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The Administrative Law Judge over my Social Security disability case denied my claim. It took him one year and a month to respond to my case and he denied it. He said a lot of crap and even discredited my therapist Holly because she was an intern.

It was `16 pages of denial and he tried to make me sound like some sort of freak.

It's really discusting

im angry and sad... I need my medical care so badly and this help but now that hope is dashed. I can and will appeal but great more time for what??


he even had the nerve to say that I didnt need my wheelchair and that I don't have arthritis??? I dont know WHERE he got that idea from...

he called me narccistic... LOL....

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the judge was SUCH a jerk to me.. he was emotional abusive to me... i think that really hurts me... i plan to report him to the bar still.... my lawyer said what he said was a load of BS.... guess that helped....

I called my psychiatrist.... she is so.. i dont even know... lol. She cracks me up because she says to me... "well.. its time to get pregnant so than you can get medical care.. so get busy".. I know she was kidding.. but.. ha... i wasnt sure she was completely! Whatever the case, I think it's funny but im just in a bad mood about it all because its more time and more lack of medical care that I need and lack of finances cause I need that help too and more hold up of my graduate school plans as well..

Im very angry...
That's unbelievable, Butterfly. What is it with these people anyway. I hate when these ignorant folks get into high places. They talk a good line but everyone knows they're a jerk but no one says anything.

Appealing is certainly an option but oh man, it has the potential for getting you entrenched in fight mode. Can your lawyer just take it off your hands so you don't have to get too involved as he does the appeal?
she says she will so the appeal but I guess I always worry when I leave things up to others completely. I never think they are going to do right by me and feel that I need to take over for myself and than let them edit the end process... lol.

I'm already looking into getting this denial scanned into my computer so that I can go through it, write counterarguments, find the medical records that disprove what he's saying' and than send that all to my lawyer for the appeal.

It's all aggrivating.

At least on a positive note, I had an appointment today at department of human services and I now have food assitance so they will give me some money towards my groceries which will help a great deal since prices have gone up a lot and my mom has been struggling with this big time.

We also have stived to eat organically and I have a lot of food/chemical allergies so the extra money is an amazing help. I'm feeling very positive about this recent change.

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