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I have run into trouble with a new venture - group therapy. My regular T moved away and whilst we have lots of contact I don't see her face to face and I miss that. She suggested a weekly group might be the answer in addition to our calls. I was keen to try a group as I am not very assertive, have a large demanding family with massive boundary issues and thought a group might teach me to hold my own. I met with the group leader who told me I needed to see her individually first. I really didn't like it as I don't want another individual therapist. I love my longterm T. I probably haven't dealt very well with the fact she has moved away but I didn't feel how much I missed her until that moment. HUGE threat to have her 'replaced' and have to open up to someone else. But I continued anyway as it was supposed to be five sessions max before I joined the group. I have now been told by her there is no group as it's all fallen apart. She has offered me another group that is not local or a different group leader. I have asked for infomation about this via email (I was too shocked when I left our last session to ask proper questions) and she has responded that we should talk about it at our next session. What next session?!! Why do I have to go back?! She is not going to be my group therapist anymore, certainly don't want her as an individual therapist and I have already spent $$$ doing individual sessions I didn't want. I am freaked out and angry. But a more grown up part (?) thinks 'its not her fault its a blip go in and see what other groups she can offer thank her for her time (?!) and the issues raised (I miss my 'real' T ALOT). Or can I just... cut my losses and run? Thats what I want to do - not even respond to her email and not show. (new here, bit ashamed of my reactions)
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Hi Riddikulus, welcome to the forum!

It sounds like quite a yuck place to be in - missing your T and confused and frustrated by this group T - I don't blame you!

If I were in your spot, I'd probably be waiting to talk to my regular T, too. I might reply to this group Ts email with something clear and neutral like "Hi T, thank you for the ideas. I am going to put this on hold for a bit. If you know that you'll soon be starting another group locally, please let me know. Thanks, R"

I know that on the psychology today website there is a way to search for group therapy by location and focus, might you try finding a group on your own? Maybe even tell your regular T that this one didn't work out, and you're seeing what else is in your area that may work?

Good luck, and let us know how things go!
I can so relate to the put up or run out syndrome Smiler I'm quite good at that myself.

Interestingly, at least to me, the longer I've been in therapy the more I've realized that there are other options, and the more willing I am to try something other than fleeing, which is my standard response to just about everything. I'm grate at avoiding what I don't want to deal with, ignoring it and hoping it fixes itself... if only, right?!
I've certainly been fleeing from the feelings at least. Ive spent a week sitting on the sofa eating junk food and reliving old hurts. Before dragging myself up and trying to figure out why it hurts so much. Been reading lots of stories on here of therapists moving away and realised I didn't have any of those terrible feelings of loss until I tried to move on. Then I was literally shaking in the first session with group T. Which probably didn't help me to like her. But I stuck it out (put up!) and agreed to the terms as I am a good girl and I want to make myself proud (Ive done 7yrs of therapy says my brain I know it must be your issue if you don't like her nothing to do with her....) and then she lets me down?! Its like being dumped by your rebound boy who you weren't that sure you wanted and then ending up in floods. Humiliating. Now I've got two things to get over! Grumpy. Going to go back to my longterm T and tell her all the feelings that have come up and go from there. Thanks for listening x

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