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i either missed that or blocked it out, Jillann. thanks for the recap. i thought the cat's response was incredibly empathic and i could sense it's inner conflict. that part was nothing less than amazing to me. the baby's demise is sad, indeed.

we see the innate hunger and need for survival in the cat, we see the defenseless fear and desparity of the baboon mother, we see the sorrow and remorse in the cat when it first sees the baby crawling onto it's dead mother, we see the naivete and trust in the baby baboon, and we see the compassion in the cat, and the dependency in the baby. so much life experience lived in one day, captured in a few minutes on film. sad indeed, but much to learn from and turn into positive in our own lives.

not to be disrespecting or make light of this lesson, but i wonder if the cat became a vegetarian after this experience!?!?! that would be enough for me! LOL!

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