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Got an email forwarded from H in the beginning of my session tonight. Our insurance is being changed by his company. Our HMO, the one that has been so generous with my single case agreement, which is a pain in the ass to get approved, but has allowed me to continue working with T intensively enough to develop the security we have now; the one that covers the doctor for me and Boo who is the only woman authority figure I have ever felt safe enough with to be open and honest to and who takes the time to go slowly with me, is going away. Replaced by some consumer driven plan. The PPO option is changing too. They have no information on the Consumer Driven plan and won't until RIGHT before open enrollment. So, they announce this huge thing and I can't even research exactly how it will effect me. I don't even know if mental health will still be covered!

I'm trying to tell myself, as I did during my session and barely talked to T about it (he is still sick and I can't help I keep going easy on him, containing until I feel he's at a level to deal with the crisis I've felt coming on the last few days), that there is no sense in worrying about something when I don't have the information to know how much I should be worrying or what I can do about it. Maybe there will still be mental health coverage. Maybe my disability will come through and pay for the difference. Maybe I could tolerate T being the generous guy he is and still being willing to see me once a week even if he won't get paid almost at all.

Or...maybe I will lose my T of two years and my GP of nine years and end up going inpatient. You know, whichever, right?

I just want to know it will be ok! Frowner
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It is going to be OK. You and your T will come up with a way to deal with whatever happens.

I’m really sorry you have to deal with this stress. Health insurance can be such a nightmare. It is so hard when you don’t know yet how this change is going to affect you. Your mind can’t help but go to the worst case scenario.

I hope your disability claim gets approved. At work, I see a lot of files for people who are getting SS Disability benefits, and even though you hear horror stories about getting approved, I would say that about 75% of the claims I see were approved on the first try. Most of the rest were approved on their second try. A lot of the rejections are for totally stupid things, like not filling in a form correctly or not submitting the required doctor’s records.
(((Nannabee))) Thanks for the support and reassurances. I know my T will find some way to make it work, although it will mean, probably, cutting our sessions in half. And I will just have to find a way to deal with that if it's the case. If I have to pay for my sessions and H's out of pocket, it will be an extra $1000 a month right now. Frowner And that's even with him not charging extra for the fact that he gives me doubles.

(((Draggers))) I know my T will make it so I can stay with him, but when we talked about it before, it meant majorly cutting down. I know I can do it if I dissociate myself into oblivion, but that's kind of the opposite of what we're trying to do. Then, of course, I get angry that I can't find a middle ground to just be OK with one a weeks while working through this stuff. I will tell him on Friday. He feels so bad about our sessions being cut short and his lack of focus the last two weeks, so his idea was to do an early Friday, if I can find a sitter, when he is still not worn down yet and can be his usual energetic, goofy, attentive self.

I am thinking of doing an inpatient before this insurance expires, because the consumer health plan thingee, if I understand correctly, basically is like a big account full of your money and your employer's money and you pay full price for everything (e.g. like $250 for a well-check visit for your kid) and then once you run out, you pay entirely out of pocket...maybe I am understanding that wrong. So, obviously, inpatient costing thousands of dollars wouldn't be a good idea on a plan like that. Yeah, leaving Boo would be horrible, but I think one of my biggest fears is that my family, who is all local, will "find out" about it, and then the anger for me hiding it from them and the weird treatment that I don't feel safe getting from them to try to be "supportive" when they are not safe or too flakey to do so, and then the invalidation of what happened to me being bad enough for me to be so unstable. Aww, I'm sorry that you worry. The thing about my crises is they are so intense, but they go away so quickly, so it's hard to know when it has been bad enough for long enough that I ought to go. I am always worried about whatever action I take being "justified," and it never feels like it is. Frowner

(((Monte))) Thanks so much. You made me laugh out loud. Yeah, as my T says, "In the end, we always choose to do it..." (like me staying, or me taking advantage of something he offered that I really need, or me talking about something that I'm terrified about). So he tries to get me to skip the part where I torture myself about making the decision that needs to be made, because maybe if I suffer enough for it, I won't be punished for needing. Frowner As I said above, before he has said we probably could not meet the same number of sessions we are now, just because he would need to take on another client (financially), but he has told me outright that we would still meet at least once a week and he wouldn't let me have to start over just because of finances.

The crazy thing? My fear right now is all around losing my GP potentially. I'm not really that close with her, but I know she's safe. She asks questions and really takes the time to listen, never rushes me out. If I go in for Boo and also have a question about me, she takes the time with me as well. The other day, I was in Boo's well-check and describing how my H has been sick and I am getting so worn down from weeks of taking care of everyone and not sleeping well and she just put her hand on the back of my shoulder and it felt...just nice. Usually a woman doing something like that makes me go out of my mind anxious until I dissociate, but I realized how comfortable I feel with her. Then, six days later, that relationship is threatened. It's almost like the universe is saying, "How dare you feel safe!"

The biggest fear of all is just that, no matter what we do, insurance is going to cost us a lot more next year, because I have chronic mental health issues and H has chronic health issues (apnea) that will make these other plans much more expensive. We're losing our condo already and the budget I have with increased taxes doesn't have much wiggle room with how much rents are around here. If I don't get disability or start working and insurance costs go up even a couple hundred a month, we're in big trouble. Frowner And once again, I feel like my issues, my therapy costs and not being able to work right now, are responsible. Frowner It I'm drowning in shame over it.

Anyway, sorry for whining so much about it. I just guess I need somewhere safe to put it for now. I texted my pastor to see if he could just meet for coffee or lunch and just talk and pray about it. See? I have to remember that two years ago, I would never have told anyone. I would have just dissociated to deal with something that was overwhelming me. I had no other strategy. I had no ability to determine whether someone was safe enough to support me. I had no sense of value of myself to feel like someone might want to, be willing to, do that. I'm making progress. I just hope I can continue to do so, no matter what ends up happening.
(((Liese))) (((starfishy)))

I feel a little better after talking with my pastor, but it was a difficult conversation, because I brought Boo who wanted to talk the whole time. Just waiting and trusting things will work out or we will work them out.

