I really don't have a good reason for my absence. I've just had this nagging feeling of being fake, and it seemed like retracting from everything and pouring myself into my work would help change that. But I felt even less 'real' when I did that. I have decided to sit with just being uncomfortably 'here.' Also, living only with myself - not even writing in my journal - has led to a small relapse in some of my slightly less than healthy behaviors. All of which just strengthen the self-loathing by so much more.
In the past 3 sessions I've had, I've experienced dissociation that leaves me useless to do any work in therapy. It was a shock to me to dissociate so completely in session, as I've never felt it to that degree before. The session before last, my T mainly focused on giving me tips to help ground myself if/when it happens again, but I only experience dissociation like that in therapy. Well, expect for one time last week. No matter what I do, it seems like I just have to lie down and slowly come back to myself. Nothing else seems to work. After last week, I've worried that my T would grow impatient with me and my inability to stay grounded in session. I was spacey and jumbled for most of my session yesterday, too. My T asked me if I knew what triggered it, but I didn't have an answer for her. At that point, I was way too foggy-headed to think anything productive. But, recently, I think I've realized that any sense of closeness, or caring, toward (and from) my T triggers it. I teetered on the edge in my most recent session. I wasn't completely gone, but I had to stop mid-sentence a few times because my thought processes just…left. My T has been very supportive, but that almost makes worse. It does make it worse.
In between sessions, I feel useless because I can't concentrate on barely anything, but I can't think enough of the sessions to try and process anything from them that might help me get past this block. It seems like a physical barrier in my mind. And it feels like too much work to try and do anything but attempt to forget that there's a barrier at all. I guess that largely explains why I've only been reading and not posting, because if I post, then I'd have to acknowledge this frustrating block. I remember with my last T, I would feel completely overwhelmed with emotions immediately following a session that could (and did) last several days. With this T, it seems like my brain shuts down as soon as I get in my car, and everything is left in my T's office. It's a blessing and a curse.
I feel bad for posting when I haven't been here to support everyone else, especially when this stuff is just small potatoes. I'm not exaggerating when I say I hope you'll forgive me for it.