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****Trigger warning: CSA, dental problems, loss of therapist

Hi All,

I'm going to need to be away from the forum for a little while (more on that later) but wanted to take the chance to talk about my last visit to my therapist before I go with your kind indulgence. It's been a rough couple of weeks. I keep wondering why I ever got off the cruise ship. Big Grin

I talked about it in another thread, how I had to go the periodontist and found out I need surgery on both sides of my mouth. I hate the dentist and dental procedures which always invoke a deep fear response but this had the added twist of running over my dental insurance and not even slowing down. Between this work and three crowns I need to have done, we're looking at really significant out of pocket expenses. My reaction to that was not good either; deep terror and a sense that I am going to be in a lot of trouble. I did handle that part well as I sat down with my husband with all the figures and went through the whole thing. He was very understanding and supportive (most of my fears were transference, the few that were fact based, were due to his very reasonable frustration over how I handled these things in the past. basically by spacing out and ignorning them hoping they would go away, until they blew up in my face and became a very nasty financial surprise for my husband, who has his own issues about money.) Turned out that being up front and honest was a much better way to go. He made it clear that it wasn't my fault and that he really appreciated the care I took to tell him and that we would work it out. Which is helpful because at least the financial stuff is taken care of.

In talking to a friend when trying to cope after the periodontist, I recalled my memory of being drilled on with no novacaine as a child which was where my deep fear of the dentist came from. My avoidance combined with a bad genetic heritage is what has led to me having so many problems with my teeth. I have always been conscious of that memory, but never connected the incident with being abused by my dad. When I was describing it with my friend, I think I let it come closer than I ever have before (probably because I'm much more wiling to have my feelings now) and connected with the memory and feelings in a way I never had before. Denial is an amazingly powerful thing. I ramped up very quickly and my emotions were so intense, that I immediately shut down. Both my friend and I thought it would be a good idea to go see my T.

It was bad enough that I actually didn't hesitate but sent him an email as soon as I got off the phone explaining that I had been triggered by some dental work and needed a safe place to process it. After I sent off the email, I of course decided I had overreacted. My T is historically bad with appt messages, so I decided if I didn't hear back I wouldn't pursue it. I was shocked that he got back to me first thing the next day (which was a Wednesday) and offered me an appt the following Monday (it's highly unusual to be able to get in so quickly). He also told me in the email about the appt to not hesitate to call if I needed some phone time, which was incredibly reassuring. I sat down Friday night to talk to my husband about the financial stuff and when I tried to talk to him about getting triggered, it quickly got very bad which at least made me feel better about making the appointment. But I was struggling with completely trusting my motivation for going. I had really been missing my T over vacation and returned home to a painful realization. When I was seeing him regularly, one of the good parts about coming back from vacation was knowing I got to see him. But I got home and realized it didn't make any difference if I was on vacation or not, I wasn't going to see him. So I had been missing him a lot and didn't quite trust I hadn't manufactured a problem to go see him. I discussed this with my husband and he expressed his worry that maybe I was getting ready to go back to therapy (I just saw my therapist on Feb. 1) I told him that I had thought about it but I didn't think so and he quickly said that he wasn't going to worry then. But the fact that he brought it up kind of fed my fears.
That weekend was the last weekend before my husband started a refuel outage at the power plant he works at. He's on 12 1/2 hour days with no days off for a month. Which pretty much takes him out of commission around the house. He barely has time to eat and shower before he needs to go to bed. So we spent the weekend getting meals ready and basically battening down the hatches.

I had a tough but really good session with my T on Monday (21st). He was his usual very steady self and he knows me really well. Big Grin We sat down and I told him I wasn't quite sure where to start and he said "why don't we start with how you felt about coming in today?" To which I responded "damn, I was planning on saving that for the end." So I told him about missing him after vacation and wanting to see him but not really trusting my motivation. That I was worrying about coming back to therapy then my DH brought it up. My T said "so DH voiced one of your own fears?" and i told him he still knew how to ask hard questions. He was very open in discussing it and very reassuring that it really was ok for me to come in no matter what the motivation. At one point I told him that I hated how much angst I went through trying to decide, that he's my therapist, I hit a problem, I wanted to see him, why should it be a big deal? I literally looked at him and asked are there people for whom it isn't a big deal? They just call and come in when they need to? And he told me yes, but that they didn't have the significant attachment injuries and boundary violations I had experienced. He really sees my whole struggle over letting go and coming back to be an integral part of our work I think.

