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Lately I've been trying to work out what pattern emerges when I go through certain moods that stunt me so much emotionally that I cannot even work.

It all started out about 3 years ago when I was working in a call centre. A friend had advised me to watch a conspiracy documentary based on such topics as the illuminati, new world order etc. Long story short, watching the documentary must have triggered me bad because I started seeing the world as a negative, secretive, black market type place. I started becoming addicted to these conspiracy theories and the idea of 'big brother'. My world view because so negative that it pervaded on everything.

By coincidence of this, I was interested in someone who had the same intense attraction to me and was almost obtainable but not quite. She'd decided to remain with her gf and this really did hit me hard.

Put two and two together coupled with my capacity to really over analyze things to the core and my mother convincing me that I'm a 'born intellectual of super intelligence' and I spun out slowly into this web of inability to delay gratification, impulse holidays, debts, creative frustration and indecision.

I'm trying now, to work out why I seem to get so worked up and confused about how I see the world. Often I cannot understand the intricacies of how we live. I cannot develop my own set of moral standards because I see the world as so intertwining and complicated that it seems almost impossible to even think of the idea of a developed moral when there is so much roping going on. The more I read philosophy on certain things or even a paragraph on a political idea, it can spin me out and my whole perception of how I see the world, connected to what I do and connected to how I view myself goes right out the window. Then I experience complete loss it seems. I don't know how to conduct my life, what is good, what is not...

I tend to really look inward at myself to try and grasp what I'm about. At the same time, I'll look outward and understand other people and what makes them tick and then compare myself and how I fit into all this and society's ideals of life and then...I get overwhelmed. And it's at that moment where I could pass it all off in one instant. I could say 'I hate society, I hate it all' and disregard everything I wanted to learn or did learn. It's then that I feel like a clean slate and it can be seen in my habits when I get into this mood because I minimize my possessions a LOT and start cleaning things out. I'll get rid of clothes that 'define' me in anyway so that now I have a very plain wardrobe; I have two pairs of jeans and all my tops are either grey, black or white.

Other times I will feel that I 'fit in' and then this is where everything overwhelms me in a different way. I suddenly find EVERYTHING interesting. I cannot comprehend what I like and what I don't like because I like it all! In those times I am very indecisive because there's too many options for me which overwhelms me more and then depresses me because I see people around me at least having a slight clue of what they want but with myself, it changes almost daily.

I would like to know what you make of this. I am considering having a mental health assessment because it seems that I'm never really content. But then, oh no, I ask what contentment really means and what it means to be a content human being and off we go again...the analyzing. It's at those moments that I have to picture the big 'STOP!' sign in my head to calm my thoughts down.

It's just constant though. My procrastination and motivation is affected by this intense, preoccupied thinking and I just can't tell what it is; BPD, bipolar, clinical depression. I don't know anymore Frowner

Does anyone go through the same mindful intensity? Or what do you think could be going on here? I'm really at a loss half the time and because my moods change in this way, I don't trust myself in even developing an opinion on things. Not if it changes all so much, and all so suddenly Frowner...
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I don't know much about this stuff, but i know what helped to ground me when my mind would spin. (that is what I called it) For me it was intense anxiety- keeping me up at night...writing writing writing.
these things helped me:
1. writing
2. physical exercise (mainly swimming- idk- something calming about the water)
3. looking at beautiful art work- slowly analyzing the lines, colors spaces...)
4, last but not least- my patient T
5. oh, and doing things for others- getting out of myself.

Hugs to you!
Hi, FMG-! your post really struck me as very descriptive explanation fo the way your experience your inner world. And I relate very much to most of what you write. It used to drive me crazy, this stinkin'thinkin' !! My old T used to tell me, to "go scrub the floor." Or play the piano- something, anything, to get the body moving, it doesn't matter what. He also told me that it seemed I was unused to sharing my inner world with another- do you experience that? Do you keep your thoughts inside, most of the time, or are you able to find people to externalize them with? May help, as well, not to be so alone with this.

So anyway, the physical activity-that helped a bit, but then I discovered something else...that I was addicted to this thought process, turning things around, analyzing them, coming up with new theories and possibilities. It must make me feel powerful or somehow in control. This would then lead me to a place of despair and hopelessness, somehow. I went to a spiritual director, at my t's suggestion.- he helped me much with this type of thinking, by strongly encouraging me to do just, the silliest things. I thought he would get me to try and pray all day or something but no- he would say that before we next met, I should go and eat a pastry at a pastry shop! Or he would give me the assignment, to go out into nature, and sit and contemplate it's beauty, just feel it. He insisted on me doing things that are pleasurable, and which I *did not* want to do, I had to force myself to do these things that were supposed to be enjoyable. But- it helped. I think that on this site, that it is called a "right brain activity." If you balk at looking at those lovely affirmations that shrinklady puts up (as I do) then it is most likely a good sign that it is just the type of thing your mind needs to do, to develop more on the creative side of things, perhaps, give yourself permission to just be, enjoy- something- but something creative or physical. Yup, like Mayo said.

I hope this helps a bit- I really believe it may be the answer to the spinning thoughts you seem to be experiencing so intensely.

Big hugs,

Hi guys, thankyou so much for your advice!

You know my preoccupied thinking has rendered me unable to work now because I have thought so negatively about my life circumstances for such a long time. Frowner I can only do work which stimulates me massively now. (As in change of scenes constantly and moving around)

BB: You are absolutely right. Moving and doing creative and physical activity works a lot. Smiler I cannot do sitting down work anymore. I have develop an actual fear of office work because I worked in call centre's for so long. When I start my part time cleaning job I really enjoyed it because regardless of the intense thinking, I was moving and doing things. The unfortunate thing about the intensity of it all is that I can get very emotional with it.

I've recently started practising my friend's guitar which I find very therapeutic. Music in general too.

Thanks again. Smiler

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