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I haven't written lately about my sessions. Partly because I've been distracted by the bad weather, session cancellations, having a tooth pulled. I've also been feeling somewhat wordless about things with T.

Sometimes I don't feel like I'm making any progress. Other times I feel like I am not even sure what I am doing or what T expects from me or what I should tackle next. Am I working hard enough? T tells me I always work hard and he respects that. Am I trying to control therapy? Probably yes. My T tells me that I am not in control of therapy and I should leave that to him. But to do so I would have to let go and trust. And after almost 3.5 years I am still struggling with trust and the reality of this relationship. How real is it? Sometimes I really do know it's real and other times that "realness" seems to evaporate into a wisp of mist that I cannot hold onto. I must acknowledge that this T relationship is contaminated by my last disastrous T relationship. I struggled even then with the issue of trust but I finally lowered my guard, my vigilance, and wham I got abused and abandoned by oldT.

My T tells me that considering what I have been through he is amazed that I trust him as much as I do at this point. He also told me that he does see progress in the trust and in our relationship. I think it was CD who asked in another thread about how to weave the relationship topic into sessions. Well, there is hardly a session where we don't talk about our relationship. My T feels that this is the first priority of therapy (after working through a lot of the trauma caused by oldT in the first year we worked together). Whatever I say or talk about he takes it back to us. Today I told him I was feeling bad because I was not comfortable in my own skin. Like I wanted to escape it. He said trauma will do that and then asked if he ever makes me feel that he does not accept me the way I am. I had been lamenting about my hip pain and how I now feel so much less than because I cannot do all that I used to do. He asked if he has ever made me feel like I am defective. I said no. He asked how he makes me feel. I told him that he protects me, understands me and helps me by even putting my blanket away for me so I don't have to walk around too much. He smiled and nodded. He reinforces the thought that I am important to him and that a bad hip is not going to change that. He tells me that WE are strong and the connection is solid. He reminds me that he likes me and likes working with me and enjoys our time together. Then when I protest that of course he has to say that, he tells me that he cannot be bothered to fake his feelings and asked what I feel when we are together? I pause and he asked if I FEEL anything coming from him and what does it feel like. I tell him it feels good. Like a warm, soft blanket wrapped around me. He said if it was not real then I wouldn't feel it. Then he said to hold onto that blanket and use it when I need it. That he is happy I can have that from him. he said as I grow stronger I won't need it as often. I will still have it and it will be there but I won't need it so much. So I asked him how long before that should happen and he said it takes as long as it takes and he is in the for the long term.

When I mention that I am not sure what is next or what I am doing. He tells me that right now all we need to do is to solidify our relationship. That this is important because it's the foundation of all the other work we need to do. That I have some difficult things to tell him about (made more difficult by telling this to old T and having it left out there... unprocessed and uncontained for years). He said that he does not want me to be distracted by worrying about us while I'm dealing with everything else. He said it will be difficult enough to process the hard trauma without being scared that he will disappear on me or leave me or that I will tell him something to cause him to change his opinion of me. We need to be rock solid.

I understand this and it's a good thing that he knows this. That he knows how I will likely end up freaking out after some of the more difficult sessions so he wants me to feel secure in our relationship. And yes, we ARE getting closer. There are times I can go see him and not be consumed by anxiety so we can use the entire session to talk. But other times I'm still so anxious for the first 20 minutes that I can barely tolerate sitting in his office. Then I feel so sad because oldT's office was a comforting home for me and I just cannot seem to get to that place emotionally with this T. The other thing was that I left feeing a bit scared because of how he mentioned all the stuff I still have to tell him and process with him. I'm just not sure of my own ability to do this after what happened last time.

I guess I'm wondering if any of you also work exclusively on the relationship for a long time before launching into traumatic memories or have you discussed trauma while still not totally sure of the relationship and what the fallout out has been?

I know he is trying to slow me down at times and at other times he is trying to work with me to feel secure and comfortable while I'm racing ahead of myself. I guess this may be the control issue that I struggle with too.

So that is where I am at this point.

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Hi TN Hug two Sorry about all thats going on lately.

