All he kept telling me was that he is strong and protective of me and that he is not like the other men in my life who harmed me and that his wife is not domineering and he is the only one who has any say about my treatment. We just kept going around and around in circles on this theme. I said I had no idea if he would be protective of me. He said he protected me with oldT... so I said first of all, he was another man and you were not married to him and you didn't even like him so it was very easy for you to protect me. That does not count. Then he began to name all the things he does for me like close the blinds, let me leave my blanket there etc and that just makes me feel like he is throwing that in my face (like mom did each time she did something for me). It makes me very uncomfortable to hear him say that even though he is trying to get me to see that he does that because he cares. Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know for sure. And not actually seeing him interact with his wife I have no idea if he is really the dominant one or if she calls the shots. I have to go on blind faith and I don't trust blind faith.
I certainly didn't get any warm fuzzies today and he did most of the talking. I barely said anything so I was not heard at all. And everytime I heard a noise outside his door I jumped and felt very uncomfortable again like I wanted to run away from there. He said we would work through these feelings but he didn't let me say anything so how could I work through them? He was busy with his own persuasive argument about how protective he is but aside from oldT he could not provide any examples of his protection.
He said that I cannot take in the fact that I am important to him and maybe he is right... I don't believe I am important to anyone aside from just being his client or in other cases I'm important for what I can do FOR others like my son who needs me and my dh who depends on me for a ton of stuff. But that is not ME that is mom and wife not ME, not TN. Maybe I am so hopeless and damaged there is NO possibility that I can ever see that I am worth anything at all. I told him in the email that I am nothing and I am no one, especially to him and he never addressed that. He took one small narrow topic in the email and beat it to death and it made no difference at all to me. He may as well been speaking Chinese. He was talking AT me not with me.
It would have been nice to hear something like he is sorry that this arrangement is causing me so much pain but let's talk about what I can do to ease your worries. Let me hear more of how you feel, did you wnat to add anything to the email? Let's talk about how things like this in your childhood may impact how you are feeling today blah blah... And no reassurance that we were okay. He did say he was glad that I emailed him and that it was a good thing to do and that I did a lot of work on this issue.
In the end when he said time was up (with no warning) I just got up and threw my things in my tote bag and he asked if I was okay and I just said I'm fine. I'll be just fine. Which is my code for "you really blew this session bud so get out of my way and let me leave". We shook hands (which I didn't feel at all since I was and still am numb) and he said to call or email if I need anything. I said okay (meaning I'd rather rot in hell first) and I left.
I guess I'm angry at him.
And I think he had no idea how to handle this session and he just winged it. Had nothing therapeutic to say or offer me. He keeps going over the same old territory and it means nothing to me. It does not penetrate the wall of ice that keeps me numb. Maybe I'm too damaged to heal from this stuff. I really don't have any hope right now that this will resolve unless I just swallow it and pretend it does not exist or bother me. Like I've done my whole life.