I was feeling fine and generally doing ok, then had a counselling session this morning. And now feel uuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!
I'm fed up. I'm not sure I'm getting anywhere. I can't get started in the session - I didn't even want to go today and couldn't think of a way to start the session. I don't access my feelings - I just describe how they feel far away and not mine. I talked about dissociation really - how it is for me in daily life (it's bad at night). I've no idea how to fit my needs into this one hour on a Friday - I can't seem to order my stuff to come up at 10.15am on a Friday.
I've spent some time talking about issues to do with my mum (there are legitimately a few of those), but feel like I'm going round in circles. I don't get upset, I just talk. I stay 'adult' and reflective. Inside I sometimes feel I have other things that need to be talked about, but those parts of me aren't ok sitting on a chair and doing talking. One session I did ask to go to the other bit of the room where they keep the kids stuff and play with the sand. This really helped me. But she never mentioned it since and so I haven't felt ok to ask again.
It's so hard. I can't get to a place of being open within the time (an hour). I know she doesn't leave time for grounding and I know I have a long drive after the session, so I feel wary of getting too into anything. And I'm not allowed to contact her between sessions and she hasn't ever asked what support I have outside of the hour... it kind of feels like to go deeper would be like bungy-jumping with cotton thread, instead of an elastic rope. But I feel bad for being scared like that. I dont know how to say this without it sounding like a complaint or that I'm not grateful (it's charity provided, I don't pay). They are the rules - non-negotiable.
I felt so alone and tearful after this session today, but I dont know why. Probably because she asked me a few times about being lonely. I guess I am.
I'm afraid there is something wrong with me, that I'm just not able to get better on counselling, that I'm probably wasting her time. I'm not even sure that I'm right to ask for help - I'm very independent and most people dont know I struggle at all.
I think really I need a place I can be safely vulnerable (however much I might find that shameful) and not the 'I'm fine' image I put on for the outside world. But I've no idea how to assess if this is the place.
Sapphire Blue