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Just wanted to thank all of you for asking about me and wondering how my session with my T went on Thursday. I have sat here and tried to write about it since Thursday but it was just impossible to find the words. I guess I needed time to sit and process for awhile.

I was really stressed when I walked into reception trying to focus on what I needed to say to him and still not sure where the anger was coming from. I did feel that some or most was transference and some was here and now stuff. He had a client and when she left he walked out and smiled at me and extended his hand to me as usual. I took it but didn't smile and he saw right away that something was not okay with me. He said to go into his office and he'd be right back. I knew he knew I was upset already.

It's our usual routine that I go in and sit down (although he gave me permission to browse he books and look at his knick knack collection while I wait). I was too nervous and sat down and started to cry from nerves before he even came back in. He took one look at me and said you look awful, what is going on? I said I just don't know. He said... well something is going on because I got 3 calls from oldT who is trying to deliver your files to me! He said they had been trading messages over the past 2 days and he had called him back that morning but had not heard back from him yet. He said my letter to oldT's lawyer must have been very powerful to get him to move so fast.

I had been on the edge because I was unsure of what reaction my letter would have. So then my T asked me what else was going on with me and how long did I feel so bad and I told him since Monday. He asked what had happened and I told him I was not sure but I think I am mad at him. Do you know what he said to me, what he asked me immediately? He wanted to know if he had done something to hurt me. He did not get defensive or brush it off or try to turn it back on me ... he was first concerned with ME and if I was somehow hurt. He is such an amazing T. He wheeled himself closer to me and leaned forward and looked into my eyes and asked me to tell him about it and I was at a loss for words. He then told me that he was the doctor and it was up to him to help me with this and to figure out what to do not me. He asked me a few questions and I started to talk and put things together. I told him I felt angry that he was always pushing me so much and that I could not live up to what all he wants from me and that makes me feel like a failure, just like with my mom. I could never be perfect enough to make her happy. He listened and then asked me if he ever said to me that he felt I was a failure? I said no... that it was all in my head. That it was my feelings, not what he said to me. Then I told him that he upset me because I get no empathy from him just a lot of interpretation and explanationa and it would be nice to see some empathy and for him to say "oh I'm sorry for the pain and agony you are having to deal with. I understand how hard this all is for you". And he said that he had thought he told me those kinds of things but maybe he was not doing a good enough job with the nurturing and that is what I needed to have. He did say that he didn't think he'd stop pushing me though. So I told him well then I'm going to push back and he smiled at me and said "you just did". LOL.

He asked me if I knew what he thought about me and I said said yeah you think I'm smart and brave. And he said yes that is true I think you are courageous and smart but do you know how I FEEL about you? I said no. So he said that I had earned his utmost respect for the way I have conducted myself in the months that he knows me. He said that not many earn his respect. He also told me he likes me, he likes my playfulness and always looks forward to seeing me. And then he said he feels a lot of warmth towards me. That was really nice to hear and I thanked him for telling me.

Then I confessed to him that I was really troubled by what he said to me last week when I told him that I had such a hard time in the mornings, that I wake up scared and shaky every morning and he wanted to know where he was in all of that. How was I using him to help with that? The problem is, that oldT is in that space and he ain't moving out. I have tried to create that mental representation of my new T but I'm having a hard time with it because I immediately go to my oldT when I'm upset but the it's like my mind recoils when I remember how cruel he was to me and my thoughts have no place to go for the secure feeling that I seek. He told me that he knew it was hard and that it would not happen overnight but he hoped that with some time it would happen. He told me he realizes that oldT is my my parent, although he was not a good one and hurt me badly and that he is my step-parent that I cannot accept yet. That it will take time. But that he would be there no matter what.