My T and I… worked exclusively on the relationship forever. Really not discussed much for the first 2.5 years or so, but the last 18 months has been a push push push to get there since it was finally tolerable and didn't cause me a great deal of anguish. the majority of that time was seeing my t 2-5 days a week, and almost daily phone contact for 1-2 check ins if I did not see her. i ALSO see another t and a p so… it's 18months calendar time, in therapy time it's at least a decade or more. there will be moments i can process a hairball of trauma with her, and it will draw us a bit closer.. and then i push away. right now the relationship is solid enough… i feel held to the ground and only sometimes like i'm floating, then i'm captured and comforted back in to the grass back on earth. not always though, not today for sure.

sometimes I feel like… she doesn't think… or I don't allow myself to think (?).. that there is trauma to process. that somehow the triumph of the relationship is the end of it all. it helped to read your t thought it was the base for all the other things to process. it almost made me cry… i'm not entirely sure my t thinks there is as much as i think that i have to process. i can't even tell if i need to. i may ask now. it still bubbles inside me and i worry i processed it but missed it somehow. does that make sense? i'd talk about trauma material in building the relationship but it's so different going through stuff when i trust, than when I don't… i can't even explain it. it's something you can only feel somehow.

i think it will continue to get better, it takes a long time… especially when there are betrayals in our pasts from so young and on and on. i do the racing ahead thing too, and i look to my t for some help pacing (sort of like what i said about not being sure what to process) and she just sort of lets me go where i need. she's been on my butt about trying to control [everything in my life] therapy, too. she gets very pointed sometimes. i've noticed as the relationship improves… i get challenged more. i know i read in your last few posts it seems like your t is pushing on your a bit too - i might be wrong, but it sounds eerily familiar to my t sometimes.

she is also gentle and takes her time… like it sounds like your t does also. she's very sensitive about not triggering me. sadly, my whole team is. i think relationship building is slow sometimes (very slow, and very long discussed) because it itself IS traumatizing. it's processing a huge thing… and talking about it in context of the present while all the emotions from the past are attacking us. it feels the same as going in to a scary flashback or scary topic except its so pervasive and so palpable… and so nearly on a soul level to our being that i can't imagine anything harder. i wish i could do it without talking about the actual relationship, and it worked for a few years, it's dying down, but the work will always be there in the background. does that make sense? i dunno.

sorry to talk so much about what i'm going through, too. this just resonated with me i am always looking to feel secure and comfortable too and trying to do that with the relationship aligned somewhere 'safe' is exhausting.

I so wish I had experiences of a T that cared about the relationship. The focus is always on getting the work done - unpacking the trauma.

My last session with my T (have been seeing her about 5 mnths) I just get upset saying that I have no control. As soon as this organisation say my time is up then I will be chucked out - just like the NHS do. It's like a sort of race to see how much you can cram in before someone you never met pulls the counselling. It is terrifying.

I did see a private T- but I lost my job and couldn't afford it. so I still lost my T. And, I'd scrabbled around trying to voice my insecurities about the relationship and she focused on trying to get me to tackle the traumas - which I couldn't without the solid base of relationship. I was stuck.

I'm glad for you TN - that you have this T who wants to give you that blanket of care and protection, from within which you can tend those wounds. Letting yourself feel safe might take a lot of practice - it's not something that comes easily if you have had a traumatic past is it?

Take gentle care,

TN, My T and I work on the relationship a lot! Sometimes, we intermingle it with the trauma but lately we have had to focus on me being able to hold the attachment. I have daily contact with her by phone/text and 2-3 sessions a week. I have other support items to bridge the in between times. An item from her office etc. Working this hard on the attachment is giving me a solid and safe place for processing the trauma.
SB reading about your dilemma is losing your T when you lost your job is so sad. It's like you had to deal with a double loss. Just when you need a T most, you are forced to leave. It just should not be like that. It makes me realize just how fortunate I am. It gives me some security to know that my T will work with me even if I had lost my job. He told me we would work something out. I have heard so many bad things about how the system works in Great Britain and it seems the best T's are the private ones. I do hope this T now will be with you for the long haul and that you can at some point feel the security you need. Hugs.

Cat... thanks for sharing your story of working on the relationship and developing the trust needed to process the trauma stuff. It is hard work and it does take time. Like you, it's the pacing of it that makes me uncertain. Yet, knowing my T, if he thought I was just not working he would let me know LOL. Unlike my oldT who let me do what I want and was half scared of anything I said, my T does slow me down and keep me somewhat organized so I'm not all over the place and not processing anything at all (which I tend to do when I'm being avoidant). Thanks for your thoughts. I'm glad you are making such good progress.

Hi TN,

My T is very big on the relationship and establishing trust before we do anything at all with trauma. The first thing she did with me is help me figure out what my "window of tolerance" is because she says if I'm way outside of it in either direction (either hyper- or hypo-aroused) there is no healing that can happen. Learning where my boundaries are with that helps me gauge what I'm ready to tell her and what I am not, but she still stops me from going into actual memories because I guess she can tell that it will be too much for me to handle at the moment.

