My list is taken from my experiences with all the new Ts I’ve been seeing since finishing with ex-T as well as stuff from when I was seeing him. (I should point out that ex-T did do some VERY helpful things so I’ve also posted in the helpful Ts thread, just so you don’t think I’m totally negative about therapists at this point
1. Not listening for the subtext of what I’m telling them. (This is a biggie and ALL Ts I’ve had are guilty of this one). I’m wanting them to listen out for and ask questions about what I’m struggling to try and tell them and instead they all seem to just hear the words and reply to the content of the words instead of checking with me as to what it’s revealing about me (and specifically, how it makes me feel.)
2. They don’t ask questions about how I’m feeling - there’s no focus on what I might be feeling in that moment, right then. And even when it’s obvious I’m having some sort of emotional response (well obvious to me) they either don’t pick up on it or end up talking ABOUT it instead of helping me to go into it.
3. Telling them they haven’t understood what I’m saying and getting either a long argument back about how they HAVE understood or just plain silence.
4. Telling them they haven’t listened to me or heard me properly and getting the classic ‘but I have’ and repeating back to me some of the words I’ve used and their response to it. Why can’t they accept I FEEL not heard and address that?
5. Asking if T has understood what I’m saying and getting a plain ‘yes’ back when what I’m wanting is a paraphrase in their own words of what I’ve explained so I get to know whether he/she has really understood or not. Getting a parroting back of my own words that also doesn’t tell me whether T has understood or not. Asking T point blank to feed back to me what he/she thinks I’ve explained and STILL getting a parroting back of what I’ve said.
6. Having a sentence cut off almost before I’ve finished talking and being treated to a dissertation that contains either advice (!!!!) or a bald statement of fact that allows no further revealing by me. (For instance telling a new T ‘I believe I am bad’ and having her go into a ten minute discourse (I timed it!) on how I should use affirmations to counter that core experience. Asking another new T whether she would ask me questions about how I feel in the session and being treated to (for about the third time) a dissertation on the theoretical aspects of mindfulness - without actually answering my question! And she had her eyes closed most of the time she was talking at me about it too.
7. Explaining really clearly in a particular session what I need and T seeming to get it so I go away thinking great we’re going to start working on that next session only to find next session either it’s been ‘forgotten’ or something totally unrelated is brought up.
8. Explaining stuff about myself to T and getting text book quotes in response eg 'it sounds like what you need is to work on intrapersonal feelings before you can move on to looking at interpersonal experiences’ (which made me think oh yes she’s got it! until next session I realized she had simply jargonized the very things I’d been saying to her.)
He he I could go on and on but that will do for now. Makes me feel a bit better too.