But... and this is the crazy part... as we were talking I heard noises in his reception room. Footsteps. I paused and asked him if there was already another client waiting out there? He said that it could be his office mate who called and said she forgot her office key and may need him to let her in. He said she could wait. We finished talking but I was getting this really strong feeling that oldT was out there. I wanted to get up and open the door but I felt stupid to do that in his office. And so, finally, I asked him if he could go out and look to see who was out there. He did and no one was there. He looked around and nothing was left there either and so he came back in and closed the door. Two minutes later his beeper went off and he looked at me and said ... it's old T... do you want me to call him back? I said yes, please. So he called oldT on his cell phone and they talked a few minutes about that oldT was there to drop off my files and belongings but he didn't want to knock and there is no receptionist.... (stupid oldT should have known to call first and set a time for the drop off). Mad

And so my T casually mentioned that I wsas there right now with him talking and all of a sudden oldT took a sharp breath of shock (my T described it like he was kicked in the balls) and then all of a sudden he had to go. He had no time to come back up and droop the files. He was likely sitting out in the parking lot and he just could not face me. And so they discussed dropping them later that night or on Monday.

My T hung up and looked at me and said "he is a f'ing coward". I started to cry and tell him that I was so scary he could not even hand me the files. I was so horrible. My T came very close to me and asked me "do I look scared? have I ever looked scared? You are not scary. He is a guilty coward. It's him not you. He had the opportunity to behave like a professional and with some dignity in front of another colleague who works practically down the street from him and what did he do? He ran. He didn't even have the decency to ask about you or to say he hoped you were okay or to say hi" I was shaking so badly by then. Just knowing that he was THERE on the other side of the door... he was SO CLOSE all I had to do was to open the door and I would see him there... I would have had my stuff and now I have to wait until next week. I think that more than anything else just totally defeated me. Knowing he was so close to me. I just had to get out of my chair and open the door. My heart knew it was him out there. And I'm left once again with empty hands.

My T did his best to help me calm down. He spoke softly to me. He told me if oldT came back that evening with the files he would call me and I could go in and we would look at them together. He asked me what I thought was in them? I have no idea aside from my emails to him or my cards and letters and the insurance forms. He did take notes on some occassions.... we wrote down my goals in therapy and then revised them another time. I don't know why I have this need for that info but I guess I'm still looking for why I was terminated. My T warned me that I would find lies in there too and should be prepared for that. Ethically, oldT had to document my termination and what steps he took to avoid it and we know he didn't take any steps.

My T was also so careful to let me know that any anger and frustration I was picking up in the room was not directed at me. He wanted me to know that he wanted to bang his head against the wall in frustration at oldT because of the hurt and harm he caused me but we were fine and good.

I was still shaking when I left him. We shook hands and he patted my arm. He wished me a happy easter and told me to call him anytime over the next days. He told me that he would be around. He said it again when I was leaving....he told me to call for any reason. I almost felt like he hated to send me off back to work knowing what just happened.

In the end, my relationship with my T is just as strong and as good as ever. He is so strong and honest and caring. I told a dear friend about the step parent analogy and she sent me this amazing song by Brad Paisley, He Didn't Have to be...about a wonderful step dad and how he married a single mom with a little child and became a Dad to that child. It was so touching and it made me realize that my T didn't need to or have to take me on... he WANTED to be my T. He was fully booked, he didn't need a new client. But he chose to make room for me in his schedule. He is such a good person. I 'm so blessed to have him in my life. My oldT was the abusive Dad, but my current T is the stepDad is who loving and kind and caring and strong and is someone I can respect and look up to... he is the Dad I always wanted.

I found this quote that I will give him at some point when I'm ready... it reads...."If all the Dads in the world extended their hands toward me in frienship, yours is the hand I would hold." Anon

Thanks everyone if you made it this far. That song really helped me to see what is going on in my head with oldT/newT and right now I feel really close to my T. So close I don't need to contact him for connection because I carry him inside of me now. I just wanted to say I really appreciate you all caring about me and asking about me and offering great support.

I think I'm doing pretty well now.

