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Well hm, I can’t quite believe how I got myself so entangled in what has turned out to be a real mess for me - I have dropped into a big black hole, make that abyss and I’m using my fingertips to hold onto reality right now (it’s actually helped me stay rational by posting replies to threads on here - I think I’m pretty adept at coming across like everything is fine and peachy keen, well not in my own thread!)

Can’t handle it right now going into too many details so just wanted to post an update because everyone has been SO supportive of me with all three threads.

Effectively I met with the most controlling therapist I have ever come across. The end result of my session yesterday was that SHE terminated ME!!!! I read out to her (and she wasn’t happy about my reading anything at all) the stuff I’d posted in wanting advice thread (I didn’t even get a chance to refer to bits I’d copied from some of your replies) and after a lot of toing and froing wow this is freaking me out remembering it I think I’d better cut this short - basically on the strength of what I was explaining to her I needed and didn’t need in therapy she called me controlling, said she couldn’t modify her approach or style just to give me what I wanted (red alert anyone there?) that she never can’t work with a client but that in my case she couldn’t work with me and that she couldn’t even refer me to anyone else.

I am reeling still to say the least, and having a hard time staying afloat - not just because of her and ALL the crap it’s brought to the surface in me about what’s so wrong with me etc etc but that I don’t have a T or the hope of a T right now - so really screaming silently at the bottom of this abyss. I even left a message with ex-T and sent him an email to make an appointment I’m so so scared but he hasn’t bothered to reply so you can imagine how it’s all compounding in my head I am fucked I can’t be helped therapists are all in the right and I am in the wrong and blah blah blah.

Sorry I’m being a bit incoherent here. To keep myself sane I’m spending all my time going over and over over lists of Ts in this area I’m so flattened by all this that I think I’m just going to call as many as I can and just go in and SEE them cold - I have to change my approach to therapy to get what I need, I really think I’m going to have to play some kind of yes sir no sir game instead of being honest about what I need.

Hopefully will calm down later (I’d better!) and will post more about the most horrific session I’ve ever had in my life. I still can’t take it in it was SO damaging on so many levels. Unnnhhhh.

Sorry guys, just didn’t want to not post at all.

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It is really hard to know what to say right now...I'm so angry at that woman I'd like to shove HER down into that abyss!!!!!!! Mad Mad Mad

But don't you let go, don't belong down there!!

All I can think of to share right now is a link to a question & answer on a website I like. This is some advice this psychologist gives on finding a therapist. Before he gives his "list" he gives an explanation, and at one point says the range of competence in this field ranges from great to positively criminal (which is what it sounds like you just experienced). I'm hoping this will help pull you back up, LL. You really didn't do anything wrong at all, please keep believing that, okay?

Choosing a T

Gotta run right now, but will check back and write more later...

I'm so sorry to read this, LL - how horrible. I agree with DF & Monte here - it is (for a horrible situation) at least a blessing that she didn't have the chance to get closer to you and do MORE damage. I think that your being very clear about your needs has actually protected you from doing some kind of doomed dance with someone who would have been ultimately unable to help you, no matter how long it went on.

There's a huge amount of powerful feeling in this email - beyond the shock, I can see very strong hurt, anger, despair and - it seems most powerful to me - fear.

As painful as those emotions are, I want to applaud you for feeling them and for expressing them. I know you've said you find it extremely difficult to feel & be okay about it - I know this is no picnic & you are far from okay right now, but the fact that you ARE here, and that you are identifying and writing your emotions in (relatively) manageable doses, seems to me like a real step in the direction you have been longing for.

Your feelings are entirely apt for this situation. I hope you can stay with them and keep yourself safe and protected until they start to ease up for you.
Oh LL Frowner

Words fail me. I am so so sorry for this to have happened to you. How many more people has she done this to I wonder - doesn't bear thinking about, does it?

You are in my thoughts. No wonder you will feel in such a bad place now, keep reminding that inner voice that will heap the blame in shedloads back to you - THIS WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. Please take care of you,


Where dat bitch at? I wanna kick her er fu*#%&g ass!

Seriously if you were feeling stronger, I would suggest that you report her to the psychologists ethics bureau. Is that not some sort of abuse? At least in psychologists circles.

