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draggers, I hope you get some sleep soon.

I found that listening to boring recordings helps - sometimes hard to find. I used to have a very boring audiobook and it put me to sleep easily. Reading my textbooks also seems to put me to sleep sometimes. Warm milk sometimes helps. I've tried Melatonin, a herbal type of supplement, that sometimes helps me too.

Insomina is miserable. Frowner I hope you find something that helps you get some good sleep soon.

~ jd

my T suggests counting down from 1000. That works but sometimes I get really bored of it and still can't sleep. I suffer insomnia chronically and what has worked recently is listening to something, like JD suggested. My P Suggested antihistamines for me to fall asleep and sometimes those work too.

I also try moving - like sleeping somewhere else and that helps. If I'm comfortable I will try to find a part of my body that feels tired and have it 'talk' to the rest of me (SE work). Never look at the clock - if you know what time it is you'll only get stressed out (at least me anyway). And sometimes... I'll just get up and do something - watch TV, walk.. I'm awake anyway so why not. Sometimes I'll draw, etc and eventually my body will calm down and say... I'm ready now, take me to bed.

Not that this will help in the moment, but setting up a routine to do before you go to bed (just like you would for a son or daughter - wash them, brush their teeth, read a story, then it's bed time) and that will signal your body that it is sleep time. Also, not doing anything in your bedroom aside from sleeping (no tv watching, exercise equipment, eating, etc). That makes the room a room where you 'sleep' instead of a room you 'do' stuff in. Exercise and well eating during the day help also.

And... as I say all this I know tonight I'm only going to get 3hrs of sleep Smiler But that's what I try. Most nights now I've been checking in with my T before I fall to sleep and that has been a tiny lullaby in an unconscious way - like saying "good night" makes my whole self say ah... good night then!

Good luck my dear...

Glad you got some sleeping pills. Right, no reading tonight! Milk always helps me. One time I tried to count sheep but some of the sheep were doing flips over the fence and I wound up laughing too much to fall asleep. Some of the others tried to sneak under the fence and I had to call them back to make them go over the fence the proper way. I wouldn't recommend it unless you already have and it works for you.

Night draggers, sleep tight, hope the sleeping pills work for you.

I am awake for several hours most nights, get off to sleep ok but wake with buzzy head/memories/nightmares etc I used to panic cos I wasn't sleeping, but am learning to accept it more and get less worried that I won't cope the next day. Insomnia is so wish is to go to bed one night and sleep through to the next day. I truly can't imagine doing that Frowner

Let us know how you get on Draggers, fingers crossed Hug two


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