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As most of you know I had been really struggling in therapy because my T's wife moved into his office suite and that caused all kinds of triggers in me... from oldT's wife to my mother to other women that have caused issues with important men in my life. We had one truly awful session where I sobbed and shook and was terrified but confronted him with my knowledge that she had moved in and my anger that he didn't tell me. It was a truly low point in our relationship and I was so scared he would tell me to leave. The session instead ended with his giving me the special dragon to hold over the weekend. When I recently asked him about that session and if he was going to terminate me that night ... he smiled and said it was never ever a consideration or thought. He said that it was NOT an option. But he did say he was proud of me for being able to ask him that question and that I was very brave.

Some time has passed and things are getting easier. Our relationship is really good and I thought I could never get past having his wife around the office or believing that it would be okay and nothing terrible would happen. There were two big turning points in reaching this place. One was that my T made it obvious to me that he was "protecting" me and doing his best to not have her presence impact us. I had told him that I never wanted to see her and that I was so freaked out in his waiting room in fear that she would walk out and see me. Actually, I didn't have to tell him ... he could see for himself how anxious I was. So he told me the days she works, he told me she sees patients on the hour and I am on the half-hour and he also does his best not to run late with the previous patient so that I don't have to spend any time in the reception room and can just walk in to his office. All of these acts have shown me that he really does care about me and he is doing his best to see that I'm "safe". The result is that I am much less anxious when I begin my sessions. And if I get anxious then I remember what I know about my T and it seems to settle me down. The trust is growing.

The other thing is that I just got really mad! I love my T and he is good for me and we work so well together. The relationship is really important and I just got mad that I was allowing HER presence there to deprive me of my T and all the good that I could have from working with him w/o the fear and anxiety that she was causing me. Don't know if that makes sense to anyone but I just decided that I valued working with him enough to learn to ignore her and trust that he would not do to me what the others in the past had done. So far, so good LOL. I have also learned that it's a really bad idea to blindside my T. So the next time I had an issue (I thought I saw his wife outside his office and it freaked me out) I emailed him ahead of time to explain my anxiety and we discussed it in session with him being fully aware of what was happening with me. We barely had a ripple.

Just wanted to share that with you all. I know I've been a bit quiet lately.

Right now I am dealing with my T being on vacation next week. I'm doing okay for now. I am not worried so much that he won't come back OR that we won't be okay when he does. I am just missing him and talking with him. He has been firm about my emailing him at least once while he is gone to check in. He told me where he is going and told me it's okay to tell him that I will miss him. It's normal and expected and even good because it confirms the attachment.

He offered me the little dragon to hold onto but I told him no that I wanted to do this week w/o the dragon but I may need him in the future (when I go on my vacation) and I didn't want to wear out all the magic LOL. He reassured me that I'm much stronger and I can do this and it will be fine. I trust him and his assessment of me but we will see how I'm doing in a few days. I think the hardest part are those days when I should have a session. So Monday will be a real test. He is such a great T, how could I not miss him?

Thanks for reading
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Thanks, BLT. I'm a little worried that this calm control I'm feeling now is all fake and that tomorrow when I realize fully that I won't see him all next week I will fall apart and lose the connection. I guess I'm wondering if I'm a fraud or if all of this is really real. That I am getting stronger and that I'm able to hold onto T a bit more than I used to.

Time will tell.


Thanks for the update. You HAVE been quiet lately and I've missed your presence around here. I'm sorry you are facing a separation from your T. It's very hard. IMHO, you have made amazing progress. You haven't even been with your T for two years and you've processed your trauma with OldT AND established a trusting relationship with your newT. If I can complain and be envious for a minute here, I feel like I'm lagging way behind - although the events of last year didn't help much. LOL!

I love that your T is insisting on at least one email while he is away. He really is so good at helping you maintain that positive connection with him. When you feel like you've lost the connection, take him up on his offer and send him an email. Don't suffer. Ask for what you need. You deserve it. If you allow yourself to ask for and get what you need, it will be easier for you to move close to him when you need to and move away when you need to. That secure base that we always talk about. But if you try to be the "good girl"(thinking of myself here, not sure that's how you see it) and be strong and not reach out to him, you won't really be getting the benefits of that secure base.