I am so very sorry for your extreme bad experience. Why would anyone pay her for services. ditto what everyone has said- especially Monte!
LL you are worth soooooo much more than that bit__ could ever give you. She should fire herself!!!
Many many hugs for you!!!
Hi again LL,

Been thinking about you all day...I hope you are hanging in there and "feeling the love" we are trying to send to you. {{{{{{{{{{LL}}}}}}}}}}}}

I did ask my T yesterday about how to find a T like her, one who lets the patient FEEL. She doesn't know anyone in the UK (I knew it was a long shot), but she suggested looking for someone with a "relational" approach. She also mentioned Carl Rogers...I haven't done any reading about him, but in her training, they really emphasized the importance of doing their OWN work first, because how can they help someone else come alive, if they haven't come alive themselves? How can a T help a patient to not be afraid of their feelings, if the T is still afraid of their own?

Something else I've been thinking...LL, I think it shows great strength of character for you to keep pursuing the healing you know deep down that you need. Maybe you think your history of therapy has been unsuccessful because you've seen more T's than you think you "should" have...but maybe you've learned a little from each one, and maybe you just outgrow them really fast! And you obviously have great strength and wisdom and compassion and in a way it makes sense (although it suck ROCKS, I agree) that the therapy you're looking for is harder to find...because fewer T's have done it themselves.

I know it is so hard right now, but please try to dismiss what that awful woman said...she is so unbelievably wrong, on so many levels!! She felt threatened by you because you've done a lot more work on yourself than she's ever dreamed of, so her injured ego had to try to "put you in your place". But where she would put you is not really where you are, not by a long shot. Keep coming back here and reading our posts, and post when you can, until you can put this behind you and keep moving along your journey.

Lots of hugs to you,

Forgive my language, but I want to bitch-slap that woman across the room. It's terrifying that she's allowed to practice. What kind of therapist can she be if she is that threatened by a client making their needs known. Do you have any idea how long and hard my T worked to get me to EXPRESS my needs to him? She is absolutely reprehensible. The ONLY thing you did wrong was having the bad luck to run into this woman. Move on. There has to be better T out there. I am sorry, I can only imagine how this is making you feel. You shouldn't be getting punished because you're looking for help. We're here.

Thank you SO much for your wonderful and supportive replies. Just posting quickly to say thank you and let you know I’ve read them and they have helped me HUGELY - without you guys this business with latest T would have really knocked me light years in the wrong direction (well more light years than I've actually gone)

Got a WHOLE lot more I need to say about her and me and the session so will be back later (that’s definitely a threat lol) to carry on. But in the meantime, thank you so so much. I so appreciate it.

she suggested looking for someone with a "relational" approach. She also mentioned Carl Rogers...

Hi LL,

The above is by Strummergirl, and I agree. My T is mostly Rogerian (at least with me) and because I have been so blown away by how he has handled my shit with such grace, I began to ask him how he does it. How does he love me unconditionally. He reminded me all about Carl Rogers ( I was originally a psych major in college many moons ago- so I was a bit familiar with him. My T sent me a part of one of his books ON BECOMING A PERSON and highlighted stuff in the chapter-"This is Me". He said this is his base in how he works with clients. Truly amazing stuff. Of course I bought the book. I hope this helps.
Argh I forgot to log out again it looks like I’ve been sitting on the forum all day. Don’t know why that bothers me but it does. Everything is bothering me right now I can’t BELIEVE how badly I am affected by this T that terminated.

And actually that’s probably a big reason why - precisely because SHE terminated. I’ve never had that happen with any therapist before so I think I went into that third session thinking only, that if she didn’t get what I was talking about I’D be the one who had to finish it, didn’t for one moment occur to me that she would be sitting there judging ME as not ‘good enough’ for her to help. (Yeah I note the way I’m saying it, but that’s exactly how I feel.) I think for the first time I can begin to understand some of the pain some of you have described when your Ts have terminated you - how much more excruciating and unbearable that must be when you’ve had a long term relationship with them - it terrifies me to think of it.

For what it’s worth I totally agree with you guys telling me it’s so much better to have finished with this woman now. Rationally I can see that, it’s what I was already thinking when I went to that third session (though obviously I hoped otherwise, I really thought if I explained to her as clearly as I could what I needed that she would at least make an effort to understand.)

I did get a chance to go over the issues I had from the second session and I have to say she was really not happy about it at all - neither acknowledged that I was feeling bad about some of the things that had happened, nor at any point accepted that maybe she had contributed to what might have been my ‘misunderstanding’ of things she’d said - for instance when I told her how I felt about what I saw as her being sympathetic to my family and seeing their being traumatized as the reason for the way they treated me - she flatly said ‘No YOU felt the sympathy, I wasn’t feeling anything I was just making a statement’ (those were her words and that was all she would say about it). Gobsmacked me that one and immediately wrongfooted me because she was neither acknowledging that it made me feel bad (rightly or wrongly) but was practically accusing me of making up experiencing her being sympathetic (instead of checking with me why I did) so I felt like oh yes I’m assuming she was being sympathetic and really that’s just me projecting or being defensive or whatever and talk about feeling undermined…

And when I was talking about needing to get in touch with whatever I was feeling in the here and now she said why didn’t I bring up how I was feeling in the previous session instead of saving them up to bring in this session? Had I done it in the previous session we could have worked on it in the here and now that’s exactly what she does in therapy and really I couldn’t stop myself I burst out BUT I DID DO IT LAST SESSION several times, especially with the sympathy thing and you just said ‘we don’t do blame in therapy’ and that was that.

