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My first forum post, whoo hoo! I've been lurking here for a little while, but then I saw what an understanding group of people you are and decided to give it a shot.

I've been seeing this male therapist in his 50's (I'm 26), and we hit it off right away. My sister was also seeing him separately from me (and still is), but we haven't discussed our problems with each other during sessions. So this man (I'll call him Richard) became like a father/uncle figure to me. I would look forward to sessions, and I loved sharing my problems with him, laughing together, and developing fun inside jokes. My real uncle died from suicide almost eight years ago, and he was also really cool and fun, although in a different way than Richard. Also, with Richard, I had the kind of intimacy and disclosure of personal stuff that I never had with my uncle.

So I enjoyed this bond with Richard until one day he sent me a text, saying that he won't be accepting HIP Medicaid anymore because they cut his rates, so I need to switch my insurance. That text felt like a kick in the gut because I faced the reality that our relationship was truly based on money, and Richard doesn't care about me as a human being. My mom and grandma also told me that if he valued me as a patient, he would make an exception and see me despite the reduced rate of HIP. I got very upset and felt betrayed and hurt. I realized that I mean nothing to Richard, and that I'm insanely jealous of his kids because he loves them in such a way that he could never love me. Frowner

I felt overwhelmed, so I called this therapist my sister used to see a few years ago (I'll call her Beatrice) and asked if I could see her. I told her about the whole issue with Richard, and she suggested I talk to him and tell him the full extent of my feelings. I wrote him a letter, and when Richard read it, he didn't respond in the way I was hoping. I wanted him to be gentle and understanding, to tell me how proud he is of me for taking such a risk. Instead, he was frustrated and upset about the way I thought of him as a greedy guy, who's only after money. He said that if I wasn't able to change my insurance, he would have made an exception and seen me anyway. And when I asked him how to go about resolving my transference, he acted like it was super normal and there's no need to do anything about it. As long as I'm not stalking him at his house or sending him declarations of love, it's OK to feel this attachment. I was pissed because of course it's all fine and dandy for Richard to have a girl like me admire him and look up to him, while I'm dying inside.

I went back to Beatrice, and she told me to talk to Richard another time and tell him that he hurt me by not giving me the response I wanted. I did that, and Richard said that the reason he responded that way was because he was hurt too at my assumption of him being only after money. He also said that he put a lot of time and energy into me, and would be upset if he lost me as a patient.Heart face So we parted on OK terms, but I still wasn't sure if seeing Richard would hurt me more than it helped me. I told Richard I would call him, and after a month of debating and considering, I decided to part with Richard and see Beatrice.

I worked with Beatrice on the Richard problem, as well as my other problems, and she advised me to write Richard a letter to get some closure and tell him I didn't leave because I was mad at him, and that I hope to see him again one day. Because Father's Day was coming up, I sent him a Father's Day e-card. I thought the worst that could happen was that Richard would say, "Thanks for the card, but it wasn't appropriate in the relationship you and I have." But he did even worse: he ignored me, leaving me clueless as to whether he appreciated my thought or was annoyed to get a card from me.

And now, for several months, I've been seeing Beatrice. I like her a lot: she's really kind and empathetic, smart, and a fantastic therapist. However, I miss Richard like crazy. I always think about him and how great it would be if I could go back to him and he could be part of my life again. What's stopping me is the fear that I'll get even more attached, and such an attachment can't be healthy because we can never have the relationship I long for. So I don't know what to do, and seeing as a lot of you on here have experienced transference, I decided to turn to you guys. Please let me know what you think (if you read this far without falling asleep Smiler ).
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Welcome to the forum Black-tea!

I think if I am to give my opinion I would say that you are already on the right path, and that speaking so openly about your feelings with your new T and having her feedback and support is probably as good as it gets when it comes to overcoming the affects of transference.

Transference seems to be one of those things that is bitter-sweet. Well this is my opinion anyway. The feelings are overwhelmingly beautiful when you are permitted to feel them, but they are also devastatingly painful when you reflect and realise that the "closeness" you feel is one sided, and that those feelings that you feel for your T will never be reciprocated. It is very painful to acknowledge that.

