Hi Summer.
I found your post highly interesting.. I didn't think there was anyone who had a T that
experienced Counter Transference.. Is this what your T said he had for you ? What kind of feelings did he admit to you? How does he resolve them? I can only imagine that your feelings intensified so much that you almost left therapy. I think I would be inclined, to as well! It's hard enough!!! I'm glad that it turned out to be healing for you !!!
My T denied any feelings towards me and maybe that's for the best..I don't know. If he feels
uncomfortable with expressing it or feels like it wouldn't be good for him or me to express it to me, I will have to trust him on that.. We are all human.. I don't know if things will change about me wanting to express my Transference.. it may come down to my feelings just becoming so transparent and obvious that it cannot be ignored!!! I am REALLY hoping that my feelings do subside down to a level where they do not show and I've got a good understanding about why they are there.. I mean, I think anyone would be naturally endeared or fall in love with someone who has listened to your most deepest thoughts and feelings without judgement, criticism, laughing... someone who also has who has given you undivided attention,help,support,encouragement.. it's a no brainer LOL
I agree with you that the mental torment has been worse than the emotional torment!!!
Yes, try the rubber band for a day and see if it helps. I used to just use thought stopping but it didn't work way as well. When you pull the rubber band (gently) against the back of your hand you will feel a slight stinging.. Your mind then goes to that feeling, which then distracts you from your thoughts/feelings about your T.. Do as often as you notice you thinking about hin and as the days go by you will find you are snapping it less.. By now, I know that there is nothing we can do to completely stop these feelings, so I just accept them, but I know that I can manage and control them in frequency.. so they don't cause mental torment. I think it's also good to mentally know after you snap the band and say "Stop it! That's enough for today!" why you are saying it.. it's for my own good.. I mean if nothing is to
happen between me and my T. and I understand that the relationship is not based on reality but idealization and fantasy, why, allow all this torment and pain!? Therapy is a strange beast.. I, personally, can't wait until it is over! It's been both a blessing and a curse!

ps. On a lighter note, I really wish there was a horse Avatar available.. somehow seeing the Mona Lisa and my signature name seems.. not quite right! LOL OK, I will live with it!
Best, Flicka