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Oh, TN. Thank you so much for sharing your session. Your oldT is a f---ing coward, just like your good newT says. I was so angry just reading about his response to your presence. Ugh. I am so glad you found your way to someone so steady, who so obviously cares for you and is willing to give you the time you need to make room for him in your heart. It warms my heart to hear about how he makes you feel seen and accepted...something you very much deserve, after so much bad. ((((hugs)))) and hope that reviewing your files with your newT is able to bring you some closure with your dad, so you can connect with your step-dad on an even deeper level. Smiler
WOW, TN. I am *so, so, so* glad your T was right there with you in this. He was right there with you while Old(useless)T once again freaked out for no reason and ran away. How he tells himself he is up to being a therapist I cannot fathom. But your T was there. It's amazing that you sensed it was him. Thinking of you and hoping for you that closure on the files comes soon. Hang in there.

Your T is just the absolute BEST. I love him. Smiler

Tell him we shall all queue up at his door even from across the Atlantic!

Truly - this man is a total gem and I am so glad. Cos you utterly deserve a total gem.

What a session you had! It would not be credible if it was in a soap opera, I mean, imagine your ex T walking in and being there and you sensing and feeling uncomfortable and you were right and then the ex T runs away! Amazing. And how KIND your T is when this is going on and how KIND he continues to be. You are totally right here, he is the kind step dad you are hardly believing IS the kind and strong and steady father figure you need.

Then I told him that he upset me because I get no empathy from him just a lot of interpretation and explanationa and it would be nice to see some empathy and for him to say "oh I'm sorry for the pain and agony you are having to deal with. I understand how hard this all is for you". And he said that he had thought he told me those kinds of things but maybe he was not doing a good enough job with the nurturing and that is what I needed to have. He did say that he didn't think he'd stop pushing me though. So I told him well then I'm going to push back and he smiled at me and said "you just did". LOL.

Please keep posting things like this from your sessions, cos I just drink them in! I just love it. It has made me appreciate how recounting some of our sessions helps other, cos your posts nourish me. I get a sense of your T's kindness and it helps me to appreciate the kindness of my own sweetP.

I am so glad that the agony has been reduced and that now you more steady as you await the files and you know you have the right person alongside you in all of this. I just want to say Hallelujah!

and I might try posting about my last session, since it might be helpful to others too.

Keep inspiring us, TN. And I hope you get a good enough time to rest over this holiday weekend as you have been through the wars this last week or so and six months and year and ...LOL

So he said that I had earned his utmost respect for the way I have conducted myself in the months that he knows me. He said that not many earn his respect. He also told me he likes me, he likes my playfulness and always looks forward to seeing me. And then he said he feels a lot of warmth towards me. That was really nice to hear and I thanked him for telling me.

Yea! Happy bunny Dance for TN.

Type that out fifty feet high and stick it somewhere you will have to read it a LOT!

Or type it out small and laminate it and keep it in your purse so you keep reading it.

Or make it into a laminated bookmark.

Smiler Smiler
I'm relieved that your T knew what to do, TN. I am shocked that oldT would run away from a perfect opportunity to just meet and be civil, and hand over your things. He must be feeling incredibly guilty about his shameful termination of you to do that.

Thank you for letting us know how you are doing. I was concerned about you, but I knew your T would help once you could get to him.

IO hope you have a peaceful Easter.

I am not surprised that you felt your old T out there. Your body felt it too.

Your New T carries you thru it all- how strong and kind he is. It sounds like you are so blessed to have someone do the hard journey WITH you. (as I do)

So so proud of all the hard work you are doing, TN, and I feel this will really be a turning point that allows you to bury old T. New T is sufficient, more than that even.

What a great season to be- resolved and "out with the old (coward), and in with the New" blessed T.

With very high regards to you,
TN, I get this image of your T holding you so gently with his words and it is beautiful.

The experience of oldT being there must have been absolutely heart-wrenching and I am so sorry that he was not able to face you. I know it is difficult to take in that it was about *him* and definitely not *you*, I hope that in time you are able to really hear that.

I am sooooo glad your wonderful T was there with you in that painful experience. And so glad you were able to feel his warmth and care.