We moved into discussing the triggered memory. I told my T about recalling the memory of being drilled on with no novacaine, but not speaking up. That when my mother went back in to yell at the dentist, he was quite upset and told me I should have said something. That when I was talking to my friend, I found myself wondering why hadn't I spoken up? The pain had been excruiating. And that's when I made the connection and it hit. And when I was telling my T it came back. That I hadn't said anything because being on my back and in pain was normal, it was something to be endured. Speaking up was useless, at best it would be ignored and at worst, would lead to more pain. I'm not sure how to explain it but a horror just swept over me for that poor little girl, who was not only left unprotected but has been taught NOT to protect herself. The realization was very difficult and painful and angering. But it was really good to be able to feel all that and have my T there to help me through. I cried alot in between talking about how I felt. When I was calmer and able to talk more rationally again, my T told me that as painful as the realization was that I had done really well taking care of myself. I had paid attention to my feelings, I had reached out to a friend, I had handled the finances so that they didn't become an issue and I had made an appointment with him. But what he thought was really important was that I had reacted to myself with compassion and awareness. He ran through the list of emotions I had expressed and even I was impressed. Wink I talked about the loss surrounding the realization. That it wasn't so much new info, as really connecting to how it felt.

Once we were done discussing the memories, we moved back again to me coming in.I told him as much as I knew I had needed to come and see him about the memory, I was really glad of an "excuse" to come in, but I was sad because I realized that something had to be wrong in order for me to see him. My T never dodges those and he told me that that is the nature of the relationship, people don't usually go to see their therapist just to tell them good things. My T made it clear to me that he didn't think I overacted, that I had hit some pretty intense stuff and it was good that I had called when i felt like I needed to see him. But that if I was missing him and just needed to touch base, that was a perfectly legitimate reason to come and see him. I talked about just wanting to let go and he told me that just because sometimes I was dealing really well with the grief and that other times it was more difficult didn't mean I wasn't letting go. That it was understandable if I was missing him. And when it got hard, it really was ok to reach out to him for help. I sat with that a minute then looked up and said thank you, I feel better hearing that. And then I kind of ruefully admitted that it was good to see him. He smiled and said it was good to see me too. We wrapped up and shook hands and I left. I realized later that while I had done my usual firm "work" handshake, that my T had practically been holding my hand, he was very gentle.

The last two times I've seen him, one of which was my last regular appointment, really hadn't been hard to leave. And I very much knew he was still there this time, but it was a lot harder to leave because I really didn't know when I was going to see him again. The grief I had gotten in touch with was still reverberating. This last week has been difficult. So many different griefs were present, from both the past and present, interwoven in a complex blend that was hard to differentiate between. There was recognizing the loss of my ability to protect myself, coming face to face again with my father's lack of safety and failure to be the father I needed to be. There was the grief of knowing I could never have that which gets so triggered by leaving my T. Because knowing the boundaries are still in place between us (which he manages to make clear ever so gently when I see him) is what brings me face to face with that loss. On top of that is the here and now loss of not seeing my T regularly. And I think because I was experiencing very young, vulnerable feelings, it made me want my T more since he's the closest thing to good father I'll ever have. So I've been stable, but there has been a lot of sadness and a lot of tears. I kept feeling like I wanted to make sure my T was there, I think because of the strong realization that while not everything I want, he is my security, made me anxious. I finally called him on Friday and told him how I was feeling, how mixed up the feelings could get and he told me he really understood and it was good I called.

I kept thinking about posting but just wasn't to speak about it yet, so I felt very blocked. I was using a lot of energy sorting through my feelings and struggling to understand and come to terms with what I remembered. I got the worst of it out in my Ts office but as usual, it takes a lot to process all of it.

And on top of my husband working long hours, I am again. The release we're working on at my job is proving to be a real bear but I was planning on holding off on the OT until my husband was done, but my boss came in to talk to me last Wednesday and we needed to move the schedule up in order to have the next section of the release ready to go in a month. So now I'm working OT and doing all the cooking, laundry and cleaning (ok, full disclosure, not a whole lot of cleaning getting done Big Grin) so the stress level is back up.

