I overstepped a big boundary with my T - in the midst of a raging case of transference, I impulsively sent her flowers. The big problem is that she doesn't have regular office hours since she does research and consulting besides seeing clients, I anonymously sent the flowers to her house.
I just wanted to do a 'random act of kindness' kinda thing... not sign the card with the flowers because I wanted her to get something that would brighten her day. I had already told her that I was in the midst of a bad case of transference (it had started out at wanting to be friends and progressed to more than that - and had told her a week before that I had to stop seeing her because I was having obsessive thoughts about her - but we met but didn't talk much about the transference stuff). When she got the flowers, she called the florist and they didn't tell her who sent them but they gave her a description of the person who ordered them... and of course, I fit that description.
The flowers arrived on Saturday, and Monday afternoon was my weekly appointment time. She canceled the appointment 3 hours before and didn't give me a reason. I emailed her and then she told me about getting the flowers and the description of the sender... I was upset and a bit mad that she canceled with so little time before the appointment but once I found out that she 'knew' who sent them, I started feeling more upset that I messed things up.
I responded by trying to explain my motivation and then canceled all my future appointments. I canceled I think because I was embarrassed and ashamed that I had triggered, as she put it, "an impact, on her and it was not a good one. I told her that I wouldn't bother her any longer and hoped I wasn't in the 'creepy stalker' category because that wasn't my intent.
She replied that she understood my motivation for sending them but that it had crossed the therapeutic boundary and had impacted her... and wished me good luck.
So now I've got more questions and comments for her but since I told her I wouldn't bother her I feel like I can't let her know. And I'm feeling really sh*tty because I brought this on myself... and REALLY messed up.
So I'm wondering if I should write her a letter and send it to her or just forget the whole thing and try to move on...
I've already have an appointment with another T (someone I knew years ago but wasn't my T) because I feel so bad. Am I just torturing myself more and should just move on with my life? Is it too late for me to contact her to set up an appointment to discuss this face to face rather than via email? Thanks in advance and thanks for getting this far in my mess...