So, right now she seems to just be focusing on helping me trust her and also develop a larger "window" so that, eventually, we can delve into the trauma stuff if I want to (she's said many times that I can heal without having to talk about what's happened in the past...). I started seeing her sometime in late May of last year, so we are at about the 9 month mark in working together and while I've been sure my T has intuitively known about my CSA history, I only fully acknowledged it with her two weeks ago. So we have gone very, very slowly.

The way I see it, TN, is that there comes a point where you can be comfortable in your relationship with your T but still have to take that leap of faith when it comes to sharing some of those trauma memories that coincided with everything that happened with your old T. Considering your history, I don't know that you will ever completely get to a point where you're going to feel "ready" to share those things with your T simply because of what happened with old T. There will inevitably be fear surrounding it, and some of that fear may bleed into your sense of the relationship as well.

You'll have to figure out if and when you *know* you're as comfortable in the relationship as you can possibly be before taking that risk and going deeper or if you still have some work to do and trust to establish before you reach that point.

Anyway, no idea if any of that made sense. Hang in there.

Hi Kashley, I'd like to say how great it is to see you back posting and sharing. It sounds like you are with a very good T. The window that she refers to sounds like the therapeutic windown that traumatologist, John Briere discusses in his books and seminars. I tried to relate this concept to old T because he often left me hanging out the window and I had some pretty bad reactions at the ends of my sessions. Luckily, I had a dear friend who was able to understand and talk me down from the ceiling (and back in the window) many times. My current T is more aware of what my tolerance level is and how to contain me until next time. He has never discussed it in terms of the therapeutic window but I know enough and can tell this is what he is doing and is aware of.

You are correct in that in the end, you have to take that leap of faith with regard to trust. Especially, in my case where I was harmed by another T that was trusted. It would not be a reckless leap because my T has shown he is consistent, knowledgeable and protective of me. He has been kind and open and understanding. So it's a calculated risk. Still it's so hard. Two steps forward and one step back. But I am getting closer. T has pointed this out to me. I am dissociating less and take more with me from sessions. Of course, this is all still pretty much just the relationship stuff but we are building the foundation.

Thanks for your comments. I hope your work is going well with your newish T and maybe you can share some of it when/if you feel up to it. She sounds like a keeper.

RM... it seems that we cross posted and I missed you! It sounds like your T understands the value of the relationship and how attachment is built. I'm glad you have that valuable outside contact. I also see my T twice a week and have unlimited outside contact (phone or email, although we have been using texting a bit more often). It really makes a difference in establishing and building that so important attachment. I think I'm finally seeing a little bit of what that secure attachment can provide and it feels good. Hang in there and keep working on it.


This thread resonates with me so much. I wanted to share an experience with you about my most recent session with new T, the topic of trusting again came up. I hope sharing it will maybe give some sort of perspective on sorting through your feelings somehow?

She said something to me in the last session about feeling hopeful for me and having faith in me, and I suddenly melted into the floor in anxiety and tears. I told her that statement was worded almost exactly like something ex T had said to me once, and to hear her say the same thing felt horrible. I try very hard to remember that they aren't the same person, but it's hard. Beyond hard.

I told her that trusting another person feels like I am on the other side of an abyss from them, and the only thing that connects us is a thin tightrope that I have to throw across to them. Once they catch it, I have to cross the tightrope, and hope beyond hope that they won't cut it before I get to the other side where they are, all the while looking down at how far I can fall if they choose to cut that rope. And before I even venture across to them, I have to decide if the chances are high enough that they won't sever my rope and watch me fall to the depths of that abyss.

And I said if they do that, the further out I've walked to them, the further I fall to those depths. It feels like exT severed my trust, and watched me fall to break my bones and have to crawl back up the cliff to my side of the abyss again. And now I'm expected to go through the same process all over.

She told me that sounded scary as hell. We worked on that image, and she asked what I would like to picture in my head as the ideal process for trusting again. I worked through it awhile, and said I'd like for there to be a solid bridge between us, and you have to walk half way out to me on it. There are railings on the side, and not so far to fall. And when we meet on the middle of the bridge, I can decide if I find you trustworthy or not. Something about changing the image in my mind was really helpful and powerful.

I don't know if any of that rambling will be of any help (I'm in a bit of a wordless place myself still too) but if it at least helps to know I understand your feelings and thing you are doing amazing work, I wanted to let you know that.

Hug two
TN, Thanks for responding. I am so very thankful for the liberal policy for outside contact. My T. would have it no other way for my attachment and trauma issues. I bet it took close to a year before I actually did start using contact by text, phone and email. I was terrified of it and sometimes still am. My fear comes from being convinced I'm not worthy of it, I will abuse it, I am bad, I'm intruding in T's life etc. However, it has helped me greatly!

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