Yes, it is very painful. In my session last week I specifically addressed the things I had heard when I divulged the realization that I was experiencing this transference. I told my T each thing I remembered hearing, how I interpreted her meaning, and how I felt as a result. I also told her what I had needed to hear and feel from her, and my feelings and thoughts when I didn't. I didn't hold back, was very honest and direct, which for me isn't easy, but I felt was necessary if I were to even hope to continue on my therapeutic journey. I do believe that she never meant to hurt me, that she was trying to validate me, but just wasn't using the right words to get through to me. Which she acknowledged. And apologized for. I also believe that she does understand, and doesn't think any less of me for all this, which she also said.
My problem is that, while on a logical level I understand and accept and believe all that, my emotional side isn't buying it. Since I posted, I've wondered if I feel so disconnected to my T because I am so appalled to feel anything for her beyond what I feel is reasonable. I never wanted to view her in a maternal way, in fact was hyper-vigilant to make sure I didn't start to feel this way. It seems like such a betrayal of the therapist/client relationship. I don't want to feel that I need my T to hold, comfort, soothe me, as if I were a child. I don't want to form any kind of attachment to her beyond what is reasonable. I just want her to be there for 50 minutes every week, listen to me, help clarify things when I have questions or doubts, and offer suggestions when I'm stuck. I don't want to have this need to rely on her for anything beyond what is reasonable.
Does any of this make sense?
Musical Me