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i missed therapy again.... was sick post migraine but therapist calle dme. She's getting better at realizing that when I dont show up, she will find a message from me on the voice mail.. lo. She told me 'she's learning' lol.

I gave her an essay I did with holly about how abuse/trauma has affected who I am, my belief about myself, others etc ... and I asked her about it on the phone. I coukld tell she didnt want to talk much about it via phone understandably but she said it was veyr helpful to her and she got more info about the specifics about the stuff that has happened to me as she didnt know as Holly di dnot write down specifics really. I did not know this! I was actually surprsed by this information. Anyways, she said well implied that if I felt ready she would like to work more on that and also work on meaning making stuff.

i did some googling on Meaning making and trauma' ... lol... because while i understand what the concept is i dont really get it. I havent integrated much with my traumas with any meaning besides it sucks and im stuck.. lol. I dont know how one finds meaning in things that shouldnt happen. Just wondering what others think abnout that...

Im nervous as well.... i feel ready to talk but some part of me is still scared and i get that empty floor feeling inside. Today I felt like crying but couldnt. I hate feeling like bursting into tears but unable.. whats up with that? sigh...
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i've been thinking a lot about your phrase 'making meaning in things that shouldn't have happened' interesting. there are so many 'whatifs' in life! whatif i didn't have 4 kids? whatif i got married earlier? whatif i bought a house earlier? whatif i went back to school? whatif the abuse never happened? whatif mom never had a brother? how do you make meaning out of things that shouldn't have happened... whatif they didn't happen? how would life be different? how would YOU be different?
the sum of all parts is what makes us whole as we are even if there are shattered pieces of pain and suffering.. there are warm circles of love and faith....

without the what if's we imagine, we wouldn't be as we are today and that would be someone else we i magine either beautiful or not....

but yet to accept ourselves as we are.. the wholeness is the hard part to feel and integrate fully... I think that's the difficulty of 'meaning making.'

there is so much I feel was lost and stolen from me but I cannot name it because how can you name what you were supposed to have when you really don't know what you were supposed to have? I've had a therapist tell me that I have had to take on adult roles early and didn't expereince a full childhood or that I have been abandoned in many ways yet for me.. how do you explain the absence or ommission of what wasnt there and isn't there when you know intellectualy it didn't happen as compared to what's around but you can't name it because you were never exposed to it? Like a person blind from birth... telling them they are missing color and they know they are missing color but you coudl never truly explain it nor could theyu truly define what they are missing even though they know they are...

maybe i should write this in my notes for therapy....

thanks for responding.. i appreciate it...
take time to play! i'm reading a book called 'life artist' and i sooooo love it. it's all about, well, life and scrapbooking. such as, one chapter is all about playing. play with colour, play with paint, with photos, with new layouts. perhaps you need to 'play' more in order to fulfill somethings you missed as a child? just an idea...
Our reluctance to move towards those feelings are healthy, we shouldn't want pain! I can really relate to the idea of having to mourn something that we don't know what it is because we never had it. I've spent a lot of time learning what relationships are supposed to be like (caring, loving, empathetic) to then have to turn around and mourn that lack. Be gentle with yourself and take your time as you work through this, its important that you're safe. And thanks for the encouragment at my other post.


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