Hi Jones... treatment plans...with oldT... that is so funny it's sad. He asked me my goals and I said to get rid of the anxiety but also to find out where it comes from, the root of it. And that I wanted to accomplish something meaningful in my life and to be a better parent. His solution to the anxiety was to take meds (which I refused). The rest we just made up as we went along. He said I could stay as long as I needed to and that he would not reject me, abandon me, terminate me and that his door would always be open to me. Well, we know how true all of that was (not)
He had no idea what we were doing.
With new T... we don't really have anything in writing. He says I need to integrate my inner child and my protector part, to heal the attachment wound, to process the old traumas and to work on relationship patterns. But right now I'm mired in so much grief over losing old T that we have not really been able to do much of anything else. He said it will take a year for me to get past the grief, it will take another year or two for us to get to know each other and then more time to work through things and then ... he says we will work on life changes, growth, new experiences etc. He says he will always be in my life in one way or another. He does not terminate.