I'm not happy about how much I have been absent from the forum. Lately, it has felt like it would take up less space to announce when I'm present instead of when I'm absent. I really do get frustrated not having the time to support people the way I want to. But I also know that I need to take care of my family and part of that is taking care of myself so I don't get run down and sick which would just put more stress on everyone. So for the next month I'll be popping in when I can, but I don't expect it to be often. I think TN said it on another thread, I take comfort knowing that there are so many good people here and that you'll take good care of each other. I just wanted to let everyone know what was going on, thanks for listening as always.

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AG - Thank you so much for the time you do spend here and the wisdom and compassion you share with all of us. Also, thank you so much for sharing about your session and the triggering space you're in now, as a part of your journey that has been chronicled on this forum. I can very much relate to having a new connection, rather than new info, as regards SA. It seemed as if I could feel the heaviness of the realization just by reading your words. I agree with your T. You seem to be handling the whole situation quite healthily and with the grace I'm sure your T, your H and everyone who knows you sees within you. I hope you continue to reach out to T, your DH, your friends (and us of course), whenever you need support.

I'll be praying over your dental work and H and your hectic work schedules. I hope you have time to rest and connect to one another and it's really good to take a step back to take care of yourself when you need to. I know everyone here will be happy to "see" you when you pop in and will miss you when you cannot, but as you say, we all have one another to lean on. Although you have no reason to worry, I'm sure we all appreciate that you would think of us in the midst of everything else you are dealing with right now.

((((((((((((((((((((AG)))))))))))))))))))) The hugs are extra big to last you a while, if need be. Big Grin

Thanks for the update and telling about your session. It sounds like you have a ton on your plate right now. I'm so glad that you were able to reach out to your T for support and to process what came up. I also understand things not being new information, but hitting you all over in a different way. I hope your dental issues are resolved soon and with as little pain as possible.

Once again, you and your T ROCK! Big Grin
AG, I am sorry you have to have all that dental work done. Even more sorry to hear about the painful memories it has triggered. Frowner But glad your T was there again, consistent as always. I always enjoy reading your accounts about your T, and the way you describe it is so honest and real. Thank you for sharing him with us this way. Wink
AG thank you for sharing this and for your wonderful honesty in talking about difficult topics. The dentist is never fun but those with trauma backgrounds struggle much more for some obvious and not so obvious reasons. I never knew why I would have panic attacks in the dental chair until I started researching this and found how trauma connects with the dental experience. It sure made me feel less crazy.

I know you struggle with when and why you should see your fabulous T and you spend a lot of time examining your motives. I hope your wise T was able to allay some of your fears and concerns in that area and that you can remember that he is there for you and his door is always open. Even if you just need that connection to take you into the next life challenge.

You are an inspiration to me and a true trailblazer. I am very thankful you are here.

Don't drive yourself too hard during the OT work. Remember it's okay to stop and breathe and think of a happy T memory to keep you going.

Many hugs
Thank you for sharing your session here. I love reading your posts partly because of the way you seem so able to clearly organize your thoughts and feelings and partly because they always seem to come full circle. The amount of work you have done on yourself is amazing!

I am sorry you have been struggling with so much discomfort and so glad you could process it with your T....oh that amazing man. Smiler The thought of that little girl feeling so helpless and small and scared that she could not even recognize the possibility that she could ask for help or even that what was happening to her was wrong and not regular is heart-wreching. Frowner I am so sorry....

You are doing great job, as usual Wink of taking care of yourself. Continue to be gentle with you and keep going!!! Smiler Smiler

It's so good to hear about your session with your T. Grief is hard... You were incredibly brave and handled needing to see your T well. Yet I know that doesn't make the pain of the trauma and losses go away. I'm glad he was able to validate it was very ok that you are missing him...
So many different griefs were present, from both the past and present, interwoven in a complex blend that was hard to differentiate between.

It's hard to express it for myself, but I can relate to this very well...

I'm so sorry for the pain you are walking through.

I will miss you and look forward to when the time comes when you can be around more. I'm super glad you are putting your family and your health first and foremost. Wish I could send you a maid or an extra pair of hands to help with all that you have on your plate.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care,

p.s. as I think someone wise might remind others here Wink, if you need support yourself, and don't even have time to respond to anyone who is even responding to you, know we are here Smiler One of the best things about having a community of people is that we can all carry different loads at different times...
((((( AG ))))

As always you are able to articulate beautifully the things that really matter, and I too want to thank you for sharing this. I am SO sorry you are still having to suffer repeatedly the awful effects of your past, despite all the good work you’ve done in therapy and on yourself – it must be like feeling ambushed, just when you thought the road was clear.

