uv mentioned my t being inexperienced and pandora mentioned that sometimes the pain gets unbearable right before a breakthrough.
im not sure which issue is the issue...or what is going on.
yeah i was wondering how you concluded uv that the T may not be experienced enough. she is in training currently so its not like youre off base. but she has a lot of experience as a different kind of T, the training is just for analysis. its very hard for me to put into words exactly why i dont feel like she is helping me because in some ways i am better...but overall i feel like the progress has been excruciatingly painful and slow and im not so sure its necessary for it to be as painful as it has been. and what pandora said...it seems like these blow outs come after me and T have been close. she says thats what she thinks. and yet they still happen. she claims they are different. i feel like its the same thing again.
im overseaes. saying goodbye to a dying uncle and grandma. its really hard. the break from my T and my upcoming consults are on my mind. i wish i could have some way to understand if the issues are a shortcoming of my T or if the issues are just me being unable to hold the pain.