Just read the updated "Transference" page. The additions you've made provide even more clarity on the subject. I really appreciate it as I know so many people, including me

Replies sorted oldest to newest
quote:I needed to be loved, I needed to be cherished, I needed to feel like I was someone special, and I needed to feel like my needs were important enough to be met. That's still difficult to say. I didn't get those things and its incredibly painful. I'm letting myself feel what it felt like and it hurts and leaves me grief stricken...
quote:I just wish the guy would offer a word or two of encouragement once in a while.
quote:Originally posted by the dude:quote:I just wish the guy would offer a word or two of encouragement once in a while.
could you elaborate on what you mean? I think if a T isn't giving encouragment on the work you've been doing them something is missing.
quote:My T betrays very little emotion and sometimes I feel this as a real lack of compassion and support from him, which really bothers me.
quote:Originally posted by Attachment Girl:
Hi Just Me,
Good to have you back! Thanks for saying hi! And it was really good to know you got my description of the epiphany, I always feel like I sound a little deranged when I try to explain it.Sorry it took me so long to answer, I was away on vacation on for two weeks and then buried for a few days after I got back. I found my vacation much easier to deal with than my T's vacation. And doesn't that just seem unfair?
quote:The trick is for you to go on vacation at the same time.
quote:Originally posted by Attachment Girl:
One thing about transference, in the hands of a skilled and ethical therapist, its an incredibly powerful tool for healing, but if its handled badly it can be very damaging.
quote:Originally posted by Attachment Girl:
...when the sexual attraction gets stronger, its a pretty good sign for me that I'm trying to avoid something and I need to slow down and look at it.
quote:Originally posted by Attachment Girl:
It is easier when the erotic pull isn't very strong, it can get pretty distracting. I hate sessions where I realize that I'm just sitting and looking at my T instead of listening to what he's saying.
quote:Originally posted by Attachment Girl:
She figured it had passed!??!
Thank you so much for responding and understanding so well. When I can draw breath and get some perspective I can stop being (quite) so hard on myself. It makes me feel so much better that you get what I'm talking about and you understand how it feels. Part of what's so tough right now is I'm trying to allow myself to feel and process alot of emotions from when I was really little that didn't get handled at the time because I finally feel safe enough to and like I have the ability to feel them without it destroying me (which is what it felt like before) but when the emotions come out they are so raw that they almost make the present dissappear. The trick is hanging on to my adult self and my T while allowing the stuff to surface. Thanks for encouragement about the progress too. I've actually talked to my T that as wonderful as I'm feeling and how much better things are getting, I can still feel part of myself sitting on the edge like a meercat on watch looking for the coming disaster. That to trust anything good is a foolish action. My T has made it really clear that he completely understands my feeling that way, but the truth is that the progress is real and I can trust it.I KNOW the fear is not true but I need to experience more of it being not true before I'll trust it. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes since you were enough of a wingnut to ask.quote:I think your frustration and fear of your progress disappearing is relatable as well. I know I take my share of “Look at me! Look how good I’m doing. I’m so happy and dancing around like a fool. Life is good! I love My T…” Then BLAM! One little disruption and our world seems to crumble.
quote:The trick is hanging on to my adult self and my T while allowing the stuff to surface.
quote:Originally posted by Attachment Girl:
I appreciate you asking this because talking about all this is making me feel better about going today, because I am feeling really terrified although I know its going to be alright. I'll let you know how it goes and thanks so much for your input, I really appreciate it.
quote:But its also allowed me to finally process some experiences and emotions that have been stored away (and stuffed down with food) for a long time.
quote:Good. I am sorry if I trailed off too much on that. I certainly respect that you know where you are therapeutically. I tend to get analytical and I hope that it doesn’t become a nuisance to anyone. I don’t intend to try to “teach” anyone.
quote:Originally posted by Attachment Girl:
Once I calmed down, I did realize a few good things. I did consistently reach out for contact when I was triggered; I called my T, I called my sister, I posted here, I emailed a friend I knew would understand. And I didn't eat!! A minor miracle! My T pointed out that those behaviors would not always have been the case. Helped me to see that getting triggered didn't make all my progress disappear.
quote:Originally posted by Attachment Girl:
I know you probably don't feel this way, but it is really clear that you are a very strong, intelligent woman and you can do this. Just continue to get what you need to deal with your feelings and the alcohol will continue to loosen its hold.
quote:Or you could start eating and I could start drinking...![]()
quote:Originally posted by Attachment Girl:
Hi Sprinting Gal,
Welcome to the forums! I've never had transference occur with a medical doctor but from the way you describe him, you were getting emotional support very similiar to what you get from a therapist. He sounds like a wonderful doctor, so I can see you developing feelings for him.