And I’m so glad you did go see your T, and I hope you are able to do that whenever you feel like you need to or WANT to, without hauling yourself over the coals for having sus motives (sometimes too much self awareness has its drawbacks Smiler

I hope you will be ok what with the dental stuff coming up and so much work on your plate and your H out of the loop too. As JD says, please know that we’re here thinking of you, even if you can’t get on to post, and also, PLEASE feel free to post if you need some sympathetic ears without worrying about seeming to be ‘taking’ and not ‘giving’. OK?

Lots of good wishes to you AG

You guys really are the best, thank you so much for all the understanding and reassurance. Things are very busy, but going along pretty well. I'm actually doing a phone shift this morning (not my usual time!) so I'm grabbing the chance to respond in between calls.

Yaku, I appreciate all your kind words and thank you for praying for me. It was good to hear that you got the no new info, but new feelings part of this, I thought "heaviness of the realization" was a great way to describe it. It feels like I have been carrying a extra load, but it's getting lighter. And that was a WONDERFUL hug, I can run on that for a very long time.


It's an entirely new experience you're going through right now - leaving a healthy attachment figure so it's bound to feel uncomfortable... but you know that.

I suppose I do know that, but I really hadn't thought of it. Big Grin You're right, this is a new situation, and it DOES make sense that it can feel uncomfortable. This was really comforting because when I'm getting frustrated with myself, I keep feeling like how long can will I keep doing the same thing. But I'm not! What a wonderful realization, thank you.

And trust me, my husband does his fair share of housework (more at times if I'm honest, but don't ever tell him I said so.) But his hours on outage are really brutal. He's working 12 1/2 hours a day with a 45 min commute on either end, while I'm only working 10 hr days with a 20 min commute and some days can work at home. So for right now, I'm having to carry more, but he is helping out when he can. And I'm looking for a real estate agent so I can move in next door to you!!I am domestically challenged at the best of time, I could use a neighbor like you! Big Grin

STRM, You know, it NEVER gets old hearing the my T and I rock. Big Grin Thank you! (((()))

Thanks MH, it's really lovely to hear you describe this as sharing my T. He is definitely someone worth sharing. Smiler

Morgs, Lovely to hear from you, my dear! It's been really nice seeing you about the forum again. We really must try being on here at the same time some time. Big Grin

TN, I can't be a trailblazer for you, it's hard to lead someone who walks alongside you as faithfully as you have with me. Thanks for totally getting the dental trauma stuff, and all of your support. I would not be where I am without you. And I'll work on those happy memories. ;D

Draggers, Lovely to hear from you also! Thank you for your tears, they're a gift.

Seablue, Thank you so much for your understanding and support, especialy knowing what you're going through, I worry this was very triggering for you, so I really appreciate all the encouragement.

LL, it is REALLY good to have you back posting, but as I said to Morgs, I'd really like to try and time it so we're posting at the same time. Big Grin Thank you for your understanding. "Ambushed when you thought the road was clear" was a good way to describe it. But as painful as it was, it has also been a good chance to see the changes in myself and all the resources I have now that I didn't have then. And thanks for the reassurance it's ok to ask for support, even when I"m not providing it. (see note to Jane about things applying for OTHER people. Big Grin)

Thank you all again so much, it really means so much to have somewhere to talk about this with people who understand. To be met with acceptance and understanding is such a gift.

Last edited by Attachment Girl
AG - Thanks for checking in. My H is, in general, pretty helpful, but has been in a period of working 60 hours a week most weeks for several months, and also having to go in the middle of the night to work with people in France some days, so I can really empathize with how disruptive your H's work schedule would be. I hope things calm down for both of you soon!
So sorry you understand this from the inside! Actually I think you have it much tougher since your children are so young. My youngest is 18 and she's a lot of help.. I hope your husband's hours get better soon!


Thank you so much, I've had a difficult couple of days with the grief and I can't tell you what it meant to read this. Especially that you understand how the boundaries are so integral to his care but are also the trigger for the grief. I wished we lived closer too.

Give yourself time to face your ending, it's ok to take all the time you need. When you decide it's time, it will be because you're ready.

(((((Beebs)))))) No need to worry about responding, I know you're there. Besides, you've had just a few things on your own plate. Smiler

Aglet (I really love that name!)

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