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Hey NN

I understand your frustration -- therapy is such an odd thing... I think that you need to determine what, exactly, "going somewhere" means. Use your therapist as a sounding board (meaning, determine your expectation in the session). I TOTALLY get you in regards to the relationship issue you're experiencing and how precious time is -- but, it wasn't until I set these anxieties down to figure out what I really wanted from myself that I've been able to start making some progress with my initial concerns.

I think that I went to therapy with the idea that I had a problem to solve -- I often still walk in there with that mindset. Unfortunately, it's more about uncovering, layer by layer, our authenticity. My temper flares when I don't get the answers I am looking for -- like how do I solve my distrust of people? Or become more patient? My therapist always pushes the questions back into my lap for good reason -- he isn't god and cannot solve my life for me. He's more like a guide, walking me step by step through the process of self-exploration.

Hang in there! Keep going -- not to scare you, but it took me over a year to put down my masks...
Thanks HollyBaby and QueenGrey your comments were helpful. H- I will tell him how I feel about our sessions next time. When I started with him, he kept pushing me to move on - but I wasnt ready to do that until I sensed he really understood the depth of the problem and who I am . Now we've delved so much into the past, I really do want the guidance to move on.

Q- Your comment about finding the authenticity rather than finding one specific answer is helpful - I know I went in thinking (and I think everyone wants this!) that in three sessions, he can figure out my problem, tell me what I have to do - or sometimes just the realization is enough for the person to move on. I have a couple of friends who said this about therapy and I kept hoping it would happen to me!

Thanks you both had alot to say. It still may be transference and I hope to find that out.

I should also mention that he wrote a book and the book is amazing. Its how I found him so I know from reading his writing that he "gets it". I'm just not sure he "gets me" just yet.

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