I am tempted to say that I am sorry that you had to suffer from these feelings, but I also know that part of the bitter -sweet experience would have provided you with a level of comfort, closeness, trust and care that you may otherwise never have known.

I have to say, having experienced deep levels of transference myself, and after having been abandoned by my T (most probably for those exact reasons) I am scared sh#tless of ever experiencing those feelings again. For you to have found a supportive and understanding T so soon afterwards is truly a blessing. Hold onto your new T and lean on her to help you through this difficult time. It takes a long time to get over.

Hi and welcome!

It sounds like you've been through a really hard experience already. Navigating transference is never easy even with the best circumstances. I don't have a lot of advice, but I wanted to point out that if you email a T, they won't necessarily get your email. Sometimes it could end up in a spam folder. So if you really want to get some closure with that relationship, I would recommend that you call him and schedule a last session to say goodbye. That way there will be less room for misunderstanding.
Thanks for your replies. BLT, I know he did get the e-card because I got a notification that he viewed it. Also, maybe I wasn't clear on this, but I don't want to say goodbye. If I decide to see Richard again, it means I'll be going back for good. I just don't know if it's the right choice. Other than that snag, he did help me, but mostly because I tried hard and took his advice to make him proud of me.

Born2write, I'm curious about your experience with transference and how you resolved it. You don't have to tell me, of course, it's just to help me feel less alone.
Hi, Black_tea,

To answer your question, unfortunately I didn't resolve it. My therapy was terminated and I am yet to overcome that. Wish I had a more positive answer for you. I have done some in depth reflection, but truthfully I was left a mess. My situation is different to yours though in that my available options did not present an opportunity to simply go to another T, but if it had I am not sure if I would have had the courage either. Long story.

So...I've got an update. I've been toying with the idea for a while now of going back to Richard, and imagining how he would feel if I just showed up one day. I actually almost did it a few months ago, but chickened out because of the whole conflict of "Should I stay and risk getting more attached, or leave for good?" But about a month ago, I bit the bullet and did it. I saw him.

I was talking to my grandma about Beatrice and my relationship with her, what we talk about, etc. And she asks me, "Do you want to go back to Richard?" (she knows the whole story), and I was like, "Of course. I always want to see him." She said that she wouldn't want me to do it, and was trying to prove that he doesn't care about me. "If you wrote to him and he didn't respond, it means he doesn't want to talk to you. If he cared about your feelings, he would offer you to come in and talk about things, to make you feel secure." And I was arguing that she doesn't know what's really in his head; you can only find out that kind of stuff by talking to someone.

So I realized I've had enough and decided to ambush Richard.Razzer I was sick of all this speculation, and figured that at least I'd see from his reaction if he wants to see me. Of course the proper thing to do was to call and make an appointment, but if I did that, Richard would know I was coming and be able to compose himself in time. Anyway, I went over to his office, and after waiting outside and debating about whether or not I should go in, I took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell.

Richard buzzed me in, and I stepped into the waiting room, wanting to run, but staying put. And then he was opening the door and waving hi to me. I was surprised at how casual he seemed, until the cogs in his brain hummed to life and the realization hit him that I wasn't his next patient, but the girl he hadn't seen in eight months and five days. lol

" Excuse me?" he said, as I grinned nervously. "You came by to say hi to me?" I was silent. "Something happened?" I still couldn't find my voice. "I'm glad to see you, wait right here."

"You are?" I squealed, delighted. Cloud Nine So I waited, relieved that he didn't act cold or say, "Sorry, I can't see you without an appointment."

Anyway, we talked for a bit, and I told him that if I go back to him, I want to work on the transference issue because it hasn't gotten better with not seeing him. I did admit that I was seeing someone else, but didn't want to tell him it was Beatrice (they know each other, though not well). I told Richard that I had no idea this whole time what he was thinking, and he said that he missed me and felt awkward about the thing that happened between us. Then I asked, "So why didn't your respond to my card?" "What are you talking about? You mean your letter?" "No, the e-card I sent you on Father's Day." And he swore, up and down, that he never got the card. I told him I got a notification from American Greetings that he read the card, and he said that he opened it, then thought it was spam or a virus (it didn't say my name) and deleted it. I opened up my e-mail on his computer to show him, and he said that he would have responded if he had known it was from me. Smiler

Richard said that he may have to talk to my current therapist about the transference, if I wanted to return to him, and his attitude was "I would like to see you, if that's what you want, but since you're seeing someone else and you're stable, maybe you shouldn't make the switch." I told him I'll think about it and let him know, and that's how we left things.

