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i keep losting the thread about my issues in therapy where i think you both responded.
uv mentioned my t being inexperienced and pandora mentioned that sometimes the pain gets unbearable right before a breakthrough.

im not sure which issue is the issue...or what is going on.

yeah i was wondering how you concluded uv that the T may not be experienced enough. she is in training currently so its not like youre off base. but she has a lot of experience as a different kind of T, the training is just for analysis. its very hard for me to put into words exactly why i dont feel like she is helping me because in some ways i am better...but overall i feel like the progress has been excruciatingly painful and slow and im not so sure its necessary for it to be as painful as it has been. and what pandora seems like these blow outs come after me and T have been close. she says thats what she thinks. and yet they still happen. she claims they are different. i feel like its the same thing again.

im overseaes. saying goodbye to a dying uncle and grandma. its really hard. the break from my T and my upcoming consults are on my mind. i wish i could have some way to understand if the issues are a shortcoming of my T or if the issues are just me being unable to hold the pain.
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Hi UV,

Sorry you are in such a bad place right now and struggling so much. I just wanted to let you know that I checked out that book, well as much as I could online without ordering it and it was very helpful to me. I see that I do that projective identification. What a bitch!!!

Anyway, hope you are feeling stronger soon.


Hi Da Rock
I posted a reply earlier on this thread and it seems to have disappeared, i don't know if i posted it on the wrong thread and if it is going to turn up obscurely in some other discussion.. Confused

I can't remember exactly what i said but firstly i am sorry about your uncle and that you are having to say goodbye to both him and your grandma at the same time.

I guess what i am trying to say is that the only person who can really know if your T is helping or harming you, is you. And i honestly do know how difficult it can be sometimes to know what is going on inside your very own self. It is a great challenge for me in my own life. That confusion comes through in your posts, and it is that confusion in a way i am responding to.

It has been and still is a struggle for me to kind of sit down and have a chat with my confusion, i just want to know, what must I do and why can't someone tell me what is best. But what i am learning is that sometimes in the depth of this uncertainty you can learn so much about yourself that it is worth spending a bit of time wondering and exploring what is really going on inside you.

You have a lot on your plate at the moment and you may need to make a quick decison about therapy just to keep yourself okay, What i am m saying is to try and make those choices with self awareness, with a real knowing what is going on deep inside you, rather than 'in reaction to' something.

UV, i also wanted to say i am sorry you are having such a hard time at the moment. I hope it eases for you soon.


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