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I ended a broken-boundaries relationship with my therapist last weekend. I could have reported her to the professional body she was associated with - what she did was against therapy rules. But I worked through my thoughts and feelings (with a lot of support) and decided to tell her how devastated and angry I was, then walked away. It was a rather long and complicated and messy ordeal and a difficult decision to come to.

I know her pretty well. She is upset and very affected by all of this, and it seems has also learned a lot about boundary crossing between client and therapist.

Now I am really sad at this loss, the sadness keeps interrupting my days. I think I had to drink a gallon to replace what I lost in tears....but I also have the most amazing sense of freedom! It is like that carrot she held dangling in front of me, tantalizing me with - because I knew she could help me feel better and I thought I couldn't do it for myself, is gone. She could meet some desperate young emotional need inside of me that I was paralyzed to do anything about. I could never get enough of her caring and was stuck in a weird child or victim dynamic, with she as the rescuer and me as the child. But now, that tempting to go to her and think about her and need her in that way isn't happening. It's like it is no longer an option and I feel adult and free to finally live. Whew. I had no idea there would be good on the other side of my relationship with her. I'm finally standing on my own two feet.
It's amazing.

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Oh IHTS your post sounds so positive I’m so glad you are feeling good about finishing with your T. But it can’t have been easy and from your other post I gather the attachment is still affecting you.

Your title make me think too - in that how does one tell whether an attachment is healthy or unhealthy? I would have thought that finding yourself in a child/victim - rescuer dynamic might have had positives, in that it’s a chance to work through such patterns, but from what you say it sounds like she encouraged that dynamic rather than using it to help you grow. Ugh I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that therapists generally aren’t all as helpful as they should be.

Good on you for making the break and giving yourself freedom.

ihts, i don't want you to answer specifically about your ordeal, and i am thrilled that YOU made the break, i applaud you, and because i respect your privacy. BUT,i am just wondering WHAT ARE THE BOUNDARIES in therapy. obviously, sex, physical abuse...but, the rest seems grey. i know i feel some things with T1 crossed boundaries, but..."where are the rules" for what is a true boundary crossing?? and i apologize upfront if this is the wrong place to ask this!! thanks, jill
Hi IHTS! I'm sorry I missed this thread when you first posted it...just wanted to say I really admire how brave you were to tell her directly how much your old T hurt you with her breaking boundaries. And so happy to hear of the reward, in this new sense of freedom. Big Grin It sounds like it's not completely over, there is still the loss to be grieved that you mentioned...but how wonderful to be free of the "hook" that keeps you going back to be hurt over and over again. It is exactly what I would have wished for you and you have worked hard to get there. Well done, IHTS!! Smiler {{{{{{{IHTS}}}}}}}

Bravely done, IHTS!! Smiler I'm glad for you that you've ended that relationship. I'm wondering, do you have another T lined up? I know it feels freeing now (and I truly hope you continue to feel that way), but still you are grieving, and may need to talk this through with someone for quite a while. Good for you in taking this step, though. Clearly you are no longer a child or a victim.
Thanks to all of you for your comments.

It has been a strange process. I was so angry and then delighted with myself for standing up to her. Now it is rather....hard.

I am lonely. My new P is not like the old T very much at all. Sometimes she really seems to be helpful and understanding, but other times I feel like she just doesn't get it and I am alone, on my own. She also gets mad pretty easily and I find that is a telling sign that maybe she is not that healthy.

Also, the old T and her friends became my friends and now I have pretty well none.
Over the last few weeks the baby/young part of me has been wanting to talk to my old T more and more.....its hard for that vulnerable part inside. it still hurts and I am not sure when it will lessen.

Overall, I know this is right for me. When i feel bad and wish it could all be reversed, I remember the last email my old T sent to me and that stops my whining.
I am usually ok these days and grateful for the support I have.

Thanks for your support,
IHTS...I am so sorry for the lonlieness you feel. I know you are a strong and capable person and can weather this, yet, I have to say that I really feel for you here...I am glad you are usually ok, and so glad that you have some support...but the painful reality is that it hurts anyway. And I can hear your resolve to weather that pain, and allow it, and I SO admire you for it. I am certain that after some time, the pain and lonliness will begin to lessen, but for now, that doesn't really make it any easier, does it?
I am glad to see your post...I hope we can be a means of support to you during your "trial by fire" here....



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