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I just found out the weirdest thing

Okay long story short I went to a clinic for therapy a while ago. I was asked to give the name and number for someone for them to contact if there was an emergency. So I gave them my brother's name and number (his cell phone number). He is a doctor and it turns out that one of the people at the clinic is one of his patients and they got his number and started calling him all the time. He had to threaten an order of harassment to get them to stop. I hope to GOd that person has been fired or something. It came out that she got his number from a patient where she works. HELLO - he and I have the same last name and he is my emergency contact.

Wierd. I was worried he'd blame me but he doesn't blame me. I feel sort of bad now.
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Good Lord, that is one of those situations that you could not make up.

It's all kinds of wrong too - incredibly unprofessional for someone to use your records in this manner. I'm glad your brother is not blaming you - it is definitely not your fault though. We give out emergency details without a second thought and it should be safe to do so - I just gave out Mr M's contact details as an emergency contact on my college course. I didn't think about it for one second, I just assumed they were private and confidential.

I'd be pretty pissed with the clinic, if I were both of you.
Holy cow turtle! That's nuts - it's like transference, eh? Sorta? I'd hope they were fired... using clinical records like that. Your brother sounds like a sweetie.. and it isn't your fault... you're allowed to have an emergency contact w/o someone stalking them. It's not like you gave the info and were like "BTW my brother is a Dr please contact him w/ whatever you need" ya know?

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