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I posted several weeks ago about deciding to switch from seeing T on a weekly basis to once every two weeks. It's been going okay for the most part.

I had a session on Thursday and it was the first time I had seen T in a month, thanks to the new schedule and the fact that the previous session was via telephone. Although it was great to see her again, I mostly felt this urgency to talk about all the deepest, heaviest stuff that had been in corners of my mind over the last couple weeks. Things pile up. But the hour can feel so short, so it felt almost like a rapid fire condensing of one emotionally intense topic after another. Needless to say, I felt quite edgy and dysregulated by the time the session was over and that mood lingered for several days. I ended up contacting T to see if I could see her soon. She had some time open today and so I went in this morning.

This session went very well. She seemed to know that I pushed myself too far and to know what I needed. . . she talked a lot (normally I do the majority of the talking) in a very soothing voice about some of the things she thinks I should be focusing on, some insights she's had about the work we are doing. She was very encouraging and affirmative and gentle. I felt so much calmer, sort of like having my nervous system reset, and I have had a very good day today.

I asked her if she thought I needed to go back to seeing her weekly, and she said that was a good question. She said that it depended on how I wanted to do therapy for now-- if it was just for maintenance and support, she thought every two weeks would be fine, but that if I wanted to continue to deal with deeper work like at my last session, she thought I might find I'd do better on a weekly schedule.

I feel like I am at a cross roads and am not sure what to do.
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I feel for you, HIC. It is a tough decision and only you know what is best for you and what you can handle emotionally and financially. It is good she asked you what it is you want out of therapy right now and gave you counsel on how best to accomplish that. Do what is best for you.

I can tell you that I tried to see my T every other week a few months ago and when I noticed that I was calling in crisis for an extra appt. in-between scheduled sessions, I had to admit that I still needed the weekly support.

Now that your nervous system is re-set, maybe you will find your answer by waiting a week or two and can see how long that tune-up will last. Just a thought.

(((deeply rooted))) (((Green Eyes)))

Thanks so much for the comments and support. It's a hard decision to make; I feel so torn over it.

Maybe I am just self-deceived, but I was, up till a few days ago, thinking I had something of a handle on things. Now I want to go back to letting T take care of me.

I wonder if I've grown a little addicted to the emotional intensity of our sessions and relationship. I know there is more work that *could* be done, but isn't that always the case? I don't want to keep this up forever.
HIC of ourselves there's always work to be done but there will be a point where you can do this yourself. Perhaps you're not there yet, but that doesn't mean you've failed or never will be able to self manage in the future. I know you have young kids and I found the birth of my son last January brought up a huge amount of grief and issues to work through. Plus little kids are so emotionally draining, we need replenishment elsewhere for their sake and our own xx
I know you have young kids and I found the birth of my son last January brought up a huge amount of grief and issues to work through. Plus little kids are so emotionally draining, we need replenishment elsewhere for their sake and our own xx

Yes, that is a good point. Therapy is a means of replenishment and self care and that's important when raising little ones. If I stuck with that philosophy, going every two weeks for "maintenance and support" as T puts it would probably be enough. I could do something else on the off week-- coffee with a friend, movie, shopping, whatever. This was my original intention-- to vary my outlets a bit and free up some resources for other things. (Not that it has to be a strict choice between therapy and coffee, but I feel antsy spending *too* much on myself on any given week.)

So there's all of that. . . but I'm feeling this pull and at the same time reluctance to go a little deeper down the rabbit hole of analysis. But it does appear to be (and T agreed with this) that if I do that I'll need the consistency of weekly sessions to stay on track and regulated.

I don't know. I'm an introspective and emotionally intense person and on some levels I just like therapy for it's own sake. I'm worried about getting hooked on it. Starting out, I never intended to become a long term client, but the process and the relationship become so compelling.

I suppose I'm just talking in circles now. It's good to have a place to think some of this out where people can understand.

Thanks again for your thoughts, and hey-- congrats on the little one! Smiler Seems there are a few "forum babies" around, I think kmay has also mentioned having one in the last year. I bring my nine month old to therapy with me sometimes and T loves him. Smiler
I could do something else on the off week-- coffee with a friend, movie, shopping, whatever. This was my original intention-- to vary my outlets a bit and free up some resources for other things.

Fantastic idea
Time spent with friends can be as valuable, if not more, as therapy. That idea might also help you stay more present for your children.

Do what you think is best. Neither choice has to be permanent.

Last edited by deeplyrooted
Thanks HIC my bub is about to turn 1 and its been an insane 12 months!
I used to take him to my sessions as well but he now stays with dad or grandma

Yeah IMHO you need at least weekly sessions if you're doing deep analytic work. The process IS compelling especially if you're naturally introspective and analytic. But I don't think you need to be worried about becoming addicted. T often takes much longer than we expect or want but there will be a time we are ready to leave.

Time with friends and other self care activities are really important.

It's a hard choice but if the path you choose initially doesn't work, there are other options

Peace and rest to you in mummy land Smiler

That sounds like a good idea. I was thinking you could do that and just call when you need an extra session or go back to weekly and cancel when you don't need to go.

Would you actually call for an extra session? It's still so hard for me to ask for anything though I'm trying to push myself more and more.

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