these people claiming to protect me either abused/betrayed me outright (exposing me to things I really DID need to be protected from) or simply refused to accept or respect me as a person.

Now, I know my T accepts and respects me and, at some level, even loves me. But when he says, "I'm doing this for your protection," what I really hear is, "You're a little kid who is too naïve to understand that X is bad." I can tell myself all day long that it's different this time, but it absolutely FEELS the same - especially in the face of knowing that he does this for other clients. And there's a grown woman inside of me screaming WHEN THE F**K DO I GET TO PROTECT MYSELF?? TO DECIDE FOR MYSELF?? Because if there's one thing on this planet I absolutely cannot stand, it's feeling powerless.

And I have felt powerless for a very, very long time.

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