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The author wrote this book after her husband died from Lou Gehrig's disease(ALS)and she started therapy for depression(but there was more to it),had an almost fatal suicide attempt and continued therapy to become a speaker on depression,grief,long-term caregiving,suicide prevention and the process of recovery.

My T suggested I should read it. Wow it really related to me. My husband is not dead but the depression,other issues that come up in the book and especially the writing she does about her relationship with her T was so me. I cried so much and then there were moments when I said to myself,that she really knew how to express the T stuff. I marked so many pages and shared them with my T. It really helped me get out how I was feeling,I am not good at all at talking to my T and I have a big trust issue with her so this book has helped. This is when my T said that the word I needed was Transference and then I googled it and found this site. Smiler
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