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I had a really intense but interesting session with my T today. We have had some really powerful sessions lately with a few ligher ones in between. Guess I need a breather once in awhile. Last Friday I sat there shaking because of some things that were coming up with regard to my oldT and my sweet T offered to get up and get my blanket for me (it stays on another chair in the back of the room so no one messes with it). I was unable to move so he offered and I declined. He looked at me and remarked that I was having a hard time accepting things from him that I needed. So he asked me again "can I get you your blanket?" And this time I said yes and he walked over and got it and offered it to me. It was a very connecting moment along with those times when he wheels his chair closer to me and leans in towards me as if I'm the most important person in the world. He has just been SO kind and gentle with me and so protective which is a new thing for me but feels just awesome.

Today I was telling him about how I was always trying so hard to be "good" so that I would not be abandoned by my parents and also how it all got reenacted with my oldT. I told him that it was so hard to accept HIS kindness because I was afraid I was going to lose him if I did something wrong because I didn't deserve such kindness from him... it just feels so foreign to me.

He said his commitment to me is not conditional. And that he does not judge me for what I do but for who I am and he knows what a good person I am. He very gently and thoroughly explained to me that what "I" do has no bearing on how the other person will behave towards me. He said he offers me kindness because he is a kind person. That my behavior or my "goodness" does not determine the kind of person he is or who he will be towards me. The problem with my oldT was not that I did anything wrong to have him abandon me. He did not abandon me because I was not "good" enough but because that is the kind of person he is... one who is fearful, insecure, self-centered and self-involved. He puts himself before others. He had the ability to behave abusively. He told me my mother was the same way. She put her needs and feelings before mine, even when I was very young. Of course, as a child I was trapped back then, but now I am an adult and I have the ability to walk away from these kinds of people. I can leave them or avoid them. He is teaching me what to look out for and the kinds of people who are not good people and how to protect myself from them.

He kept reinforcing that there is nothing I can do to "make" a person behave in a certain way... that is the way the person already IS. I didn't cause it and I really cannot control it. This ties in with my repetition compulsion to go back and redo what happened in childhood and to make it work out better this time around. I did that with my oldT. If I could only be "good enough" or "perfect" enough then he would care about me and not abandon me.

His explanations and insight are so amazing to me. I wanted to write about it so that I could take it in and remember it and not repeat the old mistakes. I want to learn from what happened with oldT and with others in my past who abused me. I realize this is not the whole explanation because what has happened to me is way more complicated... but... this is the part where I learn to look out for me and to develop the strength to walk away from bad people and bad relationships and to recognize them in the first place.

We talked of other things like school and my oldT and how I still feel I need to have a face to face with him for closure. My T is very supportive and he says that he is thinking that now I'll be able to handle my oldT in a meeting. That I've gotten stronger and more sure of what actually happened in there and I won't blame myself. I told him how I've been feeling lately about things and he said I'm expressing much more healthy feelings.

As for our relationship... I'm feeling so much more attached to him but without that panickly feeling I always had with my oldT. I don't really know why I'm not feeling that anxiousness about the attachment. Maybe because I feel confident that he understands it and it's okay with him? Maybe because he has told me he likes me and has huge respect for me that he does not give lightly? Maybe because I see and feel the very nice things he does for me. And he may do the same things for others so I'm not thinking I'm special but I am feeling just as important to him as any of his other patients. This was a struggle for a long time because I was very aware his schedule was booked tighly and he has a lot of very long time clients. I was no one to him when I started... as it should be. But now I feel like he is happy to see me (he has told me this) and that we are really starting to solidify our relationship. It just feels really good, like I've finally found a place where I can stop and rest and take in his nourishment before my wings heal and I fly off again one day far into the future.

Thanks for listening
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I think perhaps you are not feeling anxious about the attachment to the new T because its a healthy attachment with healthy boundaries. He sound so much more steady than oldT. I believe that you are starting to realize that what happened with oldT was not about YOU, but was about his own flaws and issues. Your gut is telling you that you will not have a repeat of this with new T. It feels safer because it is safer.