"he is a f'ing coward...It's him not you. He had the opportunity to behave like a professional and with some dignity in front of another colleague who works practically down the street from him and what did he do? He ran. He didn't even have the decency to ask about you or to say he hoped you were okay or to say hi"

(((((TN))))) I completely agree with newT about this, and glad he is angry about it too! What a disturbing event. Frowner I am so glad to read that newT is insisting on being available for you through this. I encourage you to believe him, and call him if you start going south with this. NewT is definitely NOT oldT, and although in the beginning that really bothered you, I am sure we are all glad now that it is the case. Hugs!

I completely agree with your T as well. He is an f-ing coward!! I can't believe (well, I can but still!) that he wouldn't come back up. It's not like you were alone for goodness sakes! He clearly is ashamed and can't face you.

I'm glad that your T was so helpful and continues to be such a great place to land for you. Thank you for sharing your session. It sounds like it was really powerful.
Wow TN!!
I'm totally gobsmacked by oldT's behaviour - unbelievable!!! His behaviour shows PURE GUILT that he's too gutless to face!!! Now wonder newT called him for what he is!! Oh how marvellous is this newT? He is a wonderful fit for you and it shows in your growth that is so obvious!!

I'm glad newT will go through the files with you and glad he also warned you to expect lies - they will be there for sure but they will just be some form of ass covering!!

I hope you're feeling a little better after the reassurances and care from newT!
x Morgs
I've been away all day doing Easter stuff and I'm so touched by all of your replies to my post about my last session. Thank you.

Stoppers... not sure we have "met" before and I just wanted to say welcome to the board and thank you for your comment. I look forward to getting to know you better.

Kashley, thank you. How are you doing? I know how lucky I am to have such a caring competent T. I will try to remember that when things get rough.

Hi Yaku...I never knew what a coward my oldT was. I was so blind to this part of him. Or he kept it well hidden from me. As I look back in reading my journal I can see many small things that indicated everything was always about HIM not me. He carried that through up until now where he ran again from me... not caring that he was requested to fulfill the delivery of my files by Wednesday and it was already Thursday and he was right there at my T's office and he STILL had to make it about him. He could not face me because of HIS discomfort, not caring that he would leave me waiting for another 4-5 days to get my belongings back. After 8 months he still is too afraid to see me and I just don't understand it. What does he think I will do to him? Does he think I'm dangerous and unhinged? What is in the man's mind after so many months that he STILL cannot look at me. I never did anything to him but treat him with care and respect. I was so good to him and his family too. Not that I wanted anything back from him... I only ever just wanted him to be my T and not abandon me. My T is wonderful and he is really trying to protect me from further hurt. I know that one day he will be the only one in my heart and mind in that role of fatherT. And he will then cease to be stepDadT.

Hi Jones... I have no idea how a T with a Ph.D. and in practice for 15 years can behave like this with a patient who, according to my current T, is a perfect patient that T's love to have and who is easy to work with... I keep asking myself how could I have missed seeing what a coward he was and how did I miss that clue that he could be so abusive to me and how he also hurt my son who is still confused about why he can't see his T any more. I was the one who was traumatized and abandoned and HE is the one who is afraid to meet face to face?? He must be more crazy than I ever suspected. Which then leads me to....should he still be in practice to hurt others like this? Or was it only ME he wanted to hurt? Do I report him? No easy answers.

Hi PF...thanks for your comments. Yes, I do work hard in therapy and despite my knowledge it does not make me immune from feeling like a failure at times. I do have some advantage in understanding the transference and so can identify some things to share with my T and then we can discuss them and he will help me through the feelings. I need to talk them through because just intellectually understanding them is not enough.

And PF... I love the image of keeping T's sweet words in an imaginary heart necklace around my neck and close to my own heart. That is very comforting. Thank you.

Monte... yes my T is A-Mazing! He gets better and more amazing each time I am with him and especially each time I go to him upset and confused and in pain. He really gets it and never ever backs away from me. He comes closer and that makes so much difference. And yes, oldT has really shown himself to be a spineless jellyfish.