When I’d finished going through my list of issues, to which mostly she didn’t respond, she sat there and said, well castration, I’m not a male but that’s what you’ve just done to me telling me how everything I’ve done has been negative for you. Hm. Lots of other things like that but if I go into them here this post will just become a tedious rehash. I’d thought I would point out all the stuff she did ‘wrong’ just so it might help others who are struggling trying to pin down precisely what might be not quite right with their Ts but now I seem to be losing my memory of all the specific things and anyway it’s probably dead boring.

Have to say I DO see her point about my list of Don’t Needs in therapy - basically I was saying look everything that most therapists aim for in therapy, the fundamental goal of your training and work, to ‘help’ a client understand their own internal processes, to make connections, to look at their pathology and try and change it, is exactly what I DON’T want you to do.

It’s possible that by being so up front about it, before there had been a chance to establish trust on HER part for ME (after all she didn’t know me at all at this stage for all she knew I could have been some egomaniacal control freak Big Grin ) that that really put her off. In fact I realized afterwards that that’s effectively what I was doing which has made me seriously rethink just how much to tell a therapist in the initial stages of what I think and need and don’t need in therapy. Better to worm my way into their good graces by being all grateful and acknowledging their professionalism before starting on a covert programme of trying to get what I need. Sigh.

I have to say that looking objectively at how she was and what she said, you couldn’t really fault her. She didn’t actually DO or even say anything particularly damaging or wrong - it was all in the WAY she was. I came up with a word that described it - insidious. Like a smiling snake. She’d say all these things in a seemingly innocent way that actually held a criticism, some kind of negative assumption or implicit blame. For instance, when I said in first session that I’d been married for 10 years she said ‘oh just a short time’. Now nothing wrong with that really is there, just that it registered at the back of my head as somehow critical or a bit of a put down. And again in an email I got from her confirming the termination ‘it became apparent that you didn’t like my way of working which left us no way forward.’ Again nothing wrong with that, true in fact. BUT I just get this uncomfortable sense of blame in it.

Stuff like that repeatedly done all the time really makes for a sense of being criticized or to blame in a global way without being able to pin down any specific thing. Don’t know I can’t remember other examples well enough but it certainly gave me the sense that she is someone who uses her position of power as a therapist to get away with being really judgemental and critical without actually appearing to be. Kind of passive aggression. At one point she made a great protestation (the only time she’d come anywhere near to stepping away from her cool detachment) of how she is TOTALLY on the client’s side, that everything she does in therapy is ENTIRELY for the benefit of the client - and I believe she really believes that. I had this image of her standing in front of the mirror congratulating herself and feeling really good and warm because she’d been able to insidiously point out all the bad things about a client, be really critical and judgemental in a subtle undetectable way, and yet believe that she was doing it all in the name of good therapy. Pats on the back all round. Well that could be just me trying to understand her motives. I’ll never know anyway.

Ok the real problem with this woman is that she was exactly what I’ve been looking for in a therapist all my life (not exaggerating there). Someone who is in control, confident, knows what they are doing, has a good grasp in their head of what therapy is about how it should work and knows the goals and how to get there, someone who is able to take charge and direct and guide and keep focused, knowing exactly what they are doing and how it’s going to help in the long run - so I can stop trying to come up with ways to help myself and trust someone else and let them do the guiding and just go along with it KNOWING they know what they are doing. When we met in the first session she was like a big magnet to me - glom clunk ATTACHED. And I use that word deliberately because I feel now like I actually got attached to her in the way you guys describe it - she seemed to be everything I needed and wanted in a T and that’s what’s making it so painful for me now - because she really did come across as super confident and sure of herself, knowing exactly what she was doing and where she was coming from so I’m feeling like this overly demanding needy stroppy badly behaved BAD subordinate who’s really stepped out of line and is totally to blame for alienating the one person who could help me.

