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I realized something about myself today... curious to see if anyone else has noticed this about themselves...

Do you find the volume/pace of someones normal speaking voice potentially triggering?

My H was talking to me about something he was very irritated with at work. He normally has a somewhat loud, deep voice. But today he was talking faster and had a noticably more angry tone, and even though it wasn't directed toward me, I had a reaction.

I noticed my breathing got really rapid and all my muscles went tense, and I just wanted to be ANYWHERE else right then. I felt so threatened, yet I was not in a threatening situation, he was just talking about his day.

I noticed that T's seem to deliberately speak in a low, soothing tone, and I recall sessions in the past of straining to hear. I'm guessing this could be the reason they try to do that?

I felt like a jerk to react this way b/c H did nothing wrong, but I so wanted to tell him to just whisper the rest of his tirade. Anyone else sensitive to this?

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((AH)) I do think tones of voice can trigger us - my T has triggered me before and so have other people inadvertently... it just hits a nerve like a smell or another sound might that stirs me up. Somethings things that aren't threatening to most people seem palpably stressful and scary for us. It could remind you of a boss that scared you, a parent, a friend you didn't like.. all sorts of stuff!
I'm glad to know not only one! it's amazing to me when it happens out of the blue and you don't realize it til later. Thank you for reply Hug two

So sorry you have had such triggers with Mr SP. Frowner I understand how it creates shameful feelings, but I hope you can be gentle with yourself in not feeling too poorly toward yourself. I think the more we can tell those close to us what is going on inside it takes some pressure off everyone's reactions. It's hard stuff... thank you for support
Hug two
I'm sorry you also know this feeling Frowner it is very scary, and the feelings are so real and in the moment. When a male (especially authority figure) talks to me in a soft voice I almost curl up like a little kid on the floor, it is so foreign and comforting. I've also had a boss once back me into a corner of a small enclosed room and yell at me... that about sent me to the edge of my sanity. I had to quit working there right away it shook me up so badly. It's powerful stuff.

I notice a big difference in how I react to my T's voice. He can get a bit excited and talk quickly. I don't always connect to that voice. When he talks in low, soothing tones, I tend to connect better.

I can totally understand how your H's tone would have upset you even though it had nothing to do with you per se.

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