Hi Sadly... it's great hearing from you. I know you have had some setbacks recently and I hope you are able to post more about them. My T is the best and I'm starting to risk feeling warm feelings for him too. Thanks for saying I deserve him. I had to walk through hell to get to him and I think that makes me appreciate him more. I think you can understand this too. And yes, this is turning into quite a soap opera. I should write a book about it. My T is so kind to me because he is a kind man. OldT is a small, cruel, petty man and that is who he is ... I did not make him that way. I am happy that my session posts are so helpful and nourishing to you and that you can take some good with you after reading them. That makes it worth it to write it all out. Oh and thanks for doing the happy bunny dance... I should make a bookmark with his words... especially since I'm always reading one book or another LOL.

Beebers, my feathery friend....thanks for stopping by. You would think oldT would want to look good in front of me and another professional T... but he shows his true cowardly colors in running away once again. The only other thing I can think of is that he, for some reason, still wants to hurt and punish me for something. I just don't know what it could be. Maybe he's still angry at me for crying so much those last days. Thank you for being concerned about me and you are correct... all I had to do was to make it back to my T and I would be okay. I think I knew that too.

Hi Mayo... that's it isn't it... having that stronger wiser other make the journey with you and walk with you through the bad stuff.

Hey LG... oldT had to be threatened to return my things and files and believe me he would rather not do this. I'm sure he is scared. I hope he never traumatizes another client ever.

BG...thanks for your comments. I am in a safe place now. I think deep inside I know this. Thanks for coming along on my journey.

seablue... I know you are suffering at losing your own T and I know that pain. I'm sorry you have to experience it too. But I hope you can take some hope and some comfort in knowing that I finally found my wonderful T after interviewing 4 other Ts and that you will find your own wonderful T as well. Thank you for sharing that lovely image of my T holding me gently with his words. Thank you.

starfishy....I will certainly try to hold onto my T and his words when I wobble as I will surely do at some point. Thank you.

MH... yeah it really did bother me in the beginning that new T was not oldT but now...thank goodness he is not. He is so much better and he is everything I wanted oldT to be but he was just not capable of. I believe that oldT has serious emotional issues of his own he needs to deal with but he is too cowardly to face them (or me). How sad for him.

HI STRM... thanks for agreeing with my T about old T's cowardice. You are both very wise people! I finally have my softer, safer place to land.

Hi Morgs... Thanks. Yes I am feeling better after my T's reassurances. It's so nice to know I can go in there angry and come out feeling secure and cared for. I'm sure I would have felt even better if not for oldT being such a coward again and running. My T has been pretty firm about being there when I go through the files... that is his way of taking care of me and protecting me and I have to say it feels really nice.

I will let you all know what happens on Monday. I see T again, same time around lunch time.... which is also the likely time for oldT to try to drop the files again. I wonder if he will call first this time. How interesting would it be to run into him on the staircase or in reception? I'm sure he does not think I will be there again so soon. He would think I had once per week sessions and feel safe in showing up. Ha! I would really relish seeing him open that door and have to look me in the face.

Hugs to all
I know I KEEP saying it, but I DO SERIOUSLY think we need to write a book about terminations.


A chapter by each of us and some extra stuff by a good T or two who understands the issues,
so please, do write up about it.

I am just about nudging towards a complaint against the ex C, mainly because I don't want her damaging someone else by being so incompetent.

I am afraid I want your ex T struck off. He could be doing the same to someone else that he did to you. Awful thought.

hugs S
I don't really have time to write about my session today right now as I'm tied up with stuff but I just wanted to let you all know that I STILL don't have my files as oldT never showed up on Thursday evening nor did he show up today and I was so jumpy and distracted through the entire session it's a miracle I was able to focus at all. He did leave a new voicemail for my T which was totally ridiculous... saying something like Hi X this is Y... as you may have noticed I did not drop off TN's file so don't look for it because it's not there. I will get back to you sometime next week. bye. ARGGG Mad Mad He left that message on Thursday night around 6pm.

