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I told T about a month ago that I recognized that there was transference going on in my relationship with her...that good old "mommy" thing. I'm sure T knew this was going on with me long ago but nothing was ever said other than she had asked me in my early therapy (a couple of years ago) who she reminded me of (my answer, "a mom"). In any event, I was scared to death to bring up my realization of the transference. I had this fear that T would terminate me over it. Instead, she was excited by the breakthrough and she let me know it was a good thing in the sense that we could work through it...and we have been focusing on my relationship with my mother.

At the end of my sessions, T and I hug. There have been a few occasions where we did not hug but, for the most part, we hug. Usually, T would hug me before we exited the room, before she opened the door.

I've noticed something different in the past few sessions since bringing up the transference. My T now seems to be rushing to door when we are done and will only hug me after we have exited the room and are out in the reception area. It's obvious she does not want to hug me in the room with the door closed. This is making me feel sort of awkward. I almost feel like telling her that she doesn't have to hug me if she doesn't want to, although I would miss the hugs. I feel as though I have done something wrong but I'm not sure what that might be other than perhaps the fact that the transference thing is out there now. I need some help trying to make sense of this because it's causing some hurt for me.
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Hi Irish Rose...nice to "meet" you. Smiler
It's possible that your T has to be careful because of policies or ethics, about where she now offers you a hug- now that transference developed. T's have to maintain careful boundaries around things like physical contact, especially when there is transference in the relationship. I understand that your transference is maternal, however- this is still the case. She clearly doesn't want to stop hugging you now that the custom has been established, because that would be really hurtful to you. So she has taken it outside the room, so to speak, in order to maintain still some sense of boundary for you within the transference relationship. That's my guess. I could be wrong of course. It seems like a caring solution to a tricky little problem. I'm so sorry that you are hurting alot about it. I know it sucks. Try, talk to her about how it makes you feel, and ask why- from her- that is part of the therapy a really important part. To get good at expressing your feelings with others, especially others that you care about.

I hope you'll share that conversation with her, though it would undoubtedly be hard one to have. cheering you on- Keep us posted..

Hi, Beebs. Thank you for the greeting. It's nice to meet you too.

Your explanation makes perfect sense and that is likely what is taking place. I just feel so awkward about the transference thing. T has nothing to do with me feeling that way. As far as the change in the hugging ritual, I guess the little girl in me feels as though I've done something wrong or that T is trying to distance herself from me. Frowner
Hi Irishrose,
It's nice to see you starting your own thread. Smiler I can definitely understand why the change is bothering you. I think consistency is one of the most important things our Ts can provide us.

I think it's really important, as scary as it will be, that you talk to your T about the change and how it's making you feel. It's important to speak of these things so they don't interfere with your therapy, but more importantly, this is how you will learn about yourself and why you feel the way you do. It's the point of therapy. You sound like you have a good relationship with your T so that she will be able to discuss this with you. You need to hear that this change is not about you nor a punishment.

Thank you, AG. I really have no fear of talking about anything with T -- except for the transference. Something just won't let me go there. I feel something about it...embarrassed, ashamed...not sure. I can't find the words.

I've never had a panic attack that I know of but I had a very uncomfortable experience at work today over this situation when I found myself drifting off into thoughts about it. I started to feel myself sort of spinning and feeling a knot in my stomach and almost like...doom. Like, at that moment, I felt like I needed to just call T and tell her I won't be coming back anymore because, in my mind, I've decided that I've made her feel uncomfortable. My goal this week is to get my feelings under control and hopefully reach a point where I can bring it up in my next session.

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