I haven't told anyone about what happened, except for Beatrice, and was amazed at how wonderful she was about the whole thing. She was happy for me that I took such a big step forward and talked to Richard, instead of marinating in my feelings. And she said she'd miss me if I go, but would fully support me if I decide on Richard. I couldn't believe that I finally have a therapist, who cares more about my feelings than about the money she gets from me. Smiler Even though I miss Richard like crazy, I wouldn't feel too good at the prospect of never seeing Beatrice again. I have so much respect for her, and feel that she's, first and foremost, a person with integrity and compassion. I just wish I could keep them both in my life. Confused

Sorry this is so long, but I just wanted to give you guys the full picture.
Hi Smiler we haven't met yet I'm Diva *shakes hand* I don't post as often as I did last year but I read your transference story and I would like to just give my input.

It sounds like you and Richard had a great relationship but I dont agree with him on what he did to you. If I were you, I would stick with Beatrice. I think if you were making strides with her and you feel good and she's helping you over forward from him, you can only continue to go forward on many other things. It reminds me a lil bit of me and my former Ts. I've seen a total of 6 Ts since I was 14 (I'm 21 now) and my current T has been the one I have the greatest strides with. Before her though, the other T that I was seeing was pretty great too. As I look back though, I realized she wasn't really able to help me on a lot of things like I had told myself she did. She was good, don't get me wrong, but the whole termination part was handled all wrong. I didn't have a choice in the matter because I was only able to see her until I was 18, so I knew it was coming but other factors came in that made the termination come even earlier than the expected date. When I started seeing current T, she was able to help me with those abandonment issues among many other things even though I so badly wanted to go back to my other T in the beginning and was constantly comparing the 2. After a few months, I came to accept that no matter how much I liked former T and at times wished I could still go back to her, I knew I would've just kind of stayed in the same place I was if I chose to go back to her after current T had already helped me to move forward.

Ultimately, I wish you the best in your decision and hope that whoever you choose will help you to continue to move forward Smiler we're all here for you Smiler

Hi BlackTea,

I want to write more but am really tired now. I just came across this, however, and thought of you:

And if our practice is less than full at the time, or our personal finances are not what we’d like them to be, we may bump into financial fear. The fact of our business is that our livelihood is very much tied into getting and keeping clients. Many therapists fear their own financial hunger and, in an effort to prove they are not acting on their own desires, may join clients’ treatment-destructive resistance, and help them to go. I’ve seen therapists do this in a variety of ways, such as sending termination letters, bills, not returning calls when clients cancel or quit via voice message or email, or agreeing to termination without asking if the client would like the therapist’s thoughts on the decision or if the therapist has a say.

In fact, in letting clients leave without attempting to discuss things, we may be rejecting them, or colluding with a pattern of rejection in their lives.In fact, in letting clients leave without attempting to discuss things, we may be rejecting them, or colluding with a pattern of rejection in their lives. For some clients it may be therapeutic to help them stay; they may be relieved that they are wanted and not so readily let go of.
hi blacktea!
it sounds like a very hard decision considering your history with your ex T (R) and the fact that your new T (B) has been so good to you.

seeing things from the sidelines with no emotional investment, I would say stick with B, she sounds a lot more stable, like she has her stuff figured out therefore is in a much better place to help you, like she's been doing already. R on the other hand, even if he was happy to see you, i dont think he should have allowed 'the awkward' thing to happen between you two, i think if he was more experienced / capable, he would have been able to sort things out. I hope my view doesn't sting, as i know how it is when you are attached to someone and idealise them in a way. at the end of the day, its your decision and following your heart is very important. go with your gut.
i hope it goes well for you.


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