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I am trying again to switch to seeing T every two weeks instead of once a week or more. The last time I tried this was in December of last year and it was difficult and did not last very long. Since then, I’ve had a couple ruptures and repairs with T, I’ve dug deeper into my history and feelings than I had ever really planned on, we’ve done extensive dream work together (initiated by me) and I’ve “discovered” art therapy. She’s also helped me through some significant real life adjustments and once again, I’m not sure where I would have been or what I would have done without her.

This time, I think I’m a little more prepared and ready to switch to every two weeks. I’ve been thinking about it for a month. My relationship with H is better, so I can rely on some support from him and hopefully I’ve learned a few coping skills as well. . .

My life and thoughts have felt so dominated by the absorbing work of therapy the last two years and I am wanting to scale back and refocus. I have some mixed feelings about “leaving” T, even though this is hardly leaving. But seeing her only twice a month is bound to have a distancing effect. Therapy will be more like maintenance and support; we won’t be working together as intensely. In some ways, that is what I’m aiming for because while we’ve done good work together and she cares about me, I believe I or my issues trigger her some, and that’s occasionally been difficult.

I wonder if I really *am* ready, but for these and other reasons (convenience, finances, interest in other things), I feel impelled to try again. I miss her already! Tomorrow will be my last session before switching to the new schedule. *If* all goes well, I will keep it up for the next few months and try reducing to once a month by the New Year. Leaving permanently is something I may never do. I told T I might just see her once a month forever and she said that would be perfectly fine. Smiler She doesn’t plan on ever retiring (she told me one of her mentors in the field was still practicing in her 80s and she’d like to do the same) and said she has no intentions of moving either, because all her friends and family are here. I suppose she might get sick or die someday but I don’t have to worry about that now.

I may end up relying on the forum a bit more as I adjust to things. So consider yourselves warned. Wink At any rate, I will update and let you know how things go.

Encouraging words, support, or hellos are equally welcome. Smiler
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Oh my oh my... you're brave! I love that you could identify the improvements you've made (like with H, and coping skills). It's sorta like... as you meet goals this sorta stuff is safe to try - and it's never a sign of failure to go back to more often... it's a sign of understanding yourself. It will be challenging the first bit, I imagine... well, I know for me I adjust to change very difficulty.

I'm glad your T welcomes you to continue to see her. I think my T plans on retiring as soon as humanly possible as far as I know, she is already cutting back now. I know she won't abandon me but STILL... what the heck is up with not working to the grave?

I hope you will find reliable support here Smiler It's using your coping skills.

Hope all is going gently this weekend.
(((HIC))) You ARE brave! And so impressed that you are trying again and seeing how it's going to go. I am very far away from that...still struggling with being consistently down to two times a week (and if I had the option I probably would be going more these last few weeks, lol). I'm also glad things with H are improving and you know that you always have that on-going support option with your T. So excited to hear how it's going to go for you!

I’m facing a similar situation right now, only I’ve only been working with my t for nine months and despite really feeling like I’m making progress (discovering some self-worth, figuring out what drives my self-destructive or sabotaging behaviors, etc, …) the prospect of cutting down sessions from weekly to fortnightly really scares me. I’m starting a four year’s course to become a T myself next week and that costs a packet, so cutting down sessions with my T is primarily due to finances. I’m having enormous second thoughts though and want to renegotiate with my wife about it ‘cause I really don’t feel ready yet. I’ve only recently embraced my dependence on my T as something good and necessary to grow towards independence and the idea of forcing this development just does not feel right.

From what you’re describing you do seem more ‘ready’ to switching to a lower frequency with your T. I suppose growing towards independence brings along the sort of ambiguous feelings you’re having right now. Talk to her about it, I would say – that’s THE single best advice I’ve been given when it comes to therapy. And trust yourself. You really are doing great.

Big hug
((catalyst)) ((yaku)) ((shaman))

Thanks for commenting! Appreciate the kind words and support, as always. I know I've posted things to this effect before here and there-- I think by saying it repeatedly and in different ways I'm trying to make it more real to myself and thus more likely to stick. Thanks for bearing with me. Smiler

Happy fall to everyone, btw!

Wow, you are so courageous and strong. I admire you for recognizing your own needs and putting them into effect. I think that your T sounds lovely, especially in her agreement that you can come for as long as you like. I had a T that told me when it's done it's done...and my T right now tells me what yours does. It's so comforting to be able to choose our path on this journey. I wish you the best on this and will be here cheering you on. Smiler

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