My T has a new name for oldT... chicken little. He is SO PISSED at him for these antics. He keeps reminding me that is just reinforces everything I have told him about oldT's behaviors and he said he marvels at how I was ever able to do any therapy with him. He said "it's a F'ing package.... Fed Ex delivers them everyday, my daughter could do a better job...what the hell is his problem? This is not THAT hard... this is a professional person and his behavior is a disgrace". Muah, thank you lovely newT.

And so now I'm fighting back the urge to call his lawyer and tell him this is already 5 days overdue and I need it within 24 hrs or I'm moving to my next step. My sister is holding me back saying to give it one more day.

Oh... and.... after seeing my T I drove past old T's office. He was there, alone... no clients... NO reason to not deliver my files. No reason at all except cowardice.

More later...

Ugh, TN, I'm sorry. Chicken little is a great name for oldT. I really cannot stand this guy. I am so glad you have newT by your side to validate and encourage you. If you don't have your files this week, I would think something has to be done as he obviously is incapable of taking his job seriously. I feel sorry for anyone who is still his client. Frowner
If you don't have your files this week, I would think something has to be done as he obviously is incapable of taking his job seriously. I feel sorry for anyone who is still his client

Hi Yaku and thanks. I do think I have to do something. He seems to think this is a joke and it's not. This is MY mental health we are talking about here and he's a damn psychologist and he should know better. I am so filled with anxiety it's interferring with my sessions, I cannot focus, I am struggling again at work and we know I'm on thin ice there already. It's draining my energy and sucking the life out of me. I am trying so hard to stay optimistic and I have always aimed for finding some amicable settlement between us... some answers and some closure I can live with. Evidently I care more about this than he does. He seems like he WANTS me to report him because of his total non-cooperation with everything I have asked of him.

I cannot imagine what kind of treatmemt or therapy he is providing his other clients. He seems to have gone off the deep end with no life preserver.

Have to get my son to bed and will be back to post about session.

(((((TN)))))) You still do not have the records? Legally, chicken T has 90 days max to provide records, with criminal pentalities at risk. hmm... maybe write another letter to his lawyer and mention these HIPAA regs and mention you are sending a copy of the letter to OCR, the office that enforces these regs? I dunno.

I do think your new T is wonderful. Big Grin
Hi Jane...what is the OCR, not familiar with that. Funny you should mention HIPAA... he never had me sign any HIPAA forms so I never had any idea what my rights were for confidentiality and these kinds of requests (e.g. records).

Hi FOT...He must be carrying immense guilt or he is more ignorant than I thought. I am considering a call to his lawyer tomorrow. I'm getting more and more angry and frustrated. And I'm really very tired.

Oh sorry TN, OCR = Office for Civil Rights, the folks with the Dept of Health and Human Services who enforce HIPAA. (I used to work for a law professor) They are the federal side of who you could file a complaint with, and honestly, it probably wouldn't get a lot of attention from them, but just mentioning a HIPAA complaint scares most mental health care providers. You could also mention to the lawyer you are letting the state licensing board know what's up. Your T needs to get his act together and realize he's going to save immense time for himself if he just gets this done and gives the records to your new T. My old T did some weird delaying stuff in a smilliar way when I ended with her and new T asked for records.
UV... I am very aware of that but in order for them to argue against giving psychotherapy notes they should be kept in a separate file away from your Personal Health Information. The T needs to maintain two separate files, one for psychotherapy notes and one which is the basic medical/clinical record. In my T's case I KNOW he only keeps one file on me as I've seen it and have seen his notes mixed in with my insurance forms and other stuff I gave him. This information came from two websites which I have bookmarked on my other computer... I do remember one of them was the Zur Institute site which has lots of wonderful articles and information about therapy and therapists, including HIPAA information.

UPDATE.... My T emailed me today at 3pm telling me that chicken little showed up with a large sealed box with my files and belongings inside. They did not exchange any words except "here" and "thanks" because my T was in a session at the time CL knocked on the door. I'm sure CL did not WANT to engage my T in any conversation.

