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Just got back from my T....all went well until I (finally) raised the issue of how I felt re: the events of 3 weeks ago. There was a deadly silence (or so it felt like). It was almost time to go though, so I bet she was relieved that I was leaving in a few minutes. It really felt like she didn't want to discuss it (that may have been me though).

I love my T so much; she is lovely. I really don't want to upset her. *sigh* Roll Eyes

You see the problems this has caused? We will work through it though I hope. Confused

It's funny what you say about prefering to see your T in a neutral setting...I am the opposite! My last T was in a clinic and I find it much nicer that my current T sees me in her house. I know a lot about her family, I've been in her garden, her loo, I know where her weekend place is, her allotment...all's nice...I find it comforting and it makes me feel close to her. I can understand what your saying though and you may well be right about making things focus much more on the therapy, but I just find the not-knowing too painful. It just goes to show how different we all are and how individual therapy is - what suits one person does not necessarily suit another I think. Smiler

Things are hard at the moment, but I do not regret saying what I did three weeks ago. There have been times when I have regretted it, yes, but I have a feeling our relationship will be a whole lot stronger and deeper in the long run.

It's just hard getting there, that's all.... Frowner

Jumping on way late here, but I feel compelled to reply as this thread has been HUGE for me to read. Big time. I just uncovered a photo of my T through a mylife search, which led me to her "other" last name, which led me to her son's FB page (which does not have the photos marked private) which led me to her Husband's FB page (again, photos not private) which landed me a photo of her. Attachment? Yep. Boundary issues? Yep. Fear of her kicking me off the couch, so to speak? Yep. But I'm fessing up at my next session, which isn't soon enough, and I think I'm ok with whatever the outcome will be, thanks to reading this thread.

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