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I am struggling with a lot of anger today. I was triggered, and I'm dealing with a double bind, a very triggering one. I don't feel like there is a way out, and I'm ending up feeling very angry. I don't have a clue how to handle the angry feelings. I'm scared to tell my T of them... I don't know why. Talking about them seems to make it more intense or something. I can't flight or freeze, so I want to fight everything (not phsyically, just verbally) and in order to keep myself from expressing it, I am drawn to bad ways of coping... ways that would be taking anger out on myself...

I got to find a better way. I hate this.
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Would it help if you could express why you are angry to someone you trust? Oh, I'm so sorry for the bind you are in. It's not fair that you are having to deal with this JD. I know it sounds really crazy, but could you just break some*thing* instead of yourself...? Sometimes when I feel like that I smash something, sometimes even something phone, of all things- (have had to buy new cordless phone many a time) and it is better than breaking myself, I figured. idk.

hugs to you- if they help, that is. I know angry, sometimes, no hugs-


I'm really sorry you feel stuck in a bind. I understand being afraid of the anger, I struggle with that myself. What if you (alone in a safe place) just let yourself say either out loud or to yourself whatever it is that you need to say?

I know it is hard to tell your T. What if you started by telling T that you are feeling really angry, but you are afraid of the anger and it feels scary to even tell her about it. Sometimes I have luck going around things that way.

I'm sorry you are struggling. (((hugs)))
I'm sorry. Frowner I struggle with (self-directed) anger a lot myself. I agree with STRM's way around things. I often tell (well, text) T, "I'm struggling with [insert vague description of problem], but it is too hard or scary to identify. I feel like discussing it will only make things worse, but I don't want to keep it locked up inside me, so I'm just bringing it to light."
Jane.. I wish I could help you. I know anger is scary and sometimes it can make us feel out of control so we avoid it. It also reminds us of those other people who would get angry and hurt and abuse us. But there is healthy anger and the ability to express it constructively that does not hurt you or others. It's okay. Tell your T... she really needs to know what you are struggling with. She can help you to feel safe and support you in figuring all of this out.

Be easy on yourself.

What do you mean when you say you cannot tell your T about your anger? Is it anger directed towards your T? Or is it just that talking about the anger makes you feel more vulnerable?

I think it can be so scary to discuss anger with a T because they usually say shit like, "What's really behind all that anger?" and then they get to the root of the real problem (because anger is usually just a mask for another emotion like hurt or sadness). It can be so scary to go deeper. Anger feels a hell of a lot safer than hurt does!!
thanks everyone. I had to deal a lot with the situation that triggered feeling so mad today. It was a really crummy and awful day. I guess one good thing is that I am so exhausted I think I will sleep like a rock tonight. I hope so. I haven't had a chance to respond until now, but I did read earlier. Thanks for the great feedback and such kind words. It helped me get through the day so much. I hoping tomorrow is easier and I can keep sorting this one out better than I have in the past.

I’ve gotten better at getting through other tough emotions, but this one is much harder. Anger technically is supposed to help motivate for action, but when there is no action that would seem to help, then I’m not sure what to do with the angry feeling. Withstanding it the urge to act, in some way, is very hard. I want to just feel anything else, or do SOMETHING. Anything.

TN ~ It does remind me of things done to me in anger that were way out of control and hurtful. Even when I know I would not do those things, it still scares me to feel anger. Thanks for encouraging me to talk to my T. It helped.

STRM and Yaku ~ good ideas to say something or talk around it – anything to get something out about how I was… you really ecouraged me to risk and try - and it reminded me of trying to tell my T of other tough emotions and that alone helped lower some of the tension.

It is very hard to tell my T about anger. We haven’t talked about it much. With the encouragement of you all, I did call her today. I could say something of the bind I was in, and then when I tried to say how I was feeling… I just melted into desperate tears… and hung up on her voicemail apologetically. sigh. But she called back. I still couldn’t tell her I was mad, but was able to tell her I was feeling “too much” and told her I couldn’t say any more than that. I just lost words. She didn’t push for me to tell her more. She understood enough that I was flooded with emotion, and we talked about doing “the next thing,” grounding, and being very focused on the present moment. Thankfully, she didn’t talk of acceptance because I think that would have been really hard. She was mad about the bind that came up, but was calming. She was steady, but without being indifferent.

My dear T wanted to advocate for me for a part of the bind I was in. It would have been very appropriate and fitting, but I was scared I’d turn my angry feelings about the situation on to her in some weird mixed up way if she did get involved. I couldn’t say this… it scared me too much to say… but I did tell her I didn’t want to mix up “my feelings” about the situation with “my feelings” about her… and we figured out something that felt ok enough to risk such transference of emotion with… and it helped.

DF and BB ~ great suggestions on how to express some of the anger itself, without taking it out on me.

I did take some time today and wrote out things, just to express… and it’s hard because it DOES get worse before it gets better - but it did get better, and most of all, it kept me from expressing it in other ways. It was a good action to take. I drove to a park, and yelled in my car too. Oh, I could have thrown my phone in the nearby creek! (thankfully my phone didn’t go for a swim, not yet. Wink ) Thanks for the ideas.

Liese ~ thank you for your kind words. It helps to know I'm not alone in this...

LG ~ Good question. I'm not sure what makes it hard to talk about, maybe it is the vulnerability... hmmm... it is so true about anger being linked to other emotions, at least today it was.

Withstanding the anger did pull up some very deep hurt and pain - the kind that seemed to reach into the deepest part of my being and blurred my sense of self in a very basic kind of way. I wanted to find my boundary and defend it! Or just feel that boundary of my “self.” Or defend something until I felt more steady and less like my soul was shredded by such invasive pain. Getting through the anger a little made me feel a bit lost inside the pain… trying to ground helped me find some steadiness - well, it helped me feel my literal feet on the literal ground, and that helped me ride the wave of pain and tension.

life is so broken sometimes...

but I am so glad for you all - very much
(((Yakusuko))), (((Liese))), (((STRM)))
~ thanks ~

My T said she was proud of me too for how I got through it when I saw her the next morning for my regular session. I did ok, that morning and afternoon, but then in the early evening yesterday, when I got home, I was slammed with stuff having to do with the triggering stituation - and the whole situation itself got about 100x worse. I didn't do a good job this time and I did cope with feeling so mad and trapped in a not good way. Frowner This morning I have just been a zombie. Then I felt mad. So I ran. (litterally.) I wrote too. I am begining to feel better.

My T called this morning and I feel bad for feeling like I have needed her so much. I was just numb the whole time we talked so she said she would just check in with me sometime later on this weekend. I feel so bad, I *know*, in my mind, that it is ok to need this and that she is offering and it's her job to not do what she isn't ok with, and yet the old familliar "pull it together jane" thoughts are coming back.


Thankfully the rest of the weekend should be easier as I should not have deal with the mess, until monday. I hope so much I can be in a better place by then to deal with it all...

thanks for all your support through this...
my T called, just as a check in... oh, I feel bad she is worried about me... but she was super kind and so reassuring and it felt ok. Like I could take it in a little... and just let myself rest. And she assured me that her and I were doing ok.

I'm exhausted, and I'm sort of crashing and isolating for the night... long hectic coupld of days coming up...

but tonight, I rest with some relief from all the feeling so mad and angry.

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