I had a lousy session tonight. I felt OK all day, but then as soon as I got into my T's office and started talking, I just became incredibly frustrated and angry. But I couldn't describe what exactly I felt, or who I was angry at. All I could say was that I was angry at my situation, and all the forces in my life that have put me here. That would include a lot of people.
My T tells me that this kind of unfocused anger won't get me anywhere, and that there are so many "filters" between my anger and its source/target that it's making it impossible for me to get it out. Yeah, no kidding. Tell me something I don't know!
Ok, so this makes sense to me, but how the hell do you go about getting rid of the filters so I can expunge this poison, I ask him? His answer...what else; more talking. Talking talking talking talking. I'm so f-ing sick of talking about myself and my parents and my life that I wanna puke. The ratio of therapy to actual, real improvement is so totally out of whack that I don't know what else to do. And every day that goes by just adds more frustration to an already bad situation. You need an electron microscope to measure my "improvement."
So I'm curious to know if others struggle with this intense anger that doesn't have a clear source or target, and what your experiences have been with it. My T was trying SO hard to get me to be angry with him, but I don't even know if I am angry with him. I don't wanna invent some anger just to be angry.
I just ended up sitting there, baking in frustration and anger and saying, "this sucks." I feel like it's eating me alive and I just want it get it out of me.
Thanks for any feedback.