I’m seeing all sorts of things in this - it feels SO familiar, patterns, needs, blame, alienating the ‘good’ people by being too demanding by not being grateful enough by daring to think I know what’s best for me by daring to question authority by daring to think I deserve to be taken seriously or wanted or treated with anything remotely resembling respect gosh these kinds of feelings run a LONG way back. And she was so NICE with it all - never raised her voice just told me I was rubbish and unacceptable in this very bland uncritically sounding way that really sank in.

You know what, it bloody hurts. Over and above and beneath all the rest, ESPECIALLY beneath what I rationally know is her failure to put the client at the centre of the therapy - is this profound sense of hurt (never experienced that with a T before). Like I’ve not been a good enough client, I’ve been a bad client, look here’s all the goodies she can give but by god she’s not going to give them to ME I’ve blown it by being nasty and selfish and demanding and not seeing in time how good for and to me she really was. ARRGHH I can see a pattern here but I’m damned if I know who the original person is.

I think I’ll stop there. It’s all sort of faded into a big ball of crap feeling and I’m losing my sense of the bad stuff about her - story of my life - unless the other person confirms what I’m seeing is true, it stops being true for me and I end up buying into their view of things - in this case, I’m the bad one. And I just know I’m accepting that because I can see so clearly how she could be and would be such a good therapist for someone who was prepared to look at all their failings and accept her judgements about those failings as accurate and correct. So of course I feel like I’ve been bad by resisting the ‘tough love’ she specializes in.

Sorry I know I haven’t said anything much in this post which people can respond to - just needed to vent about it a bit more.

Oh one final thing (promise!) SG and Mayo about person-centred therapy, the Rogerian approach. I actually sought out client-centred therapists when I started looking again last year, and even had seven sessions with one - that most definitely wasn’t useful to me because they tend to just sit there and let you ramble on and on and on no questions no direction just parroting back to you what you’ve just said to them. Since then I’ve looked for therapists who include person-centred in their approach rather than just specializing in that one modality, I just assumed this woman did because she called herself humanistic and integrative. Humph!

He he thanks STRM, as threatened here’s a mega post for a little light bedtime reading.

When I’d finished going through my list of issues, to which mostly she didn’t respond, she sat there and said, well castration, I’m not a male but that’s what you’ve just done to me telling me how everything I’ve done has been negative for you. Hm.

This sums it up for me. In my opinion, she didn't have the ego strength to keep herself out of this and that is where things went wrong. You may or may not be repeating old patterns (like you said toward the end), but that shouldn't matter. She should be able to keep herself out of it and let you have the space to work that out.

I'm so sorry. I can hear how painful this is for you and I can imagine that it does hurt like hell. I think you are so insightful about yourself and your healing and that can be threatening to some T's, but it shouldn't stop you from seeking out what you need and deserve to have.
Dunno BB do they have to be smarter than me? Certainly smarter emotionally, but hell a five year old is smarter than me when it comes to feelings so that shouldn’t be a problem Big Grin Sometimes i think I'm too much of s smartarse for my own good.

Thanks BB and STRM for your continuing (and very much appreciated) support. I’m not giving up either (can’t, it’s just not an option) so going to focus on getting myself together for potential future therapy. I’m ok if I believe there is hope of finding help in the future, it’s that awful dead end hopelessness of being stuck like this forever without the chance of working it all out with a therapist that does me in so badly. I’m hoping I can learn something from this awful experience that will point me in the right direction.

Hey ho back to the drawing board again.

Hey Lamplighter,

I'm sorry for not posting more recently - my internet has been down. But I've been able to read a few your posts, and I'm so pleased to hear that you will still continue your search. Every one of the other posts are so right. You deserve to love and have compassion for yourself, and you deserve to find a T that will both help you realize this and reinforce that compassion with their own. Whenever you go to the next T, have you thought about talking about how tough your search has been? Sharing how damaging this past T was to you? Since seeing the reasons why it was so hurtful should be painfully obvious, you would think that it wouldn't take a whole lot of digging from the T to empathize with the situation, thus staying away from trying to grasp at the meaning behind your hurt or trying to connect it to past events. I apologize if this was already I said, I was only able to read a few posts.

And regarding the client-centered approach...I had one session with a graduate student before I was transferred to the T I stuck with for the rest of my sessions at the university. I couldn't stand to go to a second session with the graduate student, because I didn't feel listened to at all. Yes, she would repeat everything I would say, which seemingly indicated that she heard what I was saying, but I found it terribly annoying. I suppose it's because many people I have been around can spout off what I've said, but they couldn't care a bit about it. Anyway, looking back after learning more about therapy, I think she was using a client-centered approach. It didn't work for me, although I know it works for others.

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