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I'm sick with some kind of bug, worn out - physically and emotionally. I have a lot to do. Practical stuff to get done. However, I also do have some room in life right now to postpone it - i.e. it's not great to postpone the stuff I need to get done, but not the end of the world if I do. Just for a night. Tomorrow will deal with tomorrow (as I keep trying to tell myself.) In fact, my body is kinda screaming at me I have to stop and rest. I'm mad. I want to yell back. I'm not mad about being sick so much as I am mad about trying to let myself rest. I don't want to. Sick or not.

But I need to.

My head knows that my body is going to have a much harder time getting well if I don't just rest.

I'm terrible at self care.

I've gotten a little better at it, but admittedly, it's only out of an effort to try and chill my emotions as my T assures me it will do - and I want to be less of a mess so bad. It's not really out of a heart to actually be kind to myself. It's more out of a heart to "fix" me. Roll Eyes

When I work with horses, I actually do much better with self care the next few days. Especially after one session where I visited one of the horses who was sick. I've noticed this a little with humans too. When I have to care and have compassion for another, somehow, I'm a little less hard on myself. Maybe it just gets my mind in a kinder mindset? Tonight I pampered my kitty - bought her some cat treats and scratched her back until she relaxed into cat oblivion. Somehow, that helped me stop being so mad, and slow down and "give in" to resting tonight.

Tonight I will "give in" at least physically rest, and try not to get so mad at myself about it. Will I ever let my mind and heart rest?

Makes me wonder if my getting mad at myself for resting isn't another kind of twisted defense mechanism. maybe?

I find this somewhat baffling that this would be such a mental battle for me. Does anyone else find self care terribly hard?
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"All said and done I stand alone
Amongst remains of a life I should not own
It takes all I am to believe
In the mercy that covers me"
~ jars of clay

not doing well with this tonight. for some odd reason I can't "let" myself sleep. something has been stirred up and I just - I dunno....

the last time I felt this way was a year ago...

afraid to sleep.

I don't know why but I feel like I have to be awake - and I am so drop dead tired. I am so exhuasted, but afraud to give in and let go and sleep. i am such a dork. who is afraid of sleep? i tell myself no harm is comming, its ok, time to rest...

maybe i am just cracking a bit tonight Frowner

oh please oh please just sleep
hey JD, yes, you are safe... and we're here, the world is still doing its thing, though quietly where you are - busy where I am in the middle of the day. I'm sorry you are having such trouble settling tonight and letting yourself rest. Maybe you can let us on the other side of the world take over the work for now while you do rest.

I find it hard too sometimes, just get all agitated and can't figure out what's stirring inside me. It's a lonely feeling, like if only there were someone to watch while I drift off, then I could sleep.

But we are here, JD, and your little kitty is there too. The horses are probably snoozing safely in their stables. I hope sleep comes to you soon, and if not sleep, that you can just lie and let your mind wander easily and lightly like following the babble of a little brook.

oh Jones - i was about to delete my rambling posting, yet wanting to stay... then i read your message and i love that image - this part of the world is quiet and sleeping, snoring kitty and all, horses in their barn, the part of the world here is dark and safely resting while the other side is taking over the work for now.

thank you jones...

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