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I miss old T very much. Quit therapy with her last December. I was strongly attached to her.
New T and I agreed it would be good for me to talk to her again, find out what happened, why I felt I had to quit. New T called old T last June and asked her if she could have a meeting with him and me. She said she wanted to think about it until next fall.
Now I´m waiting for her fall to come.

New T is fine, I don´t trust him like I used to trust old T, but he is fine. Too bad he is leaving in December, then I have to find a new T. Maybe old T will take me back… I don´t know if that would be a good idea. I´m confused… and sad.
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Thank you for the hug catalyst Smiler
No New T has not lined up resources for me if it doesn´t work out wit old T. I have thought about what I will do then, I have read a lot about psychoanalysis and think that kind of therapy might fit me, but then I would have to quit my DBT group. psychoanalists are also expensive, and only 5 female psychoanalists in my small country. I have also looked around for some psychologist, but have not found one.

It makes me a bit anxious not knowing what will happen, I fear that I might experience a period like from dec- march this year when felt really bad and was all alone. I should talk to new T about that, maybe he can help finding a good T, if it doesn´t work out with old T. Thanks for the advice.
- Little Me
Thank you Dragonfly
I knew from the beginning that NewT would just be there until December.

I also hope OldT will be willing to have a meeting with NewT and me, where we can discuss if there is some ground for further work together.

Thank you for your suggestion. It is a good advice. I have talked about it with NewT. He says he´s not going to leave me until he know´s I´m safe with another T, OldT or some other. Hearing him say that makes me less anxious about the whole situation. He also told me we will see if it works out with OldT, and if it doesn´t we will decide the next step. I´m glad I have NewT with me in this. I was so alone last december when I had to stop seeing OldT, those times where terrible for months. Now I feel I´m not alone in this.

New T did a very nice thing this week Smiler .
He gave me nail clippers. He said "I was at the grocery store and when I saw these nail clippers I thought of you"
I was surprised and said "But T you know I bite my nails"
"Yes" he said
Then I remembered that In march I told him that when things where going really great with OldT and me I felt really calm and wonderful, I felt secure. At that time my nails did grow, all of a sudden, and I was surprised because I had bitten my nails since I was a kid. This was a visual sign of my healing.
By giving me these nail clippers NewT was saying that some day I will feel as good as I did back then.
I think NewT was really great thinking about me ,and hoping I will heal, even when he is doing his groceries. Don´t you think so?

Love you all, Little Me Heart face

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