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I wanted to check in with all of you and I realize I have not been around much over the past weeks. I was facing the prospect of my T going away for 11 days (which is the longest separation I've experienced with him) and at the same time there were some topics on the OF that I found very triggering. The trigger topics were MY issue and I want to be clear that it's no one's fault (in case you are all trying to figure this out, I don't mean for anyone to do that) but it was something that stirred up a lot of stuff about oldT and I just had to work it out on my own with my T. And while he was gone I had to stay away from anything that could set off the fragile state I was in at the time.

I've also been dealing with lack of time and other issues. Background...I work full time in a job where I don't even have a lunch hour and have bosses that hover like helicopters. I have a special needs child to care for, I have a husband and house that also need my time and I go to school too. I've been trying to support my sister emotionally who is also dealing with a special needs child and a step son who is ill. I had to work on staying stable throughout my T's vacation and I didn't even realize how terrified I was of his leaving until the day before he left (in session) when I picked a fight with him and then cried the rest of the session. Then to make matters worse I keep losing my internet service due to weather related issues. This is especially stressful as I attend on line classes and have to turn in assignments all week.

Yesterday I was out at a seminar and did not have internet access. It should have been a nice day of learning and meeting new people. Instead, OldT walked into the morning seminar and I totally freaked out. It was torture sitting there knowing he was sitting there behind me for 90 minutes. AT break time I attempted to speak cordially with him and he basically held up his hand to keep me away and then ran up the stairs and out of the building, never to return. What I was left with was his wife who was also there and she stayed for the rest of the session. I tried to say hello to her and while she said hello she turned her back to me and was very cold and dismissive and angry. All of this prompted an emergency call to my T and I was calmed enough to attend the rest of the day's meetings but I was rattled.

Last night I stopped in here very late after doing a homework assignment and I ended up signing out pretty quickly because I was having intrusive thoughts of oldT and starting to feel like I was disintegrating again... having emotional flashbacks to the abandonment and rejection. I was rejected again yesterday and that was quite painful. I only wanted to be cordial and hoped we could have put the past in the past after our meeting in August. I was just being foolish again to believe that. Aside from this oldT's appearance, how he looked, really rattled me.

Today I saw my T and he was really wonderful. I was a mix of anger and despair and grief. I was cursing in there and I could see how shocked he was because even in my worst moments I have never used bad language. After that I just sat and cried and cried for awhile. I think I was holding it in until I could reach that place where I knew it would be safe to release the pain and grief. My T kept calling me to come back to him because I was so distraught.

He understood the little child was the one who was crying and hurt. He encouraged me to try to soothe her. We had an intenses session last week where it seemed we hit a new level of trust and I told him about a very intimate dream I had about him. He loved the dream and was proud of me for telling him about it. Then he said we are ready for the next step and I asked what that was and he said that he wants me to bring my inner kid with me to session because we need to integrate her. He knows that she carries all the pain and hurt but I told him she is locked in the closet.

So the other day I took a chance and allowed her to write him a letter which was done by using my non-dominant hand. It was an interesting exercise in that the words just started flowing. I had the letter with me today and when he brought up the inner kid who was hurting I told him she wrote him a letter. He asked if I had it and could he see it. He was so darn excited you would think I handed him diamonds.

So he read it and said... she is very young. Young children have problems and often write their letters backwards. Then he talked about what it said and encourged me to do more connecting with her. I told him I was afraid and didn't know how and he said he would help me. I told him what if she wants to sit on the floor with you and color?? He said, well then we will sit on the floor and color. Whatever it takes. That was hugely surprising for me to hear becuase I never thought he would agree with that.

Anyway, it was a really deep, intense, connecting session that seems to have put me back on my feet, in a stable way so that I can be more of a presence on the OF (I hope) and also that he is not going away again until spring.

He was so kind today that I actually felt his empathy (which is rare for me) and it left me with a good warm feeling to hold me till Monday.

I just wanted to update you all on where I have been and what has been going on. I needed to step back to take care of me and was so drained by all it took to survive his 11 day absence that I had no energy left for others. If any of you feel I have neglected you or been not welcoming to the newbies.... I do apologize.

Thanks for reading
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Wow TN you’ve got a lot on your plate. Where do get the time to do therapy AND be on forum? I got to admire you for your time management skills Smiler. Sorry I don’t mean to be flippant, just that I’m awed by all the things you’re dealing with in your life and still managing to work on healing yourself.

