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Well - my T hasn't mentioned the e-mail at all, but she has been different, no yelling, or name calling, and seems to really being showing how much she gets my attachment to her. At my session yesterday, the first one in two weeks, and since I sent her the e-mail, I felt like she once again liked me, and the person that I am capable of becoming.
She could just be super excited about her vacation though?
But she is really going to great lengths it seems, to make sure that I can stay connected to her during her trip. I feel so guilty about it though. She should be able to get away from work, like anyone else, and relax & have fun with her friends. (I wish I was one of them Frowner
SHe invited me to her office again this week, at no charge, for what I believe will be to create a plan for while she is gone.
She sent me a text last night, after our session, asking me to come to her office this Thursday, which is her last office day before she leaves. She didn't say why, just that this would be "Step 1". Of course my insecure self, immediately had a physical reaction in the pit of my stomach, thinking, OMG - she is going to fire me, or say we are done, or something to that affect, that would basically be the end of the relationship. She assured me that that wasn't the case.
I have so much going on in my head right now. She still thinks I use "high drama" which does not help me at all. I get that, in a way, but I don't always think of it as drama. For instance, this morning I sent her a text, regarding some health issues currently going on. I told her I was trying NOT to use "drama", but that I was still worried about the situation. At one point in my text, (yes, I'm long winded there as well), I used the word "yikes", and she called me and said that this was what she would call drama. The word "Yikes", people, seriously.
I know I am very over emotional. I cried at work today, which is never good, but it was when my boss was chastising me, but also trying to reassure me at the same time. (if that makes any sense) I just hate that I wear my emotions on my sleeve, and my insecurities are all visible for the world to see.
This, is what I think she means by drama, but I don't know that I can help it. At least not yet, I don't think I'm strong enough.
I'm sure with growth that this will change, but right now, this is who I am. In the past I probably would have been angry at my boss, for talking to me like that, and just held it in and gotten angry with myself. Now, I just stand there and cry.....feeling like a fool.
Uuughhh...Ok - this is where things are right now. T leaves on Friday. I need a vacation of my own, and I'm still broke.
No pity party, no drama.....just telling it like it is......thanks for being here.
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Thanks BG & Smiley - it felt good to have this from her this week. But silly me...spoke too soon. Sent her a text last night, and got a lecture this morning. I get everything she is trying to tell me, I really do, I just feel like a failure because I can't manage to do what I'm supposed to do. NO MORE DRAMA!! Stop being so insecure about myself, stop wasting my energy worrying, stick with what I'm supposed to be doing for growth. STOP ASKING WHY!!!
I feel really stupid that I can't seem to get this through my head.....
GG... I was glad to see that your T was responsive in a caring and good way with regard to a session before her vacation. And she seemed to be understanding of what was going on for you. Then you text her and she presents as an uncaring, harsh T with no empathy or understanding.

Can I ask you if your T is a CBT T? I ask because she seems to think that you can just change your cognitive thoughts in such a way to STOP feeling the feelings you are grappling with. That is just not possible. Your issues go very deep and you may need that psychodynamic/psychoanalytical approach to talking it all through.

On a lighter note...have you ever seen the "Just Stop It" youtube video of Bob Newhart? It's pretty funny and may give you a laugh, but also highlights that saying "just stop it" does not have much benefit to the patient.

Thinking of you
TN - I don't know what a CBT T is. (or even half the abbreviations used here) She is a PHD, psychologist. It's just hard for me, as I get what she is saying, but I don't always recognize the behavior in myself. While on the phone this morning, she kept telling me to listen to the tone of my voice. I never thought of it as drama, just getting worked up, and excited. She said I think my emotions rule, that I listen to them too much.
I just end up feeling stupid that I haven't been able to make the changes I need.
But then she will turn around and act like I need to be patient, as the real work won't create change over night. I need to be consistent with my work and goals. I'm not lazy, I just feel sometimes that I take a few steps forward and then get kicked back a few steps. She says it's myself doing the kicking, and if I would stop fighting it so hard, which I don't realize I am doing, then the growth would come naturally with consistency.
It's just frustrating is all.And then I end up feeling like a failure, which I suppose is the kicking myself part. Uuughhh!! I am caught in my own circle of crap with this aren't I???
I am the only way out....

Thanks TN - for all the support. I will be Youtubing tonight. I do love Bob Newhart, so this should be good.
Thanks again.
GG... sorry for all the abbreviations.

CBT is cognitive behavioral therapy which is usually short-term therapy that focuses on changing behavior in clients. It does not usually delve into the underlying deeper reasons for the behavior. If you want a more accurate description you could google it. It's a type of therapy used a lot today. Then there is psychodynamic therpay or psycho analytical therapy which is more concerned with our childhoods, our past and how that has made us who we are today. That is a longer running type therapy.

I'd explain more but I have to go now. I'll be back on later.

Hang in there

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