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My counsellor is away for 2 weeks and has left me with a little homework. "Why do I need my opinions and feelings validated?". It came about because I was telling him something my husband said to our daughter. I thought it was inappropriate but did not say anything, my counsellor asked me why and I said that I would probably be wrong or told I was over reacting. He asked my why I thought all my opinions were wrong and I said it just is, that is the way it has always been. It is true I cannot give my opinion without asking someone first if it seems ok. I am presuming it all has to do with low self worth, and feeling like a non event. I told my counsellor if I was a colour I would be beige, he tells me I am red!! Does anyone else have this validation problem, and how to start to overcome it.

Also I notice that there is a link to an article on another thread about eye contact. I have not made eye contact with my counsellor since the day I walked the room. How do you go about starting without freaking out!
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Picking up on the eye contact thing again, I had my appraisal the other day (of which I wrote about positivity and how it hurts) and my eyes were firmly fixed on the ground. I work with GPs so it was one of them that did the appraisal and in her own time she does NLP. At the end of the appraisal she said to me "do you have any trouble with communication when you help out on the front desk?" I said no. I don't, I can deal with the public no problem. It is only when it comes to discussing me that I cannot connect with the eyes. I am presuming that it will get better as time goes on and I discover "myself"?

I have trouble with the validation stuff also. I know I was invalidated as a child and I know that's why I have trouble in that area. My T didn't validate me at first but I think he realized I needed it and he worked very hard to validate ALL of my feelings, even the negative ones against him. I can't tell you how good that felt. No one has ever validated my feelings like that for me before.

I used to think my feelings were "crazy" but with his help, I am starting to feel entitled to my feelings. It's such a nice place to be and one I never experienced before.

You will get there. It just takes time to feel entitled to have feelings at all and not feel like a bad person for having them.

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