I am SO sorry you had to run into OldT again, and even sorrier that he reacted to you so negatively Frowner He's not worthy of your regard or feelings for him. I hope that the hold he still has over you will start to fade soon.

Yay for your T though, that is so good to hear about your session and how you are feeling more connected and trusting, and that you actually experienced his empathy (I remember previous posts where you’ve commented on his apparent lack of empathy.)

I love the way he was excited about your child’s writing, and that he was perfectly happy for you to sit on the floor and colour, AND sit on the floor with you Big Grin .

It’s wonderful to hear about your therapy, even more wonderful to hear about such a connected session. That’s what keeps me going, knowing that it’s possible to achieve these things – well, knowing that OTHERS achieve them, so maybe there’s hope for me too.

Thanks for sharing that with us (((((( TN )))))))


p.s. no need to apologize for not being around, it’s good to know that you’ve been taking care of yourself. But it’s also nice to have you back Smiler
TN - I'm so sorry about all that happened with OldT. Frowner I think you handled it amazingly well, so definitely very impressed with how far you've come in the last year! It's not only a testament to your steady T, but also to your own perseverance. I hope you're able to claim that for yourself, because it is truly awesome.

I had kind of an embarrassing child-like, giddy reaction to you saying about sitting on the floor with T and coloring. I just KNEW he would say yes. I could feel it. That is awesome! I know it's a long way between suggesting something as a vague possibility and actually being able to ask for it in the moment, hence my hugless MONTHS after T said he would hug. Even then, he had to offer and I had to discuss over and over again what it meant, why he was offering, whether I had manipulated him into it, etc. It may have been the most exhausting hug in the history of Anyway, I really hope both you and your little part can continue to take these small risks with your T and find that he continues to be safe. Actually, I know because of the background they originate from, they are HUGE risks, but I mean just taking it a little bit at a time, taking a small step toward him and taking the time to check how he reacts to it and how you feel about it and realize that this is different than it ever was in the past.

I think you're so brave to do that non-dominant hand writing. T has suggested it, but I could only ever do it alone and didn't share it with him. When I've drawn with my non-dominant hand in front of him, I get anxious and crumple it up. I don't get to see my T as much right now, because of this temp job, but you've inspired me to try drawing again next time. He has offered the last three times and I said no. He said he's starting to think he actually likes it more than we do. Last time, I had a part who really wanted to draw, but it was because it was the day before T's birthday (his stupid Skype profile divulged it) and she wanted to make him a card with a picture of her and him holding hands and I kind of freaked out about that. So, he asked and I furiously shook my head...then I told him about it the next day anyway. Roll Eyes The one I really can't bring myself to do, which a part has asked for, is play catch with T. He has offered to go outside one of his offices to do it or use safe, squishy balls inside, but I just can't do it. I brought good ones case I change my mind, but the idea makes me want to sprint out of there. I'm actually afraid she might try to peg him with the balls, start a fight. Razzer Ugh, even embarrassing stuff about me. Hopefully, it is helpful in someway to someone when I divulge this stuff...

(((((TN))))) I am so happy for you, I could dance!!!

Wow, that is a lot for anyone to deal with. I'm sorry that you ran into oldT and he was up to his old behavior. He is clearly the one with the problem here, but I know it hurts so much to have all of those feelings come back.

Your T sounds wonderful as usual. I'm glad that he is working with the inner child and is willing to be flexible in that regard. I'm also really happy to read that you felt his empathy as I know that has been an issue in the past.

Oh my I feel for you. Every time I read a post from you that involves oldT I am astounded at the similarities in our stories. I faced a similar situation last June and it was that incident that led to some very ugly stuff. However, it is also that incident- where we were in the same room for two days and in the same group on two occasions that finally helped me get some type of closure.

I am very impressed with the way you handled this week.I hope you can find some peace. I also know what it is to have a child with special needs. Although she is 20 now, it's still a challenge as she deals with being different in a college setting.

I am touched by what you shared about your T. I am glad you are seeing his empathy. That says a lot about YOU and your relationship.

I'll be thinking about you. Heart face
Oh TN, what a difficult time for you. I recently attended a conference - terminator T wasn't there - but there were mutual people who were talking about her and there were various things that triggered very intense and traumatic flashbacks for me. I spent most of the time holding back tears. I got to my car and collapsed. Immediately reached out to my attached T's for help. One of them said not to attend the rest of the conference - but I did and the remaining days were slightly better.