Just my very biased opinion.


Tn, your T reminds me so much of my T. No wonder you keep telling me to trust my T and to talk to her - you KNOW how good they both are. My T tells me when and where she is going on vacation and says I am allowed to email and text. she knows I won't abuse the privilege. She knows how important it is for me to know where she is.

Reading your post made me feel so much love for MY T. And I am in a "I HATE MY T MOOD right now" and I am stuck.

Now I am crying about it.

I too worry when I am in a calm way - that is it the calm before the storm. BLT gave a great analogy of being wobbly on the bike - but you are still moving. So true.

Love your posts TN, they always give me stability.
Hey TN,

Awesome to read about the progress you're making with your T. How great that you were able to share your concerns with T ahead of time so that you could discuss it in session and he knew what was going on for you without having to guess. I think my T still has to guess a lot. Roll Eyes Smiler

I'm really glad you're also gaining enough stability in your relationship with him to know that things won't be okay anymore after a long break. I'm not quite there yet, because I haven't seen T for two weeks and am slightly convinced that she will have decided she hates me when I see her today. Smiler

How long is your T on his trip?

hi incognito... I believe you can certainly learn to value your T more than allowing the fears to rule you. But you need to take a step towards that despite the fear. Baby steps... they all add up to growth.

BLT... yeah I'm staying on the bicycle even though it gets shaky at times.

Liese... It's nice to be missed by someone. Thanks. I just have a lot going on that keeps me so busy (that includes baseball season). I'm trying to get away from the idea of being the "good girl" with my Ts encourgement. He said that it's boring if I'm always the good girl I love his directness and his encouragement to be me whatever that is. And then knowing I'll always be accepted by him.

SD... I DO keep encouraging you to trust your T. I think she is really committed to helping you but you have to help her to help you and you have to help that scared little girl inside of you too. She needs you like you need your T. I'm glad I made you feel the love for your T and that my posts give you some stablility.

kashley... my T will only be gone for a week because he does not believe in going away from his patients for longer than that. He said many will regress if he is away longer. So instead he takes 3 or 4 one week vacations. I think they serve to recharge him and keep him from burning out. I think it works for everyone that way. It was really hard to send him that heads-up email but it really paid off for both of us. Of course after I sent it I was thinking (like you do) that he NOW has decided I'm too much trouble or what else is she gonna complain about LOL. But it gets harder and harder for me to believe those voices because his behaviour just does not support those tapes in my head. He is SO different from anyone I've ever had in my life. And, Kashly, I am absolutely certain that your T does not hate you ... in fact, she is likely extremely fond of you.

Hey there TN,

I just wanted to reply to the part of your post where you feel like the calm you have isn't real, or won't last. Oh my gosh, I could have written that myself. It's so hard to trust the good feelings, sometimes so much harder to trust the good feelings because (at least for me), good feelings of safety and control and comfort were really dangerous - there was an element of me putting my guard down. It was way safer (it felt) to be scared and upset. That way I wouldn't be surprised or caught off guard. I would be vigilant, I would be ready, and no one could take anything away from me or ruin things.

But then also is the fear that *I* am going to ruin everything by getting upset (that's my feeling). The feeling of good sometimes makes my fear of the feeling of bad so much bigger.

I guess feeling good just feels so scary sometimes. But the truth is that you are this strong, you are this brave, you are healing this much. You are healing, and even if you get upset tomorrow (and you have total permission to get upset, of course you would get upset), it doesn't ruin it. You are doing it!
was way safer (it felt) to be scared and upset. That way I wouldn't be surprised or caught off guard. I would be vigilant, I would be ready, and no one could take anything away from me or ruin things.

Hi 3M...

I have often felt this way and have tried to explain it to my T who told me this strategy gives me a false sense of security. That I have to learn to avoid those who are harmful to me and not depend on being hypervigilent as mu protection. Then he asked me if I was always hypervigilent and I said, yes of course, then he smiled at me and asked how well that worked with oldT and other in my life that hurt me badly. I had to admit it didn't work very well at all and so.... I'm learning who to avoid so I don't always have to be hypervigilent and to keep out those who are worthy of relationships with.

