AG you're such a hoser anyway!
quote:and I write really really long sentences. Oh, is that not one of them? :P
No, I'm sure that's one of them, because I checked that box too.

quote:It reminds me again how very likely it is that what I reacted to was actually trauma, or that I at least reacted to it as though it were.
It's the same thing.

Hey Wynne, you sound really normal to me. But as I once said to JM you have to consider the source.
A hoser.
I'm glad it's helping you, being here, its really nice getting to know you.
A hoser.

I'm glad it's helping you, being here, its really nice getting to know you.
I also wanted to thank you for your earlier post, AG. The quote that threw me off and felt like it shut down my brain was:
My reaction to this statement was much like the first time I said I was mad at my T and he apologized for something he'd done wrong. I just didn't get it. I still don't believe it. But I think it's a fascinating notion! And JM, as you might expect, is probably spot on:
Thanks for all.
quote:You should not have had to live like that; your birthright was to be cared for, loved and protected. I'm really sorry you didn't have that.
My reaction to this statement was much like the first time I said I was mad at my T and he apologized for something he'd done wrong. I just didn't get it. I still don't believe it. But I think it's a fascinating notion! And JM, as you might expect, is probably spot on:
quote:I don’t believe it is because you don’t want to, but your brain is just having a hard time comprehending something different than its been told all this time.

I completely understand. It took me years of therapy to be able to hear it (I'm a little slow
) and even more time to believe it. I really can vividly remember what it feels like when you first start to look at this stuff. Its like someone is speaking to you in a completely foreign language.
For a neurobiological standpoint, your brain structure has very weak pathways around these ideas so you have no place to put them so to speak. That's one of the things therapy is about, learning new ways to think.
And you're right about both things, JM was spot on and I do expect her to be spot on.
I completely understand. It took me years of therapy to be able to hear it (I'm a little slow

For a neurobiological standpoint, your brain structure has very weak pathways around these ideas so you have no place to put them so to speak. That's one of the things therapy is about, learning new ways to think.
And you're right about both things, JM was spot on and I do expect her to be spot on.

"hoser" ??? paleeeeeze....NOONE says that here any more!
How cay you hear a Canadian accent when I'm writing? Do i 'type' Canadian??
quote:"hoser" ??? paleeeeeze....NOONE says that here any more!
LOL! Yeah, that kinda died along w/ "Take off, eh!" But we'll never let you live it down.

Ok, maybe.

quote:Y'all the talkative bunch eyh!
Whenever I see a "eyh" I hear Canadian. It's this undefinable sound that only a Canadian can pronounce correctly, but even more impressively, can make it sound natural.

FYI: eh, or eyh, is also a yooper term. Yooper= Resident of da U.P. (Michigan's Upper Peninsula.) Yoopers say, "I live in da U.P. eh." and they call us trolls because we live "under da bridge." (south of Mackinaw bridge)
Just a little bit of useless information I thought I'd share.

Just a little bit of useless information I thought I'd share.

My own little silly FYI's:
Californians do not call San Francisco "Frisco" or Orange County "The OC" and we certainly don't say "fer sure" or "like" or "dude." This is how we natives can readily spot the transplants.
Funny how these things come about, eyh? (Did I say it right?)
Californians do not call San Francisco "Frisco" or Orange County "The OC" and we certainly don't say "fer sure" or "like" or "dude." This is how we natives can readily spot the transplants.
Funny how these things come about, eyh? (Did I say it right?)
CALIFORNIA...I bet its warm there. 
But you can't point to your right palm and show people where you live.

But you can't point to your right palm and show people where you live.

Oh DUDE, that is, like, such a bummer! 

Heh. I think you folks clearly need another forum/thread location for chitchat.
Once you get it goin' there's clearly lots to be said! And I haven't seen any posts that talk about stuff like this.
You must admit it'd be a bit jarring for folks to come in and see you talking about the UP under this title. And even California's not _that_ bad! :P

You must admit it'd be a bit jarring for folks to come in and see you talking about the UP under this title. And even California's not _that_ bad! :P
We did wander rather far off track, didn't we?
Of course, new people should probably know what they're getting into.
But back on subject, how are you doing?
Of course, new people should probably know what they're getting into.

