I am and have always been a very open/trusting person. I have been hurt a lot, and have my childhood issues/traumas but still naively give into trusting other people because somehow trusting someone and allowing them in helps me feel safe(even when they aren't the safest person). Maybe I am seeking validation? I don't know? I feel like I need someone on the outside of me to soothe me, make me feel like I am okay in this world.
T was telling me that I should look at the past(how I have interacted with a person, and what they'd shown to be trustworthy qualities in our relationship) to determine how far/close I allow that person in. I am having a hard time with that because I let people in SO quickly. NOW I feel like I have to reassess my current levels of openness with EVERYONE in my life, set boundaries, and in that it's making me feel really alone. How do I not feel so alone in the world when I am learning that those who I thought I could trust, I can't.
Is there anyone out there that can help me shed some light on how to feel better about the world? How to feel better in my own skin, and learn how to set appropriate boundaries when maybe boundaries have already been out of whack from the beginning? I am feeling lost.
I understand what T is saying about looking at past behaviors. BUT, the question is...I heard from my oldT that she'd be there, that I could trust her, and she was pretty consistent and she then abandoned me. T said "well weren't there any signs." Sure, there are signs...but can I trust my own instincts? What if I am wrong sometimes? I just feel LOST and confused.
I hope this makes sense to someone else because right now I just feel frightened and alone in the world...