My H can't pick up Boo from school tomorrow. His meds make him too dizzy. My sister said yes, then remembered she couldn't, said no, then offered to call my mom (ACK!!! Why would you call the woman who left me at school for hours to pick up my kid???) to do it for me. So, no T in person. Frowner Partially because he offered to possibly try to do later in the afternoon after I pick her up from school, but I knew it would screw his commute and not give him the time he needed to recover. H says to just keep Boo home from school that day, but I go to a "like mom" place when I think of her sacrificing, so I can do stuff for myself. So, kind of freaking out about that. Know I'll get through eventually, but I really just need a break, just one thing to be easy right now. It just...isn't.

I don't really have much to contribute as far as advice but... I know I was in a similar spot last year with my insurance. It sucks and... I'm SO sorry you don't get any information until right before it changes (WTH!?). I hope everything works out and I'll be sending out good vibes for that. Everything will be okay, even if things change.... so claims my T anyway - change or the fear of change to stability and relationships is... the single hardest thing I can think of to deal with.

I'm really sorry about the shame and hope you can find a place within to release the judgement on yourself there Frowner

Hug two
Just an update to thank you all again for the support during my freak out. I am feeling much better now that this will work out somehow. My only concern now is how much time I will have to make the best choice from the options available, but no matter which option, I know T is in it for the long haul and we will make things work. Everyone's support helped me wait through the panic that was stirred up by the possibility of losing important relationships. And also to wade through some of the shame I was feeling on needing so much help, getting closer to taking steps to get more help if I need it without being ruled so much by fear and self-loathing. It is a process and I am moving very slowly, but I think, in the right direction. And all of you are a part of that journey.

I'm still struggling with some other, unrelated stuff right now, but without feeling my safe place was disappearing, I think it will be more manageable. Lots of love to you guys!
(((Draggers))) Yeah, I will feel SO good when they finally post the details and I can be proactive. You are right about my T. He does really care and I can trust him in that. Love and thanks to you!!! Hug two

(((kashley))) Sorry, my dear, I somehow missed your post in my fog. I know you have a lot going on right now, so thanks for having me on your radar! Hugs back to you too!!!
So, got the details on our new plans. Almost everything (medical, dental, vision, legal) will be almost doubling for us. H's work will contribute to a health savings account that will pay some of our deductible/out-of-pocket costs. We'll have a card and any time a provider (e.g. T) doesn't take cards, we'll have to fill out paperwork to get it covered and hope they consider it a covered expense. They do have out of network coverage once our deductible is met, and I'll have to pay 30%. I'm hoping this means at least T will be paid more and have to deal with the insurance less. Our whole move out budget for short-sale/foreclosure is pretty shot right now. I guess I'm pinning my hopes on disability at this point in time.

While all of this is really painful and disappointing (just having to fight the feelings of "is it worth it for my family to struggle, because of my mental health needs?"), and anxiety producing, I feel like I can say that I don't need to worry about HOW it's going to work for now. Worst case scenario is we go deeper into debt during the first year trying to figure out how these plans work. We've been in debt off and on for the whole course of our marriage due to layoffs and unexpected bills. It's not the end of the world, so I don't need to worry about it right now. I feel like crying...but I don't do that, can't.
T won't apply for insurance. He doesn't like the limitations imposed on how he can work with his clients (session lengths, rates, I think?) and prefers to just do sliding scales when there is a need. Also, he is crap at paperwork. Wink I fully respect his right to not do that.

If I go through our insurance, at least he might get paid his full rate again. I'm also going to see if they will cover the doubles, which he hasn't been paid any extra for. Also, even if I quit T entirely, we have to pay the whole $3000 deductible before we get any coverage at all for medical stuff and after that we are covered 10% co-insurance in network and 30% out-of-network. So, say we had an accident or injury and needed xrays or hospitalizaiton or anything like could still cost us hundreds out of pocket even after the deductible has been met. Now if I go inpatient, I will be paying 10% of the bill, hundreds of dollars, instead of $30 per day. I hate these new plans. Frowner
Hi, all. Sorry that I'm not around at all right now. I still read and keep track of everyone, but putting myself out there publicly right now is really intimidating for me. I did want to update you guys, who have given me so much support, that both Boo and I have been approved for disability benefits. It probably comes too late to save our home, but it will make a huge difference going forward. Now, to get past this huge, "I don't deserve help!!!" thing that getting approved has dragged further out to the surface.

Anyway, I'll take this opportunity to say I love all you guys and miss you and hope you are doing well and am sending prayers for those who are struggling, as I read about from time to time. Blessings,

Aww, thanks for all the congratulations, you guys. It's hard for me to accept that help is needed, but it will make such a difference in my being able to continue treatment.

Just to clarify, it is not just posting here that has been an issue. I have pretty much dropped off the face of every forum or blog I used to post on. I am even having trouble writing journals for T and/or sharing what I do write. It is just a shame, being seen, and having it feel safe thing I am working through...but I do hope to be back when being visible doesn't scare the crap out of me anymore. Wink Love and (((hugs))) to you guys!
Hey Non,

thanks for checking in. You have been missed around here but I do understand that you are struggling with being seen just now. In fact, I faced some of this issue just last session with T.

I'm glad you got your benefits and I hope that eases your mind and worry somewhat. And of course you deserve the help. That is easy for us to see, I know.

Come back to join us when you are feeling able to.

Hugs and good wishes

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