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Came across a book called "The Sociopath Next Door". Short book, but very interesting. I am related to a sociopath and "lived" it. It is devastating and jarring to say the least to admit your blood relative would crush you and take what they could from you, rape your parents financially and pretend like they care for you; absolutlely frightning. T told me I have a lot a sociopathic traits running through my of origin...he is correct as much as I don't want to accept that...I do now. Anyway, I learned from the book. Some of you may also.
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Ag, read it when you can. It's short and eye-opening.

SP, The book was recommened to me by a therapist. It helped me understand how a sociopath operates; which helped me see what happened in my family. I needed to read it. The scary part is that a sociopath cares only and I mean only for themselves. They are capable of anything; murder, mahyem and just walk away leaving devastation behind. Many times those effected have no idea what occurred until the damage is done. They are very smooth operators and know how to choose their prey. Very hard to spot one because they are excellent at manipulation. Very charming and likable too. Masters in the art of destruction to serve only themselves. Sounds like some politicans I know!
Actually VH, they theorize that a lot of successful politicians and successful CEO's are sociopaths. They're very goal oriented and don't care who gets hurt on the way to it.

If you are interested in doing more reading on the topic, I would highly suggest Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight. It's written by an actual sociopath who does have something like a moral code. But still there were things in there that just sent a chill right up your spine to read, because the attitude can seem so alien.
Thanks AG. I will get the book.

Oh yes, I agree about the politicans and CEOs; totally accurate.

It's actually stunning to see one in progress. They observe intently and mimick "care" to know how to "do it", since they are not capable of authentic connections.
They take mental notes contantly for their own information library to use at later dates. Last time I was in a room with my brother it was facinating to see him in action from a distance, since I have learned how to observe. Watching his facial body language, etc. He is the most charming, engaging and generous snake. I am afraid of him and was told that I should be. Thanks for the book!

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