Thanks for your kind words. It's day 3 w/o T and I'm doing okay. I'm really busy which helps. Tomorrow at session time will be the real test.

My childT whom I am attached to has been away for 5 weeks. For me that is a lifetime. I have a time distortion thing - and a week feels like many weeks - so to me she has been gone for 6 months. I can't remember her and it feels like she has abandoned me and has died. She is back this week and I am dreading her contact. I have shut down from her and I am angry. She left me.

I feel like I have to build these thick walls so that her absence hasn't hurt me. I haven't thought of her. I have needed her quite a lot, gone to email her, needed her help with my kids - and then realised she isn't here and felt abandoned all over again.

TN - Would you feel like this if your T went away for a long time? Remember that she isn't my usual T - another person with whom I have a close attachment to.
SD... even if she is not your regular T, you are attached to her and she is important to you so I totally understand you feeling abandoned and hurt. I would really struggle if my T went away for 5 weeks! I cannot even imagine how I would handle that. I once had a 20 day break from oldT and it was really horrible and I did not deal with it very well at all. It didn't help that he promised to call me half way through on a particular day and then just forget or blew me off and I was absolutely devastated. It truly was an abandonment before the final abandonment.

But your building those walls to protect yourself from child T's absence has really not protected you from feeling abandoned, feeling anger and pain and missing her and needing her. You yourself say you have gone to email her only to realize she was away. Rather than dreading seeing her now and shutting down, I think it would be more helpful if you go to see her and open yourself to the feelings you had while she was gone and to openly tell her about all of it. Her understanding and acceptance will be healing and will help you for the next time it happens. I think we feel abandoned when we cannot hold the connection to T. I can hold the connection so far for a week and knowing I can email him at least once does help with that. The real test will be when I leave him for a few weeks.

Sending you hugs SD and I hope it goes well when you see her again.

Hi Liese,

Thanks for asking. Today was a little difficult because it was a long day without seeing T and also because there are a lot of changes going on at work (not all good) that are making me feel very anxious and unable to handle them. I wish I could tell my T and have him comfort me. I'm sort of in avoidance mode now or maybe I'm numbing so I don't think or feel anything. Change in life has always been very difficult for me... even panic inducing... and it just seems that a lot is happening at once.

I have not emailed him yet. I'm trying to hold on until at least tomorrow night. Then I will have an answer on Wednesday morning and that is the halfway point. I do have my son's graduation to look forward to for tomorrow night and we are going out to dinner with my sister before the ceremony. Now if I can just survive another day at work that would be a good thing. Gosh, I do miss him!

How are you doing?


Uggggghhhhhh, I hate change too. That's a great idea about emailing him tomorrow so you have something to look forward to on Wednesday. Glad you are hanging in though. Congratulations on your sons graduation. At least there is out of the ordinary happening this week to work as a bit of a distraction.

I might have to miss my Thursday session because there is something happening at my son's school that I don't want to miss. So unless my T can get in me earlier, I won't see him. I feel ridiculous complaining because of one missed session but it is so hard, isn't it? Once your T is back, it will feel as though he never left but the separation itself can be really trying.

Thanks 3M!!

Graduation was really lovely last night. We had a delicious dinner out before the ceremony, which was a real treat. The ceremony was nicely done and the children received a flower which they then presented to a family member... so I got the flower and a nice big hug from my son. Made me teary.

I also got a comforting email response from T this morning. I emailed him last night. It felt so good to have some contact with him. I am missing him. But I know he is still there for me.

Thanks everyone.
Four more days to go. Today is day 6 without T. Not much at all by the wait times that others endure (thinking of those crazy T's with 5 week vacations Eeker) Tomorrow is looming as a really difficult day because it's a session day and although Monday was also a session day it had only been 4 days since I saw T so I was holding to the connection better than I am now. I did get a short response email from him today which was nice but the impact of it wore off quickly. I've been having anxiety at work and I saw my doctor tonight for a prescription for xanax for travel reasons and she made me more anxious by recommending that I get some blood work done and a physical. I don't think she saw anything really wrong and feels it's more preventative but my anxious brain is not hearing that and thinks there is something horribly wrong that she is not telling me (oh besides that I need to exercise and lose weight) and so I am missing my T in a huge way right now. You know, like that being on the verge of crying all the time feeling?