I also understand your feelings of both sexual attraction and wanting him for a father. My feelings for my T tend to go back and forth. Although for me, when the sexual attraction gets stronger, its a pretty good sign for me that I'm trying to avoid something and I need to slow down and look at it. As I am working through the transference (SO much easier said than done!) my feelings for my T are becoming more a deep affection and appreciation for how much I can trust him and how much he's helped me. Any good therapist can help you work through a transference, but for what it's worth (and I want to be very cautious applying MY experience to YOUR life because it may not be true for you) working with a man has led to really amazing progress for me. I worked on and off with a woman therapist for over 15 years and we did a lot of really good work together. She was a excellent therapist and we were very close. But when she retired I ended up going to my present T. Because I had so many issues around the need for an attachment figure and an inability to trust men, I think working with a man has made a big difference. I think continuing to work with a woman would have allowed me to avoid going some places. So if you feel like your current T isn't as helpful as you would like in working through the transference, you may want to look for someone more experienced in working with it. One thing about transference, in the hands of a skilled and ethical therapist, its an incredibly powerful tool for healing, but if its handled badly it can be very damaging.
PS Sorry, I am given to novel like posts!![]()
quote:Originally posted by Charlotte:
JM, How can you step on my toes when I am the one seeking for all the advice I can get. I am way stronger than you think in that respect. I can take out of what you say and understand what I need for my personal use and forget the rest....
quote:...but my question now is...am I doing it for my hubby...or because of the new feelings for my T??
quote:Originally posted by Charlotte:
quote:These wise women have been able to explain transference in a way I could really understand.
quote:Does anyone think of their transference object as a security blanket, someone who can protect them? I think this of Dr.X and when I can't sleep I imagine him in bed with me, his arms wrapped around me, protecting me from evil.
quote:Originally posted by Just Me:
Oh YES! My T IS my secure base all the way. But she CAN be. I am worried that you will never get a chance to work through your transference with Dr. X because of his limitations with it. Then again, maybe I am assuming wrong and you are working them out with your T. I hope you are.
quote:YIKES! cutting down on T time sounds scary. And yes that sucks! How are you hanging in there?
quote:Hi Samy,
I imagine that can't be easy and maybe even exhausting. Do you find it that way? (to stay inside sometimes)
quote:Most people I know in therapy go a minimum of once a week and its not unusual to do twice a week when doing really hard work.
quote:But my internal rap on it has always been "how can I miss what I never had?" Clearly I miss it.
quote:One quote that I absolutely hate from a Psychologist is, “I avoid clients who are just oozing with transference.” That’s probably better for the client anyway, don’t ya think?d
quote:I would be curious to know if SG, AJB, and Charlotte's Ts have ever done their own therapy. You know you can ask them that too
quote:Originally posted by Just Me:
And SprintingGal, "Get a hobby or write romance novels about him??" C’mon! Actually the writing of romance novels may not be so bad if it were to work through the feelings beneath the surface like “journaling” helps to do, but I am inclined to believe it may only fuel the fantasies if not given proper expression and direction.
quote:One example of transference is a patient falling in love with her physician. He is kind, understanding, reliable, and genuinely concerned about her. These are all the qualities she wished her father would have had. The patient might later marry this doctor and find out, as time goes by, that he is not what she imagined. Her conscious mind and heart believed she had found a replacement for her father. Her deep psyche, her unconscious, was quite adept at finding instead a substitute for her father. The doctor-husband turned out later in the relationship to be like dad after all, unavailable, unable to listen. The bond began with a transferred hope but became a transferred replay.
quote:Originally posted by SprintingGal:
But get a hobby? I don't only think of him because I have "too much time on my hands." I am naturally a thoughtful, inquisitive person who is curious about things. When I don't understand something, I seek out all the information on it that I can. What is wrong with that?
quote:Yesterday I found some excerpts from a book by David Richo called, "When the Past is Present." I don't know if it is any good, but this struck a huge chord with me:
quote:Hi JM,
Sit down, relax, have a cup of tea, I feel a long post coming on.
quote:( a good example, you have not flown off to wherever your T is )
quote:How can you be so sure??
(She asks while muffling the sound of the flight attendants pre-flight instructions)
quote:A transferred replay. Dr. X is not my first transference experience but they all ended up being unavailable just like my own dad. Spooky...
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