Anyway, my T told me all is in a sealed box and he offered that I could pick it up tonight or wait until Thursday when I see him. Of course I wanted to run right over and get it but I was also really scared to be alone when I open the box. I consulted with my sister and good friend and they agreed it would be better to open the files with my T... even if nothing of note was in there I would need the support of my T. I KNEW deep down that this was the right course to take and had to calm myself down enough to acknowledge it. I waited this long so what's another 2 days right? I was afraid to open it and then break down and fall to pieces while alone with no support and then having to go home to my family and try to look "normal".

Instead of emailing my T back I waited until I knew he was in between clients and beeped him. He called me right away and told me that indeed he had the package and it would remain sealed until I get to see him. He told me he was very pleased that I decided to wait to open it with him and not alone tonight. I like pleasing him and I like how protective he is of me. So he said he would put it in a safe place and I told him I trusted him to take care of it and then he said only..."bye, TN"... and suddenly I felt better. I know it's so weird but just hearing him say my name made me feel okay.

Of course now I'm shaking again and trying to come to terms that I finally have my stuff. Although I have not heard anything about my other demand, which was for a face to face meeting with him. I know he does not want to do this but I can force him by using leverage of board sanctions. He has no idea how far I will go and I'm not sure he wants to play a game of "chicken" with me at this point. My T
has said to me that I could easily blow down his house of cards. My T does not suffer ignorant and abusive Ts very well. They put a black mark on the profession he cares very much about and proudly represents.... aside from how much they hurt patients.

Yet once again I am grappling with grief and loss and endless endless questions. They haunt me and keep me awake at night and sometimes I think I'm going insane. Yes.... still after all of these months. I hate saying it but it's true. I am better but not beyond this by any measure yet. It does not help that my bosses at work are being relentless in harrassing me about my work. NOTHING is ever good enough and no matter what I do they complain. I am so exhausted and feel like i'm trapped in a cycle of failure. I did decide to take a half day on Thursday because I don't think I would be able to go back to work and be anywhere near functioning. I will need to be alone for awhile I think. Maybe call my friend or sister and maybe sit here and post about it. Not sure. But I don't want the pressure of work looming over me.

That's about it for now.
Okay ... well if I sound like I'm okay with everything I'm really not.

I'm sitting here remembering yesterday's session with my T and he said something that just freaked me out because it was an echo of oldT. We were talking and he told me that... there is nothing I could tell him that would make him turn away from me or change his opinion about me. Old T told me the same thing... just two months before he abandoned me so harshly.. I told my T that old T said that and it seemed to pain him and he elaborated on it saying that in THIS case he already knows me and the kind of person I am and that he is a good judge of people and who he can work with... etc. But I woke up in the middle of the night last night terrified that this is not really true and when we go through the files he will see how really horrible I am and then understand WHY oldT ran away from me. And then I will loose him too and I just can't do that again. I think if it happens again it will kill me.

So I don't know what to do. Maybe I should not go through the files with him. Maybe I should do it alone instead. I am not sure of anything and I'm so tired. I have no energy to fight any more.

I'm sitting here shaking over this convinced that something terrible is going to happen to me on Thursday. OMG... it's Thursday... the same day of the week that oldT called the cops on me.

I just have really bad feelings over this.

Of course you are terrified because of what you experienced with oldT. Frowner The waiting must be really difficult. I can only imagine from what you have posted, your T meeting you with even more acceptance, and I hope that acceptance will bring some relief to your fear.

I wanted you to know I am thinking of you.


You will be okay!! New T's 'echoing' words were just similar words but he's a good man and will stand with you! IMO you've made the right decision to go through the files with T and there's no way he'd think 'you're' horrible - horrible things may have to happened to you that's all! One way or another it is going to be an emotionally wrenching session and will probably raise much pain afterwards but this wonderful newT will help and care and contain you!!!

Be gentle with yourself TN Big Grin
x Morgs
I have been looking up what our present T's need to do about unethical T's or P's.

