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Having returned to T after the break, I realise that in protesting about how the breaks make me feel, it is at those times, when I feel alive, most real, close to T, once I got through that session and had my 2nd session, I felt less "real". I have a feeling now of needing to talk about the relationship and my feelings around it and her now, but don't know what to say, I'm over the break now so can't follow that line of talking, I just don't know how to start or how to put it to her, I dont fancy just walking in and sitting down and saying "ok so these feelings I have about you blah blah blah", makes me feel to self consious.

How do others get their sessions to be about the relationship and not wander off back to just talking about past trauma??
Original Post
Getting angry works great for me. I just launch into it. This is the easy stuff for me. Talking about my life is harder. But I understand that is different from your experience.
What if you started off by saying something like
ive been thinking about our relationship together and i would like to talk about bla bla.
sometimes, if you are really deliberate, it allows you to be more tolerant of the discomfort. thats how it can be for me. its like if i spell out what im about to do, out loud, it can make it easier.

for example if i am about to let my T have it, i literally say look, i may get really angry, is that ok with you and i have said that i am warning her because i want her to listen and not to get defensive etc...

anyways, good luck. you can do it.

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