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Since the recent revelations by my mom re circumstances of my adoption and questionable early beginnings, I've also discovered I had brain surgery at 8 months old. According to the only piece of paper that came with me, a neurosurgeon had to operate due to a subdural hematoma (brain bleed). If my mom's latest story of what I endured the first 2-3 years of my life, I raised in one to six foster homes that were abusive. Whether or not any of this is true, I'll most likely never know now. However, I can't help but wonder the kind of affect thus type of injury to a still developing would have.

I've done some reading on TBI but am just wondering if anyone here has heard of such a thing and if so, what their experience has been emotions wise. I don't know what link there would be.

The Kid
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I know brain injury can cause an impact on mental health issues - it's always been on my intake paperworks at T or P as far as I can remember. I did not have a hematoma but suffered a traumatic head injury (blunt impact, not a situation related to abuse) and I report that. I don't think it has caused any issues - aside from the memories I had in the hospital which is never fun for a 4 year old. I know in somatic therapy pre-verbal body trauma can be processed, so that may help - even drawing and that sort of stuff can assist in processing the emotional parts of that. Even minor falls can cause hematoma, that's why getting a head injury checked out is extremely important - it is absolutely not always due to abuse in childhood and I sincerely hope that abuse was not the cause of your injury. I'm glad it was caught in time.

Here on this page there is a chart of different Physical, Cognitive and Emotional impairments due to childhood TBIs.

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