I am lucky in a way because i will get to see the old T each month very briefly and T is going to use this as exposure therapy for me to process and overcome the trauma. I can predict that the old T will be there and I can prepare - in your case you had no warning.

Your T is so awesome, I love hearing about him. You did so well in processing this with him and you handled yourself so well during a really tough time.

I too have a special needs child and it adds an entirely new dimension (read extreme stress) to my life.

I'm sorry that old T was such a coward. I am glad that your T was so wonderful today and that you have weathered his vacation and can look forward to many uninterrupted months of sessions.

I think it is very brave of you to try the non-dominant hand writing and share it with your T. It sounds wonderful how accepting he is of your inner child. I'm sure you read my unsuccessful attempt to play with my T. It is inspiring to read about other people connect to their inner child.
Hi Gang... sorry it took me so long to get back here to respond. I was exhausted and drained all day Friday after Thursday's session and today was shopping, cooking, cleaning day LOL. I also think I needed some time to digest all that happened at the seminar and in my session.

LL...there very definitely is hope for you. I think the key is perserverance and also risk taking. Putting some scary stuff out there for T and seeing how they respond and handle it. I'm not sure where I get time for all of this but I will say that I hardly ever watch television and I don't get much sleep. I'm happy to know my story helps to keep you optimistic about your therapy. I think you have finally found a good guy and maybe you have met your match?

LOL..DF... I had to smile at you yipping with excitement. Yeah the whole idea of him agreeing to sit on the floor with me and color...well that was an amazing moment. I can still hear him say it and I can see the really kind, understanding expression on his face. It touched me in that really deep place that has been pretty well guarded over the years. I don't know what I would do if I hadn't found him. I'm pleased to hear you are going out again with a friend. You are turning into a social butterfly. Any dancing? Wink

Yaku... your post was very helpful and made me smile. DF is yipping and you are doing the giddy dance for me. I am so supported here. I found your post interesting to read because you captured how it is between asking for the activity and then actually executing it. So I'm thinking... so I bring in crayons and paper or coloring books? Do I ask for a story? Do we sit on the floor or at the little table in his office? How do I do this? But, yes, it's important in building the trust and allowing T closer to take these little steps, and these risks and to be met with kindness and understanding leaves you with this new, amazing feeling that you never have experienced before. I can be child-like with him without worrying that he thinks I'm being childish and stupid. He knows what is going on inside me and he meets me in that place and it totally accepting of it.

You know, it's strange that you mention playing catch with your T. I used to play catch with oldT. I remember one time we were doing that in his office with a ball I had brought him that had a very special meaning to both of our childhoods... and then... this was SO funny... TDog wanted to get in on the act and he ran to his corner and got his tennis ball and brought it to me so I could also play with him!! Big Grin I was so touched by that. I loved that dog so much.

It's good to hear that I have inspired you to try to draw again with the non-dominant hand. I thought I would not be able to write to him like that and then I thought I could never give him what I wrote but he was so excited about it and he read it with such joy that I felt warm all over and proud that I was brave enough to follow through on this. The reward was immense.

STRM... yeah oldT = old tricks. I just don't know why he had to run from me. I did not mean him any harm and at our last meeting he told me he had always been fond of me and he was sorry. I told him I was not filing charges because of how I felt about him and his family... and I got shunned by both him and his wife. That rejection hurt more than I expected it to. I keep thinking I'm over him and what happened but I guess I'm not.

ND.. thanks for your support. I am sorry we have to have similar painful, unhappy stories. But we are rising above them. I'm glad you got some closure from that meeting. I think I'm finally feeling my T's empathy because I am learning what real empathy looks like, sounds like and feels like. What I thought was empathy from oldT was probably something else having to do with what HE was feeling inside, not how I was feeling and him relating to that. My T says I'm not used to having empathy directed towards me although I am good at feeling it for others.

ND and SD, thank you for your understanding about having a special needs child. It is very challenging at times but also rewarding.