But back on subject, how are you doing?
quote:I think you folks clearly need another forum/thread location for chitchat.
I think that would be in the coffee talk thread. LOL But hey, sometimes things just come up spontaneously.
Yoopers have transference too.

More on the subject...How ARE you doing??
Anybody experience any transferenc lately? LOL.
Sorry I am such a Smart @$$.

Heh. I didn't mean to critique, or shift it back mewards. At least, not too much - I'll admit to wanting someone to ask me that, at the very least. Transparent bugger, ain't I? 
I just (just!) had group therapy - weekly Thing - and it's just so intense in there, it's hard to even stay in the room (let alone be "present"). Plus, Guy next to me twitched at one point and practically had me jumping through the plaster. Boo. And I haven't managed to ask him to not twitch like that yet - since in 10 years of training there hasn't been anything I have managed to dial down my startle response.
So I ain't doin' so hot. Yesterday it was a fight to go outside; I was afraid to go outside again. S'what started me in therapy to begin with - I spent a summer rather alarming indoors, like I said. I called some friends and eventually found an available one, and we met at an outdoor locale; worked pretty well. But I didn't get any work done to speak of.
I'm having a pretty strong reaction, I think, to being home and around my dad this extended weekend for the funeral. I always just act like I act at home when I'm home, and it's only later on that I realize I was stressed out of my mind. I generally realize it 'cause I can't unclench my jaw, I've been grinding my teeth, get nightmares, can barely sit up straight from the tension in my shoulders, and the like. *sigh*
So... that way, I think. You? You Yoopers n'all?

I just (just!) had group therapy - weekly Thing - and it's just so intense in there, it's hard to even stay in the room (let alone be "present"). Plus, Guy next to me twitched at one point and practically had me jumping through the plaster. Boo. And I haven't managed to ask him to not twitch like that yet - since in 10 years of training there hasn't been anything I have managed to dial down my startle response.
So I ain't doin' so hot. Yesterday it was a fight to go outside; I was afraid to go outside again. S'what started me in therapy to begin with - I spent a summer rather alarming indoors, like I said. I called some friends and eventually found an available one, and we met at an outdoor locale; worked pretty well. But I didn't get any work done to speak of.
I'm having a pretty strong reaction, I think, to being home and around my dad this extended weekend for the funeral. I always just act like I act at home when I'm home, and it's only later on that I realize I was stressed out of my mind. I generally realize it 'cause I can't unclench my jaw, I've been grinding my teeth, get nightmares, can barely sit up straight from the tension in my shoulders, and the like. *sigh*
So... that way, I think. You? You Yoopers n'all?
Hi Wynne, Sorry about the intensity of your experience today. I have a hair trigger startle response sometimes too. The rest of what you describe also sounds so much like the responses that Dude was talking about on Monday. Do you ever feel like you need to climb outside of your body for a minute until the over stimulation calms down? I know I feel that way sometimes. Other times I go and hide under my blankets when it gets too bad. I used to drink alcohol, but I am 65 days sober today and learning to deal with my traumas w/o medicating. It is a much more lively experience to say the least. LOL!
It’s good to hear from you and hope you don’t mind my smart-alecky banter. I kinda think you can take it and even dish it out if the conditions are favorable. LOL
It’s good to hear from you and hope you don’t mind my smart-alecky banter. I kinda think you can take it and even dish it out if the conditions are favorable. LOL

quote:Do you ever feel like you need to climb outside of your body for a minute until the over stimulation calms down?
I wish I knew how to do this. Sometimes my mind just goes blank, and I forget what folks were talking about - this happens in one-on-one therapy sometimes, too, but rarely in group. And some days it feels like I'm in a fog and can't get out of it. But actually getting out of my body for a little while until it calms down sounds like it would be _useful_.

And what part of what the dude was saying does this sound like? I'm sure it's relevant, I just don't know quite how.

And indeed, I can take banter, and dish. I just hate to interrupt when folks are talking about Something Else. I wish I felt like I could respond on other threads and add Insight and Thoughts and Responses and all sorts of things. I have a really hard time thinking I have anything to say, though...long posts notwithstanding!
By the way, thanks all. I appreciate, again.
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