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Hi Everyone,
I'm not sure if everyone knows but True North and I were friends before she started posting here, she actually came to Myshrink at my urging. She called me a little while ago and she's through the surgery, and it went really well. The doctor said it was good that they took it out when they did. She's staying overnight at the hospital but her sister was able to come and be with her. She wanted me to let everyone know she came through ok and is doing well and to say thanks again for all the support. Big Grin

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To my dearest friends at MS:

Thank you all so much for your hugs and good wishes... I'm truly touched. I asked AG to let you all know how I was doing because I knew so many of you were thinking of me during this difficult time and I appreciated the support so much.

As to what "it" is that was taken out ... it was my diseased gall bladder. The doctor said it was good we removed it before it got worse and I had not been feeling well for awhile. Everyone at the hospital was very nice and our local hospital is new, nice and clean. In an ironic twist I was assigned one of only 2 female anathesiologists on the staff of 15. I was not happy and took her aside and explained how I do not like working with women professional and that I basically don't trust them and I explained a bit of my trauma/abuse background and my fears about surgery. She offered to get me a male instead but also explained what she could do to alleviate my distress and that she was able to work with me so I would not see the mask or be awake when the tubes were removed. She also sent a MALE nurse anathesiologist to spend time with me before they put me out and he was the one who administered the sedative which basically knocked me out. I have no memory at all of the operating room or of any of the surgery. I woke up in recovery with a young female volunteer college student holding my hand and talking to me. She was very sweet. It took me about 20 minutes to be aware enough to go to my room where my husband was waiting.

Later he left and brought my little boy to see me which helped me so much and him too as he was scared that I was in the hospital. I think we both felt better after that. Then my sister came bearing lots of gossip and fashion magazines for me and she stayed with me overnight. We had a good girl-chat time and she was helpful. We had our dinner together in my room. The worst was when I asked for a painkiller and they gave me something really strong which made me feel so weird, nauseous and really loopy and dizzy. I did not like it so now I'm just taking Ibuprophen.

I'm home now sitting outside on this beautiful day and typing on my laptop. The worst is over now and I can focus on recovery.

As for my T... I emailed him Friday night late and told him how hurt I was that he didn't seem to care about me or my surgery, not even offering to call him if needed or to ask me the time of surgery or anything. He wrote me back a longish email of encouragement that was wonderful and he said he was there for me and praying for a perfect outcome and to call him when it was over. So we spoke on the phone last night and it was good to hear his voice. Things are not great but they are okay and I can sit with the feelings until I see him again on Thursday before he leaves for 3 weeks.

Lastly I wanted to mention to SG that my T sent me the Serenity Prayer in one of his quote emails to me and it was meaningful because I was somethiing my grandmother lived by and he knows how much my grandmother meant to me. So thanks for reminding me.

Love and thanks to you all.
True North
TN, I'm glad to hear you are on the mend.

I have also had my gallbladder removed, several years ago. The surgery is no fun of course, but I can tell you that I felt a thousand times better once I was rid of it! My panic attacks just about disappeared completely once I was recovered.

I'm not sure what the connection is, but it seems a lot of women with anxiety also have gallbladder disease. And worrying about when I was going to have my next gallbladder "attack" caused a lot of my anxiety, which caused more pain, etc etc. I'm rambling too much. But hopefully you know what I'm getting at. Smiler And hopefully being sans gallbladder will be boost to your physical as well as emotional health.

Enjoy that sunshine! Take care!
Hey TN,
It is great to hear that you are recovering well. Hospitals are yuk, but necessary. I was wondering how the mask thing was going to work for you, and glad to hear that the hospital people took your situation seriously and changed things to make you more comfortable. That is one up for them.
All my best for a speedy recovery.
And AG, thanks for keeping us posted- cuz we worry sometimes- about one of our own.
Hi again all...Just popping in to say that I'm resting comfortably and being waited on by my son and my dh. I'm feeling a tiny bit better each day and my appetite is back and I'm eating well. I'm lucky in that my dh is a great cook. I've been sleeping a lot and reading and watching baseball games on TV. It's been hard to deal with the helpless feelings....where I cannot do for my son or even myself right now all that I would like to do. I just tell myself in time I'll be back to normal. I'm trying not to think about my Thursday session with my T. I just don't think I can take another bad session right now and knowing that he's leaving for 3 weeks has me feeling sad but hopeful in a way that maybe the break will help him come to his senses about how much good he has done for me. I realize that a lot of how I finally managed to handle and deal with the hospital stay, the hospital personnel and the surgery itself came from my work with him and my growth in therapy. If this was 2 years ago I would never have been able to schedule the surgery as an elective and would have waited until it was an emergency situation that forced me into surgery. As upset and freaked out as I have been these past few weeks, it would have been much worse in the past and it would have been much less if he had just not started in with me going to see another T.

Thank you all again for your support and good wishes.


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