SD... when I texted my T that oldT had walked in and I was very shaky he also told me to leave if it was too much. But I managed and I stayed. It's funny. I didn't want him to drive me away from something that I really wanted to attend... and instead I ended up driving him away. I was the one with more courage. I could hear my T telling me to keep my head up and that I absolutely belonged there. And so I did.

incognito... thanks for stopping by. I know your attempt at playing with your T did not work out that session but I would not give up. Do it again and take that risk. I think it was brave of you to bring the games in. I asked my T about coloring with me and now we shall see if I'm brave enough to follow through. You at least were brave enough to actually bring the games to session!

Sometimes I'm afraid to let inner kid loose because she wants SO much from T. She wants to hug him, she wants to play games, and hear a story. She wants to ask him a lot of questions. So I have to keep her under control. But sometimes it is just so hard.

Thanks again everyone for the support. It's good to be able to write about this and get some feedback.


I'm sorry I'm *so* late to this, but I just have to say how excited I am to hear about the coloring thing with your T. Very cool!! And the writing with your non-dominant hand...I'd never heard of that being done before in a therapeutic way but it makes so much sense.

You know, I'm sure if you do let that inner kid loose, T would handle everything with grace and would comfort her in any way he could. Anyway, thanks for updating us on what's going on for you. I always feel very privileged to read your updates. Smiler
Hi Kashley, It's good to see you. Don't worry about being late... I'm usually late myself getting back to my own posts Big Grin. I was very happy and relieved at my T's response to my just throwing the idea out there about the coloring. I wanted to ask for other stuff too but got scared that I was going "too far" in my requests so I'll save them for another time. So far he has been really good with all the stuff I have thrown at him. We had a few missteps but they get corrected so quickly and with no after effects. That is part of what gives me the courage to move ahead. Just knowing that between us we can handle whatever comes up. It's nice to lean on him a bit.

May I ask a question? (I won't wait for permission, just ignore it if you don't want to answer)

If you did ask for a story, would you choose and bring one or just let your T choose? My T works out of an office with a bunch of other Ts, so when one of the little ones asked if we could ever do that, he just suggested it as a possibility one day and then picked one he had. He has another one he is waiting for the right time to share. Even though I have TONS of kids books, due to Boo, I shudder at the thought of having to choose one for T to read. Having him do a story was one of the strangest experiences ever. He read "A Porcupine Named Fluffy," I think, and midway through, the little one just starts us welling up with tears, because T is reading to her. I kind of had to hide a bit, because it was really confusing to me, why I was on the verge of crying (of course I can never actually manage to let it out) from his reading a book, just listening to his voice. I sometimes am amazed at how kind and accepting my T is. It helps me to feel a little bit more OK with allowing these parts out, knowing that no matter what they do, he won't be repulsed or distant from them. We have a 1.5 hour session tomorrow night, so I think it would be a good time to just color and do story time and not process too much with all else I have going on. If we end up doing left-handed stuff, maybe I'll let you know how it goes. Big Grin
Yaku, of course you can ask a question and of course I will try to answer it.

I really didn't think that far as to bringing in a story or having him chose one. I would suppose I'd have to bring one in because I have never seen a children's book in his office. Although he does work in a group I don't know if any of the other Ts see children or would have children's books to borrow. I think I would be too afraid to ask him to pick a book so I supposed I would bring one. But which one??? I think I would want a story that was written when I was a child. IDK.

When your T read you that story was it long or one of the short kid's books? I have an old book of short stories that I have kept since I was a child. No one ever read it to me and I could not understand it at that age so I drew pictures in it. I was very young. But for some reason that book was really important to me. I have brought it in to show my T and talk about that I was never read to as a child. It's really strange that I have such a love of books today with no encouragement from parents. My T has remarked that he sees that I don't just hold a book, I caress it. Sometimes it's scary how much he notices.

Yaku I think it was hugely sweet of your T to pick that book and read to you. No wonder you were near tears. I think that is the loss you are feeling of never having such a wonderful, precious experience like that in your life before, when it should have been in your life as a child. I would probably feel the same way. My T has a wonderful voice and I think I would be transfixed if he ever read anything to me, even the phone book!!

Which just reminded me of something about oldT. One of my last sessions with him I brought in two short stories from an adult non-fiction book written by a doctor. I think I posted about that experience back in August of 2010. I wanted to read the stories to him but they were very sad and poignant and were relative to our situation in a way. I got halfway through the second story and could not go on. I completely lost my voice and was crying. My oldT had a copy of what I was reading and he just began to read, continuing where I left off. I stopped crying to listen to him, mesmerized by his voice, and I remember thinking to myself... "remember this, keep this memory forever because it is so very special and healing and amazing and it will never happen again".

