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1. Victoria
-- wikipedia: The province's name was chosen by Queen Victoria when the Mainland became a British colony in 1858. It indirectly references the Columbia River flowing through southeastern British Columbia, which was the namesake of the pre-Oregon Treaty Columbia Department of the Hudson's Bay Company. Queen Victoria chose British Columbia to distinguish what was the remaining British sector of the Columbia District from that lost to the United States ("American Columbia" or "Southern Columbia"), which became the Oregon Territory in 1848 as a result of the treaty.---

2.Sir Joseph William Trutch ??
"Sir James Douglas is best remembered as the founder of settlement, trade and industry for British Columbia and in particular Vancouver Island - The Father of BC. Douglas also helped the Hudson's Bay Company become a trading monopoly in the North Pacific"

Here's the answer for the second question...

thanks for playing!

I was trying to 'lighten' things up here Smiler

Hope you feel better soon BW...

Robin et all

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