I think it's amazing that you are able to accept his care so readily. It seems to me that you've already done so much healing with new T in a relatively short period of time. I have both the fear of engulfment and the fear of abandonment. And, so when people get too close to me, I flee. I'm not hearing that that's an issue for you.



Always love to hear about newT!
Thanks for writing this, TN. It's so good to read. I'm glad that your T is teaching you the kinds of things he is teaching you, about how to trust yourself, and how to walk away from bad relationships. It sounds like he is helping you to grow, stronger and stronger each day. I'm so inspired by your ability to ask for and accept his care. So much of what is healing you is coming from you, and he sees and accepts it, and understands you. It's all so great.
hugs, and congratulations- you deserve every good and healing moment you have with him- and thank you for sharing those with us.


I'm wondering, where your T says you'd now be able to handle your OldT in a meeting is this something that is being planned or a testament to your progress? (or both)

Thank all for being happy for me.

DF.... I'd like to make this meeting happen so I can get closure and have my say to oldT. I am stronger now with the support of my T and he agrees that I can handle oldT at this point. I'm trying to work it out so that oldT will understand that it's in HIS best interest to agree to meet with me ... if you know what I mean.

Yaku and incognito... it was truly kind of my T to bring my blanket but to even notice that I needed it was very observant of him. He really really pays attention to me and my body language. He is a pro at that and will tell me what he sees me doing. At first it was uncomfortable but now it feels like he is really paying attention because he is concerned and wants the best for me and to take care of me a bit and I like that.

LG... you are so right. This attachment is healthy and the boundaries are there and solid and it makes everything feel safer. It also makes the work so much easier. What happens is that I work really hard in session and that part is not so easy to do but after the sessions I leave with so much less angst and worry. I don't question that T is judging me or that he has decided he hates me or I'm too toxic or damaged or horrible. I know it's all okay with him. I do miss him though and long to be back with him but I'm not freaked out like I used to be all the time.

Liese... he makes it so easy to accept his care because of how openly he offers it. He has already healed me a lot. I do still have to beat down those feelings of whether to flee or stay but that is mostly about ME and moving closer to him and how scary that can be. But he is doing nothing to cause that to happen. He is staying still and allowing me to move around. With oldT we both were ping ponging around emotionally and it was extremely difficult to attach securely. I always felt I had to watch out for his feelings about anything because he seemed afraid and uneasy with me. When I go see my T now he is always the same accepting and happy to see me guy he was a few days before. Nothing I have said to him (and I've confronted him a number of times) has led to a change in his attitude towards me. That makes me feel so safe.

Beebs... thank you for being happy for me in the midst of your own turmoil. Just remember... you cannot MAKE someone feel a certain way. You don't have that much power over them. If the person is kind they are a kind person. We don't make them be kind. I know we believed this with our parents as kids... if we could just be good enough then it will all work out okay and they will love and care for us. Not true as we experienced.

I miss T now but will see him on St. Patrick's Day. Very appropriate...

I'm feeling so much more attached to him but without that panickly feeling I always had with my oldT. I don't really know why I'm not feeling that anxiousness about the attachment.

I had that exact feeling with oldP too. I think it feels better with new P because he is holding the boundaries and is a professional and not a complete dickhead.

I am so happy you have found your T and that it is all going so well. You sound warm and cosy in your relationship with him and that sounds beautiful. Good on you!
Hi Mayo... If I helped you in any way then I'm glad I wrote about my session. That's what it's all about... sharing our stuff and hopefully someone else will be helped by it.

Halo, thanks for your kind words. Holding boundaries and being professional is so important to keeping us safe. I'm glad you have that too after the first bad experience. And yes I'm warm and cosy with my T now. He makes therapy a good and safe place to be.


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