I'm so pleased that your T is so kind and accepting and makes you feel comfortable to explore all these areas. Maybe it would be a good idea to color and do story time tomorrow night. Sometimes that is more healing than taking about issues and problems. Sometimes you just need that nurturing time together.

Let us know how it goes.

Hey TrueNorth,

I am in awe at how much you are fitting into your life... no wonder you don't sleep much. You must have a huge amount to give to be able to care for the people in your life so no wonder you needed to take a break from caring for people here while your t was away.

Again I am disgusted by your oldT's behaviour - what a sh*t. But oh my I love your newT - when you said about wanting to colour it didn't occur to me for a second that he would respond in any other way but to say yes. Amazing. And so brave of you. I am so, so glad you have this wonderful relationship where you are able to bring your little girl who so desparately needs to be heard. You rock.

Yaku - I'm not surprised you cried when your T read to you - I totally welled up just reading your post about it. I think TN is right about it being something speial you (nor me) got when little.

Anyways, enough of my ramblings - thanks for sharing TN - it's great to hear how you are progressing with your newT.

TN - The thing is, I actually did kind of have that sort of thing. My grandma taught me to read at three. I slept over (in her bed) when I was little and she would tickle my back and read out loud from the Jungle Book and Black Beauty and such. But, lately, a different part (Kiddo) has shared some stuff that happened pre-puberty that is VERY disturbing, so it's like that whole safety that was there has been robbed and none of those good memories feel good or safe anymore. Frowner I don't really want to talk about it on the OF, but if you have more questions, feel free to PM. I've kind of discovered how many shaming messages and other weird stuff (like basically TELLING a young kid that her mother doesn't really love her) was done that means my idea that she was this really good, safe person to me is at least an exaggeration. Anyway, hearing T read is very much like having a safe person again for that littler one (Little Yaku). Mom and dad never read to me, though. I used to have to read by myself and make up stuff on the reading log that they had read to me and my mom would sign off on it, since I knew how to read and did it all the time as a kid.

Thanks for sharing the story about your OldT. It must be so hard to have good stuff like that and it feels like you can't hold onto it or else it interferes when the relationship with T feels different. Frowner I appreciate you risking to share.

Annie - Awww, that's sweet that what I wrote about moved you. Thanks so much.
Hi Annie,

thanks for saying I rock! And thank you for your supportive post. It was good to hear from you. I am really trying to take some risks with my T now that I'm starting to really come out of the worst of the trauma. It does knock me over at times (like at the seminar seeing oldT) but my T is so kind and understanding and most of all patient with me that I seem to bounce back. I am learning not to judge him by the actions of oldT but by OUR history together so far. And so far he is near perfect. That does not mean that he does not make mistakes....he does but he is very willing to hear about them and even to correct stuff that upsets me. And so because of this I trust him enough to risk asking for stuff.

I will eventually get to the other requests.

I am doing okay. I started a thread about my session yesterday... Sessions and have you ever...

How are things going with you?

Yaku... thanks for the explanation. I hope your session went okay yesterday. Thinking of you.

Hey TN

No worries. I love hearing about your sessions and progress so thank you for sharing. Therapy is a long hard slog sometimes - and tough! - so is great to hear how things are so different at the moment for you - remembering all the anniversaries and how grim it sounded.

I read your other post - but replying here coz it seems to make more sense to. Is great to hear your t making jokes (when you told him you felt his emapathy). I love shared moments like that in my therapy.

I am mostly ok. My t is off for two weeks - so won't see her for another 11 days which is a bit tough. But I am pleased to be holding onto the connection at least. I also feel a deep sense of contentment that I have got a secure attachment to her. It's bitter sweet obviously as also shows how much I was missing that - but it feels amazingly different to now have that in my life. I am with her, like you are with your current t, it took years to build up - at least 2 years - but now it does feel totally secure and something I can cherish for the rest of my life. Amazing isn't it?!

Like you I also have a wounded little part that I take to therapy where she can be heard and is learning to express her needs because they amazingly can get met. It's all so novel.

Anyways, I've sort of wandered off topic so will sign off here. So v v glad things are going so well for you with your new T after all the damage your (obviously damaged) old T did.

Hugs xx

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