I am feeling trapped on all sides... work shit, a vacation looming that I don't want to go on, missing my T and then seeing the doctor. I want to find a deep black hole to crawl into and hide.

Oh yeah TN, I absolutely know the feeling of being on the verge of tears. I really know it.

You did NOT need your doc to suggest those things right now.... Turn off that anxiety about it and just focus on you.

You sound just like me. Uncannily like me = esp that last paragraph.

Keep emailing him TN, keep that connection up as best you can. Maybe let the tears come and get it all out and see if that takes some emotional pressure off.

Big hugs friend.
Hi SD... I've been trying to turn off the anxiety and find something positive to focus on that is calming. I can only think about seeing my T on Monday but first I have to get through today. Thursday's are more difficult than Monday's when he is away. Had a restless night with a lot of dreams. None of T, unfortunately. I can't even see him in my dreams Frowner

Four more sleeps and I will be with him again.

Hope your day goes well SD. I know you are seeing the "other" T's today. Hope you are okay.

Hi TN, Thanks and yes I saw ChildT. Bizarre flood of emotions. She started by hugging me and I was crying before i got to her room, so much for making her pay for her abandoning me!!!! I toughened up. I told her how hard it was with her being away and how my poor T was battling to keep me afloat. Child T had such concern on her face - I felt guilty telling her. I left her feeling OK, but later felt shattered, exhausted, conflicted and mixed up. I have already emailed her 3 times!!!!

Text my t as T said she would call me to debrief - but T didn't check her text until too late. I said I was ok and didn't need her to call me but SHIT, all i wanted was to hear my T's voice tonight - one of these days I will actually say YES I NEED YOU and when I say "i don't need a phone call" - I will actually say what I need. I told her I was missing her badly. She replied and said that maybe me missing her was a good sign that I was breaking down some of those barriers. She said "I am here for you". And then went on how she is leaving very early tomorrow for a 3 day holiday and won't be on emails for 3 days. Panic .....

TN - I so wish i dreamt of T - that might help me. I struggle to see her face at any time. I have 5 sleeps.

I didn't see youngT today but I heard her laughing and i saw her legs through the door. Not seeing her was more painful today than seeing her. I still miss her. what a crazy, mixed up day of emotions.
Hey SD how are you doing today? Yes, it's good that you feel able to miss her and even better that you can tell her. Seems like the attachment is in place on both sides of the relationship. She seems invested in you and when someone is invested in us they are WAY less likely to hurt us because it hurts them as well.

Glad ChildT is back again for you. I hope things settle down a bit.

Hey Tn, Just posted in How you feeling thread.

I am feeling so much secure now that childT is back. She emailed me 8 times today - we have a lot of kid therapy issues to deal with after 6 weeks but also i filled her in on how things were for me. She was wonderfully supportive and accepts all my feelings. I actually feel more comfortable in telling her things - and less embarrassed. She is learning a lot about BPD, my therapy my T and the other side of bad attachment. She deals with it with young children with issues - and here I am a 45 year old version of when things go wrong and aren't fixed!!! She is very interested in the therapy side to my T and I and wants to learn more.

I also had the guts to ask her something that is probably a boundary violation - and she agreed to it. Our relationship feels different. Better. But I do think she is feeling guilty. She said as much.

So child T came back at the right time for me just as T is going away. I am still smarting from the past 6 weeks but am healing. It probably helps that I didn't see youngT - that would have been too much.

I have so many feelings, thoughts and fog in my head - it doesn't feel bad or unsafe though - just very busy as I process stuff.

I have 4 sleeps to go until I see T - well 3 as I should be asleep right now. She will contact me tomorrow as arranged.

Hope you are doing ok TN - thinking of you.

Sorry I'm new, so you have probably seen your T by now I hope. Vacations are so hard and I am grateful that many Ts like mine and yours are often only gone a few days up to a week. How did you cope? it is harder at the regular session time I agree! I don't know if you saw my post on attachment but would be interested in your take since you also have a male T.

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