This is what I got:

for psychologists:
4.Standard of Addressing Ethical Misconduct

Psychologists should:

(i)Challenge colleagues who appear to have engaged in ethical misconduct, and/or consider bringing allegations of such misconduct to the attention of those charged with the responsibility to investigate them, particularly when members of the public appear to have been, or may be, affected by the behaviour in question.

(ii)When bringing allegations of misconduct by a colleague, do so without malice and with no breaches of confidentiality other than those necessary to the proper investigatory processes.

Code of Ethics and Conduct
Guidance published by the Ethics Committee
of the British Psychological Society August 2009

and for counsellors and psychotherapists:
BACP Ethical principles of counselling and psychotherapy.

Practitioners have personal and professional responsibility to challenge, where appropriate, the incompetence or malpractice of others; and to contribute to any investigation and or adjudication concerning professional practice which falls below that of a reasonably competent practitioner and/or risks bringing discredit upon the profession.

So your T/P is aware that he has obligations as a professional to do something about your ex T.

I can imagine how scary this is for you. I admire your courage and strength to wait and open the box with T.

I also understand how upsetting it is when T told you the very same thing that CL said to you a few months before terminating. I hope that you are able to have faith in T and understand that it wasn't the words that were untrue, but it was the character and integrity behind them that was false. When T said those words to you, they carry a lot more weight because he is proving through his actions to be a T of good character. I believe him when he says his feelings and caring are not going to change. I hope that in time, you are able to believe him as well.
He told me he was very pleased that I decided to wait to open it with him and not alone tonight. I like pleasing him and I like how protective he is of me. So he said he would put it in a safe place and I told him I trusted him to take care of it and then he said only..."bye, TN"... and suddenly I felt better. I know it's so weird but just hearing him say my name made me feel okay.

It is not weird at all, TN. I am so glad he is such a solid presence for you through all you are dealing with. I love that you are letting him be with you. I think it is very telling in how much you know he will not hurt you even when your body is terrified he will because of what oldT did to you.


It does not help that my bosses at work are being relentless in harrassing me about my work. NOTHING is ever good enough and no matter what I do they complain. I am so exhausted and feel like i'm trapped in a cycle of failure. I did decide to take a half day on Thursday because I don't think I would be able to go back to work and be anywhere near functioning.

Oh this sounds hard and I am feeling angry on your behalf. I hope you can recognize that YOU are not the failure. OldT failed on you when he was supposed to be the T he promised to be and the T you deserved. I am glad you are thinking ahead and taking steps to take care of yourself after your session on Thursday. Saying the experience will be painful seems trite. I am sure it will be really tough, TN. Knowing your T will be with you warms my heart. I am so glad to hear he is digging through the pain and protection and into into your heart. Smiler You deserve to love and feel loved.
TN - I am going to absolutely return the favor you did me (was it last week or the week before) and let you know that your T DOES care, he is there for you, he is steady, he's not leaving. I know it feels like he is. I often feel like I am one mistake away from losing my T. But newT is your light, remember? He won't leave you! He has already prepared you that there may be lies in those files. He wouldn't have said it if he didn't think so. And even if he did believe whatever stuff in that file, he seems to me the sort of person that would base his thoughts about a person on his actual interactions, not on what's written on a piece of paper, so I hope you do review it with him (which is by far the safest option). NewT will be safe with you. It is perfectly understandable that something in you cannot believe it, but something else in you also knows he is safe, which is why you waited to open the files with him. Your T says you are a joy to work with. Why would he dismiss a client that makes his work so fulfilling just because of what some guy (who has PROVEN himself to be a coward, right to new T's face) has written on a piece of paper? He won't leave! I guarantee it!
Not heard from you and a bit worried as you posted elsewhere that you are in a dark place, and I hate to think of you suffering and feeling alone when we are here and wanting to hear, listen and support you and of course give you our kind thoughts and hugs.
So I suspect the files have caused some difficulties and you are processing that. Of course it is going to be hard. I shall patiently wait until you feel able to post but meanwhile I send you my caring and my gentle concern.
BE kind and gentle on yourself, S

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