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i realise i havent posted an update after my 'last' session and i'm sorry that i run away and then i come back here in spurts, when i need it... i wish i was more consistent and able to sustain better relationships with people (in real life too)... a work in progress i guess.

my last session with T wasnt my 'last' session, as we decided to keep it open for a while and see how my new job goes, to see if I would be able to make the afternoon appointment that she offered (she only does sessions during the day but was able to offer me a later afternoon session). well, my new job sucks, it is very busy and stressful and no chance of leaving early to make that appointment.

unfortunately i feel that i should stay at this job right now, no matter how hard or stressful it is, because of my financial and living situation. i was staying with some relatives until my job situation was more stable but now i have to move out soon and get my own place. it puts a lot of pressure on doing well at this job so that my contract extends, even though i hate it, mostly hate the fact that it wont allow me to still see my T. but getting myself sorted out and having a job and a place to live are a priority right now. but i dont know how to explain that to the little me who was really hanging on to the hope that I'll continue to see this T.

i have called to make that appointment that we left open, and now i dont want this to be my last appointment! maybe we could still have another open appointment in another 1-2 months time, because i can't deal with any endings right now when i have so much on my plate.

in the meantime, i'm trying to decide whether my T is worth waiting for and eventually changing jobs for, although i dont even know how long she would wait for me... OR should I try to find a new T soon. i'm hoping that seeing her again after more than a month break will hopefully give me some answers. but i feel like the main reason i want to see her is because i simply need to, i need something stable and strong when i have so much uncertainty and stress around me. this doesnt feel very healthy though. i feel like an addict who's taking some pills, just to take the edge off.

LG started a great thread with T's qualities and things to improve on, and it got me thinking... am I just hanging on to her because I dont have anyone else right now, or because i feel she is a good T for me? does rational thinking play any part in this or shall i just go with my feelings?... and are my feelings betraying me / replaying the past so they are not to be relied on? i just have too many questions and too many conflicting answers right now. maybe i just need to give it more time.

thanks for reading. i just really needed to 'think out loud' and articulate some of these question marks going round and round in my head.

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puppet - Just wanted to let you know I read your post. I'm sorry you're in such a tough spot with work and living arrangements and T. Keep thinking out loud here. What would it feel like to look for a new T? If you were to do it, how much would you want the new T to be like your current one? I don't know if it will help, but bounce any thoughts you have off of us!
puppet... please don't apologize for coming and going from here. We participate how and when we can and we are here when you need to come back.

I would have to agree with you that making a living and finding a place to live would be first priority although I can understand how your little one is crying for that familiar person who provides some safety and stability. I don't have any good solutions for you, sorry to say, but maybe after awhile you would be able to take a little time off and see here again? Or if you think this job will be long term you could start looking for someone who has night hours. Maybe your T can help with this part.

I understand needing that connection, especially when you feel alone. I hope you can work some good transition out with your T.

thinking of you
yaku, thanks for saying that. i think i need to keep thinking and to keep my options open at the moment.

stoppers, yes, that is definetely a possibility. its a little hard to let go of her at the moment but when i get a better idea of what can and cannot work i will ask her that.

TN, thank you for saying that, its so nice to feel welcomed and not judged here.
i'm going to make an appointment with her in about 3 weeks, i just found out she's on holiday at the moment. but maybe thats better, it will give me more time to think and i have something ahead to look forward to, to calm me down when i'm feeling stressed with work and everything. i think i will just have to take it as it comes. maybe i shouldnt even try to plan too much in advance because i dont know what will happen. i will see how my job goes for a while, find a place to live and maybe see her for a couple of sessions when i'm able to take time off work.
p.s. i'm sorry you're feeling triggered because of old t and the files and i hope your T will help calm your fears on thursday.


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