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I've been thinking a lot lately about HOW MUCH my life has changed in the past few years- like a lot of us, there are MAJOR fundamental differences between what my life was like growing up and what it is like now... my t actually said something the other day about how much I have "outgrown" my family of origin, which I thought was a funny way to put it.

Well, as of late the differences and contradictions of how I grew up vs. how I am living now have been very evident and hard for me to wrap my brain around. And I'm talking good things- like wanting something, working for it, saving money and getting it. That NEVER happened in my family and I didn't really know it was possible for me. There are other things too... like owning a house and living in one place for more than a year and owning nice things and not having to automatically buy the cheapest thing just because it is the cheapest. Don't get me wrong here, this is a good problem to have and I am very, very grateful for the life I have. I just feel very VERY anxious about having nice things (got a NEW car the other day for the first time ever and wouldn't even drive it for the first week!) and struggle with feeling like I deserve them. I always feel like I am going to screw something up and ruin the stuff i have. I'm really used to going without and striving to make ends meet... and dealing with sometimes NOT making ends meet. when I was a kid, my mom used to send me out to the street when workers would come to cut off our water or power... made me tell them i was home alone and didn't want to be in the dark or whatever... had to tell them that I "knew" my parents would pay it soon... she even told me to cry if I needed too. Roll Eyes All this while she watched through the blinds from inside...

Anyway, it's just weird to be stable and making progress. I feel like I'm living someone else's life and like I don't belong in my own shoes sometimes... I can't shake that looming feeling that everything is going to explode one day and I'll find out that I've been screwing up all along... ugh...

I'm really not trying to complain or anything... not at all... I'm glad things are going well and wouldn't trade this life my husband and I are making for ourselves... it's just weird because i didn't know this would be so difficult. Anyone else have trouble adjusting to these types of changes? Am I crazy for not being able to accept this stuff easier?

Original Post
Hi CT,

Everyone must be away for the long weekend you are having! I don't have much experience with your tooic, but I'll blab away seeing as no one else is around ... Pooooor YOU!!

You need to stop being so hard on yourself! If you are happy and feel like the life you and your husband have is going great ~ then roll with it and if a little portion of it ever explodes, you'll work through it and get back on track Smiler You always sound so 'together' when you give others advice, and I'm sure that you are moreso than you are feeling ... what would you tell someone else that had written what you did?

I haven't had any significant changes in my therapy yet, or at least none that I recognize as changes. My P has warned me that some changes I may not be ready for, and those topics we haven't really talked about. She also tells me that some changes are difficult. So obviously the changes you are refering to are the ones she has been warning me about Eeker

I have an opposite issue from you, where I grew up with a upper middle class family and never wanted/needed for anyting. Now I spend money that I don't have, just to have the best/newest of everything. I think that I do this to make up for my shortcomings, and to give the appearance that we are the ones to keep up with (the Jones's ~ so to speak).
I can see myself having difficulty adjusting to learning to live within my means, and coming to terms with why I have to be this way. So I don't think that you are crazy for not being able to accept the changes easier!

Not sure if any of that blabber helped .. but the short version is ... Enjoy the life you and your husband are making for yourselves, roll with the punches and look to tomorrow as something new and brighter